Chapter 30

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"I CAN'T DO THIS!!!" Meredith yells. "I wanna go home! Please take me home Carolyn! Please!" Meredith wails loudly.

"Mer, I'm sorry but this is for your own good baby. You need to see Dr Wyatt. She's going to help you. And Cristina is on her way out here right now!" Carolyn says, trying to reassure Meredith.

"I'm just so scared." Meredith sobs.

"I know sweetie, I know." Carolyn sees Cristina running outside of the hospital towards them. "I see Cristina."

"I can't! I want to go home!" Meredith sobs and collapses to the ground crying. "Please Carolyn! He's gonna find me here! This is where it happened! I can't!"

Cristina runs over to Meredith on the ground and instantly starts soothing her. "Shhhh, I'm here. It's me Mer."

"I'm scared Cristina! He's going to take me again! I don't want to be taken again!" Meredith sobs hysterically.

"He will never take you again Meredith. I promise. You are my person and I will protect you."

"But you were my person then too and I was still kidnapped! He's going to come back! I just know it!"

After a few more minutes of trying to get Meredith to go inside and see Dr Wyatt, Cristina ends up paging Dr Wyatt instead. She figures that would be easier than trying to get Meredith inside on her own. Plus Dr Wyatt has her own skills for this situation that would work.

Meredith all of a sudden goes into a flashback.

My taxi is probably waiting for me already. I hope it is at least. I don't want to wait very long outside on my own. It's dark out here already.

Meredith walks over to the hospital and cuts through the alley that connects Joe's and Seattle Grace. All of a sudden she feels arms around her waist.

"Don't say a word." The mystery person says.

Meredith tries to kick and scream but her attacker quickly grabs her arm and pulls it behind her back.

"Cristina, where are you? I need you!" Meredith thinks to herself.

All of a sudden a cloth is put over her mouth and nose and everything goes dark.

Unknown to her she is quickly thrown into the trunk of a car that is waiting nearby.

The life that she once knew was now over.

Cristina tries to get Meredith to stand up and get off of the ground but Meredith pushes her hands away. "Don't touch me!"

Cristina quickly realizes that Meredith is in a flashback and looks desperately at Carolyn for help on how to get her out of it.

Carolyn quickly grabs Meredith's bunny that she brought with her and brushes the bunny's long ears on Meredith's cheeks. She knows Meredith likes to rub her bunny's ears on her cheeks when she's feeling overwhelmed.

Dr Wyatt is just getting to the little group and sees them all around Meredith. She immediately knows what is going on with the area and can also tell that this has triggered a flashback.

"Meredith? It's Dr Wyatt. You can do this. We are all right here. No one is going to hurt you." Dr Wyatt said softly to Meredith.

A minute or so later Meredith comes out of her flashback

"Cristina!" Meredith sobbed. "I needed you and you weren't there! You were so close to where I was! Why couldn't you have been there and stopped him?" Meredith sobbed.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there Meredith. If I had known what was going to happen I wouldn't have let you walk over there by yourself. I'm so sorry." Cristina hugs Meredith tightly and Meredith sobs into her shoulder. "You are safe now Mer. Nothing will happen to you ever again." Cristina rubs Meredith's back soothingly. "Shh, let it out."

Dr Wyatt sees that Cristina's words are slowly helping the traumatized woman.

Meredith's wails soon settle down and she buries her face in Cristina's neck while Cristina tightly hugs her.

A few more minutes pass before Dr Wyatt speaks up. "Meredith, are you ready to come with me to my office?

Meredith hesitatingly nods her head. Cristina can tell she is anxious about that. "It's okay Mer. You've got this. Dr Wyatt is a good person, you know that."

Meredith nods again.

"Okay, come on. Let's get up now." Cristina whispers to Meredith, gently pulling her up off of the ground.

Meredith anxiously looks at Dr Wyatt. She plays with her fingers anxiously, not really wanting to go and talk. She doesn't want to relive all of what happened to her. She knows that if she doesn't she'll never get over this but it's just so scary and hard.

"Come on, I'll walk with you." Cristina puts her hand in Meredith's, stopping her from playing with her fingers. She leads Meredith to Dr Wyatt's office.

Dr Wyatt, who was in front of them on the walk to her office, opens her office door and smiles at Meredith. "Ready Meredith?"

Meredith looks down at the ground.

"You can do this Mer." Cristina says.

"I'm scared. I don't want to talk about it." Meredith whispers.

"I know you don't. But it will get easier the more you do it. Trust me okay?" Cristina says.

"Okay." Meredith whispers and slowly walks into Dr Wyatt's office.

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