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Meredith is sleeping in her bed after yet another restless night. She wakes up a little while later and sees Amelia sitting in the visitors chair next to her bed.

"Hey sleepyhead! How are you feeling?" Amelia asks her friend.

"I'm fine." Meredith whispers.

"I have a question for you. Derek wanted me to ask you if he could come visit you. What do you think? I know we've been limiting who comes into your room because we know you've been scared but he really misses you and wants to see you. I think he wants to see with his own eyes that you're really okay."

Meredith hesitates. He's one of her best friends but she's not sure she wants to see him just because all men scare her at the moment.

Amelia sees her hesitate. "It's okay if you're not up to seeing him. I can tell him he can wait."

"No, it's fine. I wanna see Derek." Meredith attempts a smile. She's still really scared but she also misses him (and Mark). She knows he would never hurt her but he's still a guy which scares her.

"Great! Let me text him. He has a surgery soon so he wanted to come see you soon if you were okay with that."

Meredith nods, feeling a bit unsure but still wanting to see Derek.

Amelia texts Derek and a few minutes later he arrives.

Derek knocks on Meredith's open door. "Hey Mer! I've missed you so much."

"Hi." Meredith whispers, starting to feel anxious.

"Has Amelia been annoying you? She annoys me so I wouldn't be surprised." He says, teasing both girls.

"N-no. S-she's fine." Meredith whispers, her heart rate increasing the closer Derek gets to her. She hates that she's feeling this way but she's trying to ignore it. It's Derek after all and he would never hurt her.

Derek comes closer to her bed and Meredith starts to breathe heavily.

Amelia notices. "Mer, are you okay?" To Derek she says, "Derek give her some space. I think she's starting to panic."

Derek nods. "Sorry Mer. I didn't mean to scare you."

"N-Not y-your f-fault." Meredith says stuttering. She is starting to tremble. She starts to pull on her fingers. She is feeling extremely anxious and scared.

Derek notices how scared and anxious Meredith is and takes a step towards her. "Hey Mer, you're okay. I would never hurt you. You're one of my best friends." He notices the bear next to Meredith in the bed and steps closer to examine it. "Hey! I remember that bear!"

Meredith scoots back quickly in her bed away from Derek.

"Sorry Mer. I didn't mean to get too close." Derek says and takes a few steps back.

Just then Carolyn walks into the room. "Hey guys, how are we doing?"

Meredith can't look at Carolyn because she's watching Derek, scared he'll come closer to her.

"You okay Meredith?" Carolyn says, sensing that Meredith is feeling overwhelmed and scared.

No answer from Meredith.

Carolyn comes over and sits in Meredith's bed with her and holds her in her arms. She strokes Meredith's hair.

"Mer, I like your short hair. It looks good on you."

"I don't like it." Meredith mumbles and buries her head into Carolyn's chest.

Derek walks over and grabs a marker out of Carolyn's bag.

Derek walks over and bends down next to Meredith's cast.

"Derek. No." Amelia warns softly, knowing what'll happen.

Derek doesn't hear her and presses the marker to Mereidth's cast to sign it.

Meredith jerks her head up and starts screaming.

"No! No! No!" She yells. "Don't touch me!" She starts thrashing around on the bed.

Derek quickly steps back and realizes what he's down. "I'm so sorry Mer."

"Derek, you should go." Amelia says.

Derek leaves.

Carolyn is trying to soothe Meredith who is freaking out in her arms. She has her arms wrapped around her to try to stop her from thrashing around on the bed.

"Carolynnnnn I'm scared!" Meredith wails.

"I know sweetie. But Derek would never ever hurt you."

"I know! I'm so stupid! But I'm scared anyways!" She cries.

Just then an intern quickly runs down the hallway.

Derek, who is at the nurses station near Meredith's room sees this and yells.

"No running!" He yells loudly. "Don't make me tell your resident!!!"

Meredith hears this and wails loudly. She starts hyperventilating in fear. "I'm scared!!! I need to get out of here!"

"No, you need to stay right here. You are okay!" Carolyn says, looking at Amelia worriedly. She knows this just added onto everything for Meredith.

"No! No! No! Someone's gonna hurt me! I need to go! Finn's back! I need to go!" She is sobbing and hyperventilating, unable to catch her breath.

"Mer, you need to calm down." Amelia says.

"I can't!" Meredith wails.

"She needs to calm down Mom! She's going to pass out from hyperventilation."

Meredith's heart rate monitor is going off because of her heart rate being high from her freaking out.

"Mer, babygirl, can you take some deep breaths for us please?" Carolyn asks Meredith.

"No! Finn's back! I have to go before he finds me!" She starts struggling to get out of Carolyn's arms.

"She needs to calm down or she will get sedated."

A nurse comes running in after hearing Meredith's heart rate monitor. "What's going on?"

"She won't calm down. She's freaking out. I think she needs to be sedated before she hurts herself!" Amelia says loudly.

The nurse runs off.

"Mer, sweetie you need to calm down." Carolyn says.

"Noooo! I can't! Finn's back!" Meredith sobs.

The nurse comes back and quickly injects Meredith with the sedation and a second later Meredith is asleep.

"She's finally calm." Amelia whispers. She has a tear run down her face at the state Meredith was in.

I hope you liked! And don't worry, she won't be scared of Derek for too long

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