Chapter 13

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Finn has his hands around Meredith's neck and is squeezing very hard. "I don't think so. She deserves to die. She deserves this." Finn has Meredith held up against the wall, her feet dangling, as he continues to strangle her.

Meredith looks like she is on the verge of passing out again. She is in an excruciating amount of pain.

"Let her go! You don't want to make it harder on yourself than it needs to be." A police officer tells him.

"She is mine. I control her. So if I say she dies, she dies. Please leave, this is what she deserves."

The police continue trying to get Finn to release Meredith but he continues to ignore them and focuses his strength on strangling and killing Meredith.

Meredith has tears streaming down her face. She is struggling to breathe. She is about to pass out and the police can see that.

All of a sudden a gunshot is heard and Finn drops to the floor, letting Meredith fall to the floor. Meredith collapses to the floor and Finn falls on top of her. She is wheezing and coughing, trying to get any air she can into her lungs.

Meredith whimpers in pain while struggling to breathe.

The police rush over to Meredith and remove Finn's body from top of hers. They move towards Meredith and she yells rasping out in fear.

"Don't touch me!" She rasps out, her voice unused in months. She whimpers in fear. "Please 'cough' don't 'cough' touch me." Her voice is barely able to be heard. Her voice hasn't been used in 6 months so it comes out in a rasp and extremely quiet. "Don't hurt me!"

The officers can tell that Meredith is extremely scared of them. They radio to the EMTs to come in with a stretcher now.

Two EMTs come in a few minutes later. Meredith sees more people come into the room and starts crying harder. She's so scared of all of these new people. She thinks that they will hurt her. She doesn't realize that they are going to help her and bring her home.

The EMTs brought a blanket with them to cover Meredith up with to give her privacy. They heard from the police officers that she had no clothes on. Once they get her onto the stretcher they will cover her with the blanket.

The police officers also see how much she has changed in appearance. She is extremely underweight and her hair is cut extremely short.

Meredith sees the EMTs slowly walking towards her and she cries out in fear and tries to crawl backwards. She doesn't get far as she's in so much pain. She is sobbing in fear.

"You're okay, shhh it's okay,  we're going to help you sweetie. You're safe. We're going to bring you to the hospital to get checked out.  It's all going to be okay from now on. You are safe now. Is there anyone we can call for you?" The EMT asks her softly.

"C-Cris-t-tina." She rasps out while sobbing. "I-I want C-Cristina."

"Cristina Yang is her friend." The officer tells the EMT. "I will call her and tell her we have found Meredith."

The officer steps away for a few moments to give her a call. He dials Cristina's number and she picks up a few rings later.

"Hello? Is there any update on Meredith's case?" Cristina asks.

"We found her. Can you meet us at Grey Sloan?"

"You have her? Oh my God! Is she okay?" Cristina yells out in happiness. She yells out to Amelia and Addison who are nearby. "They found Meredith!"

Addison and Amelia start crying tears of joy.

"I will meet you there!" Cristina says.

The officer hangs up with her a minute later.

The EMT is trying to get Meredith's vitals but she won't let them near her.

"Want Cristina!"

"We need to check you over before we bring you to the hospital."

"Want Cristina!" Meredith sobs.

The EMTs try to convince Meredith to let them examine her but they can tell she's way too traumatized to let them do that so they instead attempt to get her onto the stretcher instead.

"Can we get you onto this stretcher? And then we can bring you to the hospital and you can see Cristina."

"Don't touch me! You're just going to hurt me!"

"You are safe. It's okay, we won't hurt you. We promise." The EMT says softly to her.

Meredith is shaking with fear but nods that they can move her. However when they get closer to her she flinches and moves backwards. "Don't hit me! Please!"

"It's okay! You're okay. I'm not going to hit you, I promise. I just want to put you on the stretcher."

"Okay."Meredith gives in eventually.

They get her onto the stretcher and put the blanket onto her to give her privacy since she has no clothes on. They strap her down onto the stretcher and carry the stretcher outside.

Meredith immediately shuts her eyes as it's way too bright for her. The lights that were on inside hurt her eyes but now it's even brighter. After spending six months in total darkness her eyes aren't used to light. She is also extremely pale.

"Too bright!" She rasps out crying.

"Keep your eyes closed then sweetie."

They get her into the ambulance and start driving. They turn the ambulance siren on and it starts blaring extremely loudly.

"Loud! Too loud!" She rasps out. "Want Cristina!"

She starts sobbing harder. Everything is just so hard for her. It is all just too much for her to handle at once.

She sobs the entire way to the hospital and everytime someone gets close to her she rasps out not to touch her and also flinches.

"Want Cristina!" She sobs loudly.

Meredith has been rescued! Yayyyyyyyy
Also, we're getting a blizzard this weekend supposedly

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