Chapter 31

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Dr Wyatt brings Meredith to her office and Meredith sits down on the couch. Meredith just stares at the fish in the fish tank and doesn't say anything.

"Meredith. We need to talk about everything." Dr Wyatt gently says.

Meredith continues to stare at all of the fish. The fish are able to relax her.

Dr Wyatt sighs. She needs Meredith to open up to her in order for her to start healing. She decides to start talking to her and hopes that Meredith will respond.

"Meredith, can you tell me what happened when you guys went to the ice cream shop?" Dr Wyatt questioned.

"Too many people." Meredith whispers.

"Did that bother you having a lot of people there? Did it feel really overwhelming?" Dr Wyatt asks, glad that Meredith answered her.

Meredith nods.

"Can you tell me why?" Dr Wyatt prods.

"Finn could be hiding nearby and I wouldn't know it." Meredith whispers, pulling on her fingers. She starts to softly cry. Tears run down her face.

"He's in jail, Meredith. You don't have to worry about him. I know that's hard but try to tell yourself that."

"He could've escaped."

"But he didn't. He's still there. He's not going anywhere. I promise you. The prison guards are making sure he stays there." Dr Wyatt says softly.

"Someone else could hurt me. There's so many bad people out there that could hurt me." Meredith says, continuing to stare at the fish.

"Is this why you haven't wanted to leave the house?"

Meredith nods, her tears continuing.

"You can't stop this from keeping you from living your life Meredith. He doesn't get to control your life anymore. He has no control over you. You need to prove to yourself that you have control over your life now."

"Carolyn also told me that she suggested that you cut your hair just to even it out. She said that after she suggested it, you started freaking out. I remember that I had suggested it previously and the same thing happened. Why does cutting your hair bother you so much? I know he cut your hair but what's wrong with a little trim just to even it out?"

Meredith's crying increases and she starts sobbing. "I-I can't cut it!!! I c-can't! He cut it! I didn't want him to!  I don't ever want to cut it again!!! I can't!" Meredith's sobs are so loud by this point. She is so upset that she is starting to hyperventilate.

"Shh, you're okay! Meredith, I need you to breathe. Deep breaths."

"I c-can't!" Meredith wails. "Finn will be back! And he'll hurt me again!!! And he'll cut my hair! And - and I can't do that again! No! No!" Her breathing is still frantic. So frantic that Dr Wyatt is getting concerned since she is not calming down.

"Meredith, I need you to take deep breaths. Breathe with me. In. Out. In. Out. Come on Meredith."

"I can't! I can't!"

"Can I page someone for you?" Dr Wyatt asks.

"I want Cristina!" Meredith wails.

Dr Wyatt quickly pages Cristina 911. Dr Wyatt saw some progress in Meredith today but it ended up being too much for one day. It was all extremely overwhelming with the different topics plus what had happened earlier.

Dr Wyatt gets a text saying that Cristina already left the hospital and is not there. She quickly pages Bailey instead.

"Meredith, breathe please. You're going to pass out if you don't get any air into your lungs." Dr Wyatt says. "Deep breaths."

Meredith just continues sobbing hysterically.

Dr Wyatt hears a knock at the door and goes to open it. An out of breath Bailey is at the door. She sees Meredith sobbing and quickly goes over to her.

"Where's Cristina???" Meredith wails.

"She had to leave early Mer. I'm sorry sweetie. I've got you." Bailey rubs Meredith's back in an attempt to calm her down.

Meredith continues sobbing hysterically.

"Mer. I'm here. Shh, I'm here. You need to breathe sweetie." Dr Bailey says. She is sitting on the couch next to Meredith. "Come on, breathe with me Grey. I don't want you passing out on me. Deep breath in, out. In. Out. Come on Mer."

Meredith finally starts to follow Dr Bailey's breathing. After a little while she finally starts to calm down. She rests her head on Dr Bailey's shoulder.

"I'm trying but it's so hard." Meredith whispers to Bailey.

"I know you are. And you're doing a great job. I think it was just too much for today. But you'll keep going Grey. You will get past this."

After a little while, Bailey can see that Meredith is calm again. "Grey, you ready to go meet Carolyn downstairs so you guys can go home?"

Meredith nods tiredly, her face covered with tears.

"Meredith, I want to say you did a great job today. You opened up to me for the first time and I'm so proud of you. Let's continue that okay? I will see you at your next appointment and we will talk more." Dr Wyatt says, smiling at her.

Meredith nods. "Bye. Thank you." She says tiredly, exhausted by all of her crying.

Dr Bailey brings Meredith downstairs and Carolyn can see that Meredith had a rough session. Carolyn gives Meredith a big hug and Meredith hugs her back.

"She talked to Dr Wyatt today." Bailey whispered to Carolyn.

Carolyn is shocked that Meredith opened up finally and so proud of her. She knows that Meredith can get past this. She's so happy she's finally starting to talk about it.

I hope you liked!!!

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