Chapter 7

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TW: abuse, quick mention of rape

Meredith is  laying in her little corner, the room pitch black as usual. It's two weeks later and it's now been a total of 6 weeks that she's been kidnapped for. She wants to go home. She wants to be safe in her bed at home. But she hasn't felt safe in a month and a half and she doubts if she ever will again.

Every single time the door opens she gets instantly terrified. Even the sound of his voice terrifies her. She knows whenever he talks to her it's never about anything good. He never has anything good to say about her, everything he says is negative. He says she is the worst human alive and that he wishes she was never born. Stuff like that. He only comes downstairs when he wants to abuse/rape her. That's also the only time the room is lit up during the day. It's just to benefit him in harming her in some way. The only other time is when he comes to bring her her one meal of the day but that is never guaranteed. Meredith is always starving but never knows when her next meal will be.

Meredith goes over to her little bucket that was given to her so that she can use the bathroom. He laughed when she asked the first time if she could go to the bathroom. And then kicked her for talking without permission. He told her she wasn't worthy enough for an actual toilet and gave her the bucket instead. To embarrass her even more he'll sometimes make her use the bathroom in front of him. He would also take pictures of her using the bathroom also while crying. He just loves finding new ways to break her. Meredith will never be the same person she once was, if she ever gets free.

This day however Meredith realizes even without the lights on that she got her period. She has cramps and she knows without seeing that she got it. She doesn't know how to handle this new problem. She wants to ask Finn for tampons or pads but is scared. She puts her pants back on in the meantime. She wishes she had another pair of clothes but he's already ripped her two other sets of clothes and this is her last set. The clothes she's wearing now are all ripped up and bloody from all of the beatings. And now they'll get even more dirty from her period. But they're the best option that she has.

An hour later Finn opens the door. Meredith is in her corner again and is hoping he doesn't hurt her badly this time. She's already in tons of pain from all of the other beatings that she's been given. The pain never goes away. Meredith's body always feels super painful.

"Meredith! Get over here!" He yells to her, spying her in her corner. "Like that corner will protect you. You're so stupid. Don't make me tell you again. Get over here!" He narrows his eyes at her.

Meredith reluctantly gets up and moves slowly over to him. She sees he has some food with him and she's hoping he'll give it to her. Sometimes he'll tease her with it and then not give it to her.

"Your clothes look even more disgusting than they were yesterday! Your pants are disgusting. You need to clean yourself up! I can't believe I have to look at you."

"I-I don't have anything. I got my period." She whispers.

"What did I tell you about talking! You're not allowed to talk! Ever!" He slaps and kicks her a few times. "You are so ugly Meredith Grey! So disgusting! So worthless!" With each insult he kicks her again. Meredith clutches her ribs and is curled into a ball on the floor howling in pain. More pain. The pain never stops. "You don't deserve anything!

Meredith is sobbing due to the pain and the words coming out of his mouth. She wants everything to end.

"You know what? You don't deserve food today. Thank yourself for that. Maybe that will make you remember you are never allowed to speak." And with that he kicks her one more time and swiftly walks away and leaves the basement, turning the lights off once he closes the door.

Meredith slowly crawls back over to her corner, her body screaming with pain the entire time. Once she gets there she collapses on her stomach and just lays there sobbing. Eventually she cries herself to sleep.


Finn comes back downstairs a second time that day. Unfortunately Meredith is sound asleep and doesn't hear him enter the basement. He sees her in her corner and walks quickly over to her. He yanks her by the arm off of the ground.

She yelps in pain and surprise. She is shaking with fear. She sees scissors in his hand which terrifies her even more.

"Stupid woman... stupid date." Finn is muttering about a woman that he went on a date with that night. He had a horrible night with his date and after the night was over he decided to come back home and take it all out on Meredith. After all it's her fault the date didn't go well right?

"Ooh you see these scissors in my hand? You look pretty scared..." He says with an evil glint in his eye. He then drags her over to the pole with her shrieking in pain from earlier the entire way. He quickly ties her up to the pole, making sure to tie her up very tightly. She moans in pain at her ankles and wrists being tied in the same place they were before. They were all raw from being tied up for many hours recently. She is crying in pain and fear.

Finn puts the scissors next to her chin length hair.

Without thinking, Meredith quickly yells "No! Stop!"

Finn stops and looks at her. "What did you just say? Care to repeat yourself?"

Mereidjt's eyes are wide in terror and quickly shakes her head no.

"That's what I thought! No talking allowed! Do you know what today's punishment is for talking is?" He smiles at her.

Meredith shakes her head with tears running down her face.

"I'll show you." Finn presses the scissors to her neck and makes a cut on it. He makes no attempt to stop the blood.

She screams in pain.

He continues making shallow cuts along her body while she sobs in pain.

Once he's satisfied he then takes the scissors to her hair and cuts her chin length hair even shorter than it already was. He cuts her hair all to random short lengths. Her hair is a lot more uneven now. He hacks at her hair while she sobs. As she sobs he just laughs at her. Eventually he finishes, having her cut her hair extremely short.

"I just want to remind you that no one is looking for you. No one cares enough about you to look for you. No one will ever want someone as ugly as you. Oh, and when your hair grows in the future I'll cut it again. You're mine and are never leaving." With that he leaves Meredith tied to the pole and leaves the room, turning the lights off when he closes the door.

Meredith just sobs at the new pain from the cuts on her body. And cries that more of her hair is now gone. Her raw wrists and ankles hurt so much now also. Her ribs are so painful also. Her whole body is just screaming in pain, begging for relief.

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