Chapter 32

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I'm sorry in advance.

TW: abuse, physical and sexual

"Mer, I'm going to go to the grocery store to get some items. Is there anything special you would like?" Carolyn asked Meredith, who was resting in her bed.

"Can you get some strawberry ice cream please?" Meredith asked with a small smile.

"Of course I'll get that for you. I'm going to go out now and I should be back in an hour. Are you sure you'll be okay if I go to the store? Do you want me to call someone to come stay with you while I'm gone? Addie maybe?" Carolyn asked.

"No, it's fine. I'll be fine." Meredith weakly smiled. She's trying to show that she really is okay and if that means she stays home alone then that's what she'll do.

"Okay Mer. I'm proud of you. You're being very brave. Okay, I'll be back in an hour." Carolyn waved and walked down the hallway and out of the house. Meredith heard her car start up and leave.

Around fifteen minutes later Meredith hears what sounds like a door opening and closing behind itself. Meredith's brow furrows and she starts to get nervous.

What's that noise?! Did Carolyn forget something?

Meredith hears footsteps walking around downstairs and she starts to breathe heavily.

What if it's Finn? Carolyn would have told me that she was home! I don't want to be taken again! Please don't be Finn!

Meredith has tears streaming down her face and is terrified by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

Meredith wants to get up and hide but she's too terrified to move. Her leg is also still broken so she can't run or hide. Footsteps walk down the hall and stop outside of her door. Her breathing intensifies as she gets even more scared.

Help me. I'm scared. Carolyn, I need you.

Meredith's door slowly creaks open and a face appears.

Meredith screams loudly when she sees that it's Finn.

"Hello Meredith, I've missed you." Finn said with a giant smile on his face. He quickly takes a few steps over to Meredith and puts his hand over her mouth so she can't scream. He also puts his other hand over her to hold her down.

"No one can hear you scream Meredith. I waited until she left and once she was gone for ten minutes I decided to make my move."

Meredith tries to wriggle out of his grasp but can't. She's too weak. She tries to scream but the sound is muffled.

"We need to get reacquainted with each other, Meredith. You're coming with me." Finn says.

Meredith has tears streaming down her face.

Someone help me! I don't want to go with him! I'm scared!

Meredith shakes her head no at him. "Please! Leave me alone!" She sobs.

Finn laughs at her. "Oh Meredith, you thought you escaped but you're mine forever now. You are not escaping ever again." He takes a cloth out of his pocket and puts it over her mouth and nose, instantly knocking her out.

Finn quickly grabs Meredith's unconscious body and makes his way to his car parked outside the house. He puts her into the trunk and then quickly leaves.


A few hours later Meredith wakes up with tears already streaming down her face.

Where am I? Finn kidnapped me again! I want to go home!!!

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