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TW abuse , rape

Meredith is just laying in her hospital bed connected to so many wires. She tries to sleep a lot of the time to get away from everything. She hates being scared all the time but can't help it.

A nurse enters the room to check her vitals and Meredith whimpers in fear. She curls her body into a ball and just lays there in terror.

"Shh, it's okay Meredith. It's just Nurse Sarah. I won't hurt you." She says, walking a little closer to Meredith.

Meredith squeezes her eyes closed in fear and covers her entire body with her blankets. She doesn't want anyone to touch her.

The nurse sees this and sighs. Meredith has blankets over her head also. "Meredith I need to check your vitals sweetie. I won't hurt you, I promise."

The nurse sees Meredith shake her head No underneath the blankets. She really needs to take Meredith's vitals, every single time she comes into the room Meredith does the same thing. She won't talk to anyone or let anyone touch her. The only things the nurses hear her say is either no, don't touch or hurt me. Other than that, she just cries and whimpers and hides in fear.

The nurse decides to take Meredith's blankets off of her.

Meredith's eyes go wide when she feels her blankets being pulled off of her. She thinks the nurse is about to hit her. "No! Stop!" She sobs. She quickly gets out of her bed and runs into the bathroom to hide. She locks the door behind her.

Please don't hurt me.

Meredith curls into a ball and sobs. She is absolutely terrified. She's so scared she's about to be hurt by the nurse. She digs her nails into her arms in a nervous habit and scratches up her arms.

The nurse realizes she made a huge mistake and pages Dr Bailey 911.

Dr Bailey rushes in and sees that Meredith isn't in her bed. "Where is she?!" She hears Meredith sobbing but doesn't see her anywhere.

"She locked herself in the bathroom." The nurse explains the situation and Dr Bailey's eyes go wide.

"Are you stupid?! Why would you do that? You know she is terrified of everything and everyone. Get out of here. You're off of her case." Bailey heads to the locked bathroom door.

"Hey Mer, it's Dr Bailey. Will you open the door for me please?" Bailey asks softly.

"No! You're just going to hurt me!" Meredith says, her voice shaking with fear.

"Mer, I promise no one will hurt you. You are safe. Can you open the door?"

"I don't want anyone to hurt me." Meredith says softly.

"No one will ever hurt you again Mer. I promise."

"Okay." Meredith whispers and unlocks the door. Bailey then opens the door and sees her terrified intern on the floor crying.

"Hey, Shh it's okay." Bailey goes closer to Meredith who instantly flinches. "It's okay. You're okay." Bailey starts running Meredith's back gently and Meredith soon calms down.

"Can we get you back into bed now sweetie?" Bailey asks her softly.

"I'm scared."

"I know you are. But you are safe here." Bailey says soothing her intern. "Do you want me to page Cristina to come sit with you?"

Meredith nods her head against Bailey.

Bailey helps Meredith up off the ground and helps her back into bed. "Mer, what happened to your arm?" Bailey asks after she sees scratch marks on it. They look like they were made by fingernails.

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