Chapter 6

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It's now been a total of 3 and a half weeks that Meredith has been kidnapped for. The police have no leads and her friends are so heartbroken over their friend being missing and hurt. They keep calling to see if there are any updates but each time are told no updates.

Everyone is extremely worried about Meredith and if she's even still alive at this point. No one knows how to go about their normal lives.

Dr Bailey is so worried about her missing intern. Everything in the hospital reminds her of Meredith. Her intern group, the intern locker room, the pit, the ORs, just everything.

Bailey is more irritated than normal when her interns mess up. She will yell at them for no reason.

"Stevens! You are such an idiot! You are off the case!" She yells. She snatches the patient binder out of Izzie's hands and grumbles to herself under her breath.

"Meredith wouldn't mess this up. She's smart enough to know the right way to do this procedure." Bailey grumbles to herself.

Basically everyone knows to stay away from Bailey. They don't want to end up on her bad side.

Cristina has been taking cases left and right. She hasn't left the hospital in days. She prefers to sleep in the on-call rooms so she can get the most cases. She is running on lack of sleep which is something you do not want as a surgeon.

Cristina takes every opportunity to get all of the cases. She will steal them from her fellow interns. She just needs to keep busy so she doesn't think about her person being kidnapped and abused. If she stops to think about it she will fall apart. Cristina Yang can not fall apart.

"Incoming trauma!"

Cristina hears an attending yell out that a trauma has just been brought in and rushes over to help.

"Hi, I'm here. I'll help. What can I do?" She asks quickly.

The attending gives her a list of things to do and she quickly does them, ignoring how exhausted she is.

"Yang, weren't you here the past two days?" The attending asks her.

"No. I was off two days ago." She lies.

She doesn't care that she's overworking herself. She would very much prefer to overwork herself than to think about everything Meredith is going through right now. She needs to keep working or else her brain will stop and think about what is happening to Meredith at every second of the day.

The attending believes Cristina and so they work to get their patient stable before they bring them to surgery.

Once the patient is stable the two of them bring the patient down to the OR floor where they pass Dr Bailey.

"Yang! Why are you still here?" Dr Bailey scowls at her intern.

"My patient needs surgery." Cristina replies.

"Your patient may need surgery but they don't need you performing it! You've been here for 3 straight days! You are off the case Yang! Go home Dr Yang! Don't let me catch you here until two whole days have passed!" Dr Bailey tells her extremely irritated. "Stupid interns all think they can do whatever they want."

Cristina reluctantly leaves the hospital. She goes to the dollar store and fills a basket full of items she won't use.


Derek and Addison aren't doing much better than their co-workers. The two of them haven't been able to do anything other than fight with the other. They will argue about anything, no matter if the other agrees. They will pick fights over the simplest thing.

Neither of them is coping well without their friend. She's like the glue that holds everyone together. Without Meredith everything and everyone just falls apart.

Derek and Addison are in the middle of another fight when Derek's phone rings.

"Derek! Do not pick that up! We are talking!" Addie yells. She fumes when she sees him reach for his phone.

"Addison! It's my mother! She probably wants to know if there are any updates on Meredith!" Derek says loudly.

"There are none! Who knows if there ever will be any!"

Derek shakes his head and picks up the phone. "Hey Mom."

"Derek. Any updates on Mer?" Carolyn asks.

"None." He sighs. "It's almost a whole month that's she'll be missing. Two days from now she'll have been gone for a month Mom! We need her back!" He says, breaking down in sobs.

"We just have to stay positive. She will be found alive Derek. We just need to stay strong and believe she will be found."

Addison is listening to their conversation and has tears running down her face. She misses her friend so much. She hates fighting with Derek but it's like with Meredith gone she doesn't care about anything and is just miserable. So she picks fights with Derek to attempt to cope. When in reality this isn't coping either.


Meanwhile Mark isn't doing much better than the rest of his friend group. He's been sticking to himself and not sleeping with or flirting with any nurses. He just goes to work and goes straight home. Everyone sees a massive change in Mark Sloan. Normally they would be happy that he's stopped sleeping with nurses but because of the actual reason why they can't be happy about it.

And Amelia, she's been skipping work and sleeping all day. She's been fighting very hard against slipping back into her addiction. She's winning but it's very hard and drains all of her energy. She ignores coworkers calls when they call her to find out where she is. Everyone is giving her a pass because she's upset about her best friend being kidnapped.


They planned a volunteer search party to see if they could find any clues around Joe's bar. If the police weren't having any luck finding Meredith, maybe they could find something that could help them in their search for Meredith.

Cristina, Amelia, Derek, Addison, Mark, and even Miranda along with other volunteers all met up in the parking lot of Joe's.

They all started searching around in the alley behind Joe's that leads to the hospital. They also searched behind trash cans and in the parking lot to Joe's.

"I found something!" Addie yelled out.

They all raced to see what she found. Addie had found Meredith's car keys.

"Guys don't touch it. We need to call the police and have them handle it. Maybe the kidnapper's fingerprints are on it." Mark says. He calls the police officer that is on this case and explains the situation and the officer agrees to come immediately.

They all continue searching for other clues in the meantime.

The officer gets there five minutes later and puts the car keys in an evidence bag.

"Uhh guys, I found something." Cristina calls out.

The police officer comes up and bags the item that she found.

"What is it?" Derek asks.

"She found a cloth that was possibly used on Meredith. We're going to bring it back and see if we can find any traces of chloroform on it. My guess is this was used to knock Meredith unconscious." The police officer says. "We will see if we can find any fingerprints off of it."

The officer takes it back to the lab to have it analyzed and a few days later the results are in. It was chloroform but unfortunately other than Meredith's fingerprints on the car keys, there were no other fingerprints to be found.

I hope you liked!

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