Chapter 3

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Meredith is bound and gagged in the trunk of her kidnapper's car. She is still unconscious and doesn't know how far he is taking her. She has no idea she is no longer in Seattle, or even Washington state. The kidnapper crossed state lines a few hours ago and is almost at his destination.

Once he reaches his destination he gets out of the car and goes over to the trunk of his car. He opens it and smiles when he sees her arms tied up and still unconscious. He doesn't want to carry her so he needs her to wake up. He slaps her on the cheek.

"Wake up!" He yells at her while slapping her face.

Meredith wakes up to feeling her cheek stinging. She is unable to say anything because of the gag in her mouth. She has tears running down her face.

The kidnapper roughly forces her out of the trunk. He pushes her to keep moving. She tries to stop walking and he yells at her to walk.

"We are in the middle of nowhere so no one will hear us. So don't think anyone will hear anything and come to your rescue. Like anyone would want to even rescue YOU." He scoffs and slaps her to keep her walking. Once inside he opens the doors to a basement and pushes her down the stairs. She tumbles down the stairs and cries when she gets to the bottom. Her whole body is in pain.

The kidnapper removes the gag in her mouth. "By the way this is a sound proof room so no one will hear you if you scream. So scream all you want but no one will hear you." He laughs. "And before you ask, we are nowhere near Seattle. Not even anywhere close."

"I want to go home." She says softly. "Please."

"No. You're not going anywhere. This is your new home. Get used to it. You're mine now. You belong to me. Forever."

He turns to walk out of the room. He turns around and says "I'll be back. Don't miss me too much". He winks at her. He then walks up the stairs and leaves. Meredith hears the door lock behind him. She starts sobbing. She wants to go home. She wants her friends. She is absolutely terrified and is so scared of what is going to happen.

After she runs out of tears she looks around at her surroundings. The room that she is in has no windows. No furniture at all. Just a concrete floor and a bucket for her to use the bathroom with. She shudders to herself.

The kidnapper comes back down a half hour later. He has a bag in his hand. Meredith sees him and cowers in the corner of the room terrified.

"Get over here right now!" He yells at her. "We have some changes to make to your appearance. It's gonna be fun."

Meredith doesn't move. She just cries and wraps her arms around her body in a way to protect herself.

When he sees that she isn't moving he walks over to her and grabs her arm and drags her over to the middle of the room. He forces her to sit down on the ground. She cries out as he forcibly moves her.

He pulls a pair of scissors out of the bag he brought with him and Meredith whimpers when she sees them. "W-what is that for?"

The kidnapper says nothing. He grabs a handful of her hair and she tries to move away from him but he slaps her. "Stay still!"

Meredith is too scared to try to move again so she listens to what he says. She doesn't dare move a muscle.

He then grabs a handful of her hair and cuts it. She whimpers and has tears running down her face. The kidnapper continues cutting her hair until he is satisfied. "'Much better" he says. Her hair is all uneven now and only barely reaches her chin. Her long beautiful hair is no longer.

The kidnapper then smirks at her. "This is a much better look for you. You still look horrible but it'll do. Oh and no one is looking for you. They don't care that you're missing. They aren't doing anything to try to locate you." He laughs when she starts to cry. He is trying to break her spirits and is happy that it's working.

He then pushes Meredith to the floor and holds her down. He gets on top of her and starts to take her clothes off of her.

"Stop! Please! Don't!" She yells.

"Shut up! You need to stay still!" He then punches her in the face and she cries out in pain. He then continues to undress her despite her protests. She tries to keep her arms over her clothes so he can't take them off but he holds her arms over her head and proceeds to rip her clothes off of her.

She is sobbing hysterically by this point. She is so scared.

"Please! Don't! Leave me alone!"

He ignores her.

He has ripped all of her clothes off and they are just laying around her body now. Her shirt is ripped in the middle and just her arms are still in the sleeves. He completely ripped her pants off. He moves on to her bra and underwear and rips them off despite her trying to stop him.

He starts touching her and laughs as she sobs.

"Don't touch me! Please!" She wails.

He then proceeds to rape her and she sobs as he does so. She keeps telling him to stop but he doesn't listen to her. As he is doing this he repeats over and over again that no one is looking for her and that no one cares about her. She goes numb after a while and just lays there. This goes on for a while.

After he finishes he then kicks and punches her many times. She loses consciousness by that point. She is bleeding a lot and her body just couldn't take the pain anymore and she passed out.

He laughs at her bloody body. He takes out a phone and takes a picture of her broken and violated body. He sends it to her friends using a blocked number.

"This is the closest you'll ever get to seeing your friend ever again. She will never return. She is mine now. Meredith Grey belongs to me and always will." He laughs when he imagines her friends response to the text and picture and presses send.

He then drops a blue shirt and blue pants on the ground for her to wear when she wakes up. Her own clothes are unwearable now. She will now wear what he wants her to wear.

He smiles when he sees Meredith's unconscious body. "Goodbye for now Meredith Grey. I will see you later. I can't wait."

He leaves the room and locks the door behind him.

I hope you enjoyed

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