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TW mention of rape

Meredith has only been rescued for a few days now and the only time that she's been able to bathe was when she has been giving a sponge bath. The only time that has happened though was when she first arrived and the nurses gave her a sponge bath while she was still sedated. Giving Meredith a sponge bath while she's awake could be a bit of a challenge.

Meredith has been asking to shower the last few days but the nurses and everyone else has told her no, that she's too unstable to shower by herself. But she could have a sponge bath. She has refused every time.

However this time the nurses have agreed that enough is enough. They completely understand that she is scared but she really needs a bath now.

A nurse walks into Meredith's hospital room with supplies for a sponge bath.

"Hi Meredith! How are we today?" The nurse cheerfully asks, hoping Meredith will talk to her.

"I'm fine." Meredith mutters, not looking at the nurse.

"Meredith, I need to give you a sponge bath today." The nurse says.

Meredith whips her head around to look at the nurse, her eyes wide open in fear. "What?! NO!"
She cries.

"I know you are scared but you need a bath. It'll be easy and over before you know it." The nurse says, trying to reason with her.

"No! Don't want a sponge bath!" Meredith yells fearfully.

Nurses in the hallway hear her and sigh knowing that it's going to be a tough situation for the nurse with Meredith.

"Mer..." The nurse says, coming closer with her supplies.

Meredith sees this and starts sobbing harder thinking the nurse wants to rape her. "Please! No! Don't touch me!" Meredith wails. "No! No! Please! I'll be good! Don't touch me!"

The nurse sighs and pages another nurse to help her.

A second nurse walks in and sees Meredith sobbing on the bed.

"No, no, no, no." Meredith begs. "Please! I can't go through this again! I can't!"

"Meredith, you are okay. No one is going to hurt you. We need to get you clean."

The nurse that came into the room decides to just start and brings the supplies right next to Meredith on the bed. The nurse takes Meredith's gown off of her and Meredith shrieks in terror.

"Please! I'll be good! Don't hurt me!" Meredith sobs loudly. When the nurse that's beside her turns her back for a moment, Meredith sits up in just her bra and underwear and gets out of bed and starts walking on her casted leg. "No! No! No! No!" She sobs completely freaking out. "Want Cristina!"

"Meredith please get back into bed." The nurse says. "You can't walk on that leg!"

Meredith, in pain, continues to walk and goes into the bathroom and closes and locks the door behind her.  "I want Cristina!" She sobs to herself.

"Meredith, please let us in!" The nurse begged.

"No! You'll just hurt me!" Meredith wailed.

"Meredith please!" The other nurse said loudly.

"What's going on here? I heard Meredith screaming and crying." Bailey, who just got onto this floor asked. "I could hear her all the way from the elevators at the end of the hallway. Wait. Where is Meredith?" Bailey realizes Meredith was not in her bed asked. "Why is her gown on the bed?"

The three of them can still hear Meredith sobbing loudly in the bathroom. She is reliving what she went through with Finn in her head over and over again.

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