Chapter 8

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TW: abuse, suicidal thoughts, rape

Four more miserable weeks pass by for Meredith, making it now three and a half months. Meredith doesn't know how long it's been since she's been home but she knows that it's been a long time.

Everyone at home is constantly checking to see if the police have any updates but still there are none. At one point they found a pair of fingerprints on one of Meredith's items that were not hers but they weren't able to distinguish whose they belonged to. Cristina desperately wants her person back. She's so scared to think of how Meredith is being treated, if she's even alive. No one wants to think that there is a good possibility that she is no longer alive. Carolyn constantly calls Derek as she's so worried about Meredith. Since Meredith grew up with them she is like a daughter to Carolyn and Carolyn is worried sick about Meredith.

Meredith is extremely depressed, constantly wishing Finn will just hurry up and kill her. She doesn't want to feel scared or in pain anymore. She is always anxious, worrying about what Finn will do to her next. She already has tons of physical injuries such as broken bones. Those never stop hurting her. She lives in a constant state of pain. New pains are added everyday. That's just the physical pain, she has so much mental pain from being raped so often and from being told many negative comments about herself. And of course mental pain from being kidnapped.

Meredith doesn't believe that anyone is searching for her. Finn has told her over and over again that no one cares enough to search for her and she believes him. She knows they would have given up looking for her by now. She feels like she will never be found and she'll be stuck there forever.

Meredith has lost so much weight. She was always tiny but now that she's only being given one small meal a day, if she even gets one, she's even smaller than what she used to be. She's just so starving all of the time.

Meredith is currently sitting in her corner, tears running down her face. She wishes she was dead and wants Finn to kill her already.

I want to die. I want this to be over. I'm always in pain and it doesn't stop. He just keeps hurting me so much every single day and I hate it. I hate what my life has begun. Wait- what was that sound? It sounds like Finn is talking to another person. Maybe that person can help me? Maybe I should scream. Yeah let me try.

"Help! Help! I'm down here!" Meredith tried to yell but her voice is extremely raspy from never being used. No one can hear her from downstairs in the basement. She can count on one hand how many times she's used her voice the entire time she's been here.

My voice is so raspy. No one will hear me. I'm never getting out. Wait I hear the door starting to open. Maybe I am being rescued?

"Oh Meredith. I have a new friend for youuuuu." Finn says in a singsongy voice.

Meredith is instantly terrified and has no idea what is going on.

What's happening? Is he not here to rescue me? Why are they both here? I'm scared, I'm really scared. Derek, Cristina, Addie someone please help me. I don't want to die okay? I just want to be free and safe again.

Both men walk over to Meredith, who is currently shaking with fear in the corner, and each grab an arm and drag her to the center of the room. They are extremely rough with her and she feels her shoulder dislocate. Her clothes are so ripped up by this point ,since this is the only clothing she has to wear, are so ripped up that parts of the clothing are gone. There are huge holes all over her clothes and sections of the clothing are missing. Her skin that isn't covered by clothing scrapes against the rough floor.

When they get to the center of the room they drop both of her arms down and quickly curls her body into a ball,trying to protect her newly dislocated shoulder.

"Wow Finn, that arm doesn't look good. You know I don't want to make her suffer any less but you know what would hurt so much? Popping her shoulder back into place." The other man said with a smirk. He quickly pops Meredith's shoulder back into place and she screams in pain while both men smile at her pain.

Please stop. Please. It hurts so bad. I can't do this anymore.

Both men start kicking Meredith from both sides of her body. She howls in pain from each kick to her body. She is sobbing so much.

All of a sudden Meredith feels the man grab her by the throat and drag her over to the wall. He holds her in place, not allowing her to collapse to the floor like her body wants to do. While the man holds her in place Finn starts punching her stomach over and over again.

Meredith is sobbing loudly in pain, tears streaming down her face.

Finally she can't take it anymore.

"Stop." She whispers, her voice barely heard.

"What did you just say? I thought we agreed no talking allowed." Finn said to Meredith.

To the man Finn says, "Want to have some fun?" Finn then rips off the rest of Meredith's clothes, leaving her with nothing to cover her body with. Meredith is squirming around, trying to get away from what she knows is about to happen. The other man holds her shoulders down and Finn gets on top of Meredith and rapes her. Meredith eventually stops struggling knowing she won't win.

Finn starts kissing her a bunch.

"Hey can I have a turn with her?" The man asks.

"Of course." Finn says. "She's all yours."

"No please don't" She whispers.

Finn punches her in the face for talking.

The other man now gets on top of Meredith and rapes her while Finn holds down her shoulders but at this point Meredith has stopped struggling.

Finally the man finishes with Meredith. Meredith has been raped so many times during the three months she has been kidnapped. She wants this misery to be over with already.

"Hey wanna go watch the football game that starts in five minutes?" The man asks Finn.

"Yeah. But let's tie her up to the pole. She doesn't deserve to sit down." Both men drag a broken and bloody Meredith over to the pole and force her to stand up and they tie her arms and legs to the pole. They didn't let Meredith put what was left of her clothes on before they tied her to the pole.

Finally both men are gone and Meredith is alone.

I hate this! I want to die! I hurt so much. Just let me escape this misery.

I hope you liked. We are getting closer to her being rescued

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