Chapter 26

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"Morning Meredith. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a new nurse on this floor. My name is Nurse Finn." The new nurse said with a smile on his face.

Meredith's eyes widened with fear once she heard the nurse's name. She started hitting the railings of her bed. "No! No! No!"

"Meredith? What's wrong? You need to calm down sweetie." Nurse Finn says coming closer to her. He knew what happened to her but doesn't know what triggered her. He doesn't know that he has the same name as her kidnapper.

Meredith sees him coming clear and starts screaming at the top of her lungs. She starts sobbing. "Don't hurt me! Please!" She yells.

Doctor Bailey comes running into the room after hearing Meredith's sobs and screams. "Mer, what's wrong sweetie? Shhhh, you're okay. Bailey's here. Shhh. Dry your tears." Bailey says, pulling the railing of her bed down and wrapping her arms around Meredith in an effort to calm her down. She gets into the bed and holds Meredith.

Bailey quickly nods at the nurse and dismisses him.

"He's going to hurt me! Don't let him! Please!!" Meredith sobs into Bailey's chest.

Bailey strokes Meredith's hair. "He won't Mer. I promise. I know he's a new face but he won't hurt you Meredith." She says softly.

"F-F-Finn." She gets out.

Just then Bailey realizes why Meredith was so upset and triggered.

"Did he scare you because of his name?"

Meredith nods while crying.

"Meredith, he just has the same name. He won't hurt you. He's not the bad Finn I promise. Would it be easier if he wasn't your nurse?"

"P-please."  Meredith nods with tears streaming down her face.

"You've got it Mer. Anything to help you. Do you want to take a nap? I can stay here with you for a while."

Meredith nods and falls asleep on Dr Bailey.


A few days have passed and Meredith continues to recover physically. She is starting to be able to handle a little more food. Because of this, talks have begun about discharging her. Dr Bailey knows this will be hard on Meredith, having to see the spot where she was kidnapped.

Dr Bailey goes to talk to Meredith about discharging her soon. She knocks on the door and opens it.

She sees Meredith laying in bed with Cristina. Dr Bailey can see dried tears on Meredith's face.

"Morning, Meredith, Cristina." Dr Bailey says. Dr Bailey nods at Cristina who knows what this talk is about.

"Meredith, I have something I need to discuss with you." Dr Bailey says softly, pulling up a chair next to Meredith's bed and sitting in it.

"What is it?" Meredith whispers.

"We have begun talking about discharging you. It will most likely happen within the next few days or so. You are doing better physically and beginning to be able to handle more food. I think we're at the stage in your physical recovery that you can be discharged." Dr Bailey says.

Meredith's face gets really pale when she hears this news. "No. No. I can't. It's not safe out there. He'll get me! I don't want to be hurt again! Please! I don't want him to touch me again!" She says, starting to sob.

"Meredith, he will not be able to hurt you ever again. He is in jail where he belongs. I promise you, he will not be able to hurt you." Dr Bailey says, attempting to calm down her intern.

"It's not safe out there..." Meredith whispers.

"Meredith, what if we take a little walk around the hospital later? Just me and you. We can walk the halls. Well I'll walk and you'll be in a wheelchair. I know you're scared but that can get you used to not just being in this little room. And that will slowly help you realize that it is safe out there. I promise you nothing will happen to you again." Cristina says to her person.

Meredith just turns her face into Cristina's chest and cries into it, mumbling that it's not safe.

"You'll be okay Mer, I promise." Cristina says, rubbing Meredith's back.

"I'm scared. I don't want him to hurt me again." Meredith mumbles.

"He won't. I promise you Mer." Cristina says, soothing her friend.

"I think that's a good idea to start with. Why don't I leave you two alone now and you guys can explore the halls shortly." Bailey says.

"Thank you Dr Bailey." Cristina says softly.

Dr Bailey smiles and then leaves the two alone.

"Hey, it's me and you in here now. You will be fine Mer, I promise. I know it's super scary right now but it won't be like that forever." Cristina says softly to Meredith.

Meredith doesn't say anything.

"How about we go for a little walk in thirty minutes?"

Meredith gives a tiny nod and continues crying into Cristina's chest.

"Shh, you're okay. You're okay. I've got you. Nothing bad will happen to you ever again."


An hour has passed and Cristina goes to wake up a sleeping Meredith who still has her face buried into Cristina's chest. Cristina had her arms wrapped around her the entire time rubbing her back to soothe her.

"Mer, wake up." Cristina whispers.

Cristina feels Meredith shaking her head no.

"Come on, wake up Mer. I just had a nurse bring in a wheelchair for you. We're going to take a little walk."

Meredith raises her head and Cristina sees the fear in her eyes.

"Not safe." She mutters.

"Yes, safe." Cristina says. "I've got you. You don't have to worry. I will protect you."

After a few more minutes Cristina is finally able to coax Meredith into the wheelchair. They leave the room and Meredith sees many people in the hallway.

"Too many people. Someone will hurt me." She whispers, starting to cry.

"They won't, I promise. They're here to help you and the other patients."

They get a further bit down the hallway and it's just too much for Meredith. "It's too bright! And too loud!" She says crying, and closes her eyes and puts her hands over her ears. Light and sound are still really affecting her from when she was kidnapped and there was no light or sound where she was.

"You're okay!!! I've got you. Keep your eyes closed Mer and keep covering your ears. I know where we can go that'll be quiet and just the two of us."

Cristina wheels Meredith quickly to their destination.

She kneels down in front of Meredith when they get there.

"Okay Mer, it's just us here. You can open your eyes and uncover your ears."

Meredith slowly opens her eyes and then when she sees where they are she uncovers her ears.

"Are you sure it's just us here?" Meredith asks anxiously.


"I'm scared but it's pretty." She whispers.

"I'm here Mer. I've got you." She says trying to help her friend.

Meredith takes in her surroundings and smiles a little bit. "I forgot this was here." She says softly. "I like having this garden in the hospital.

I hope you liked!

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