The beginning

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Ranboo's POV

It was night when I woke up. My room was dark, but rays of light from the streetlights outside snuck through my curtains, blinding me when I opened my eyes. I groaned, covering my eyes from the light when my phone buzzed. Once. Twice. And then it went crazy.

Sitting up, I checked the time. 1am. Due to the time difference, I'm gonna assume that this was probably Tommy or something as he would text at the first opportunity he could. I rolled over in my bed. I didn't want to deal with this. I had planned a few hours of a stream tomorrow, and I needed my sleep.

But my phone kept going. And going. And going. And going. And going.

Until I finally turned over to grab my phone and see what was going.

Turning it on, the light was blinding and I had to squint to see what was on there. So many discord notifications. Most of them were from my discord chat with the rest of the bench trio, and it was just Tommy spamming the same message over and over and over again.


In fact there were a few notifications from the DSMP chat,which were probably what Tommy were talking about.

Opening discord, I noticed that the message was from dream, which was strange, as usually he would be telling us to go into the VC's to talk and that was usually about upcoming lore, but we weren't planning to do lore for a few weeks.

I checked out the message.

Green Boi - Would you guys like to do a meet-up at my house? I'll pay for tickets and everything

That was... strange. I checked out who had responded. Philza was going, Sapnap was already there, George was going, Schlatt wasn't going, Bad was going, Skeppy was going, Foolish wasn't, etc.

I wanted to go but I wasn't sure. It would be hard to do, especially with... I glanced down at my chest ...that. I did have binders, but I wouldn't be able to wear them full time, and I felt like something would give me away... that's why I've gone against meet ups until now.

And then of course, they noticed I was online and brought the attention on me.

SappyNappy - @MemoryBoi Hey Ranboo, what about u?

Dang it.

MemoryBoi - I'm not sure, I'm still a minor so I'll have to ask my parents.

GreenBoi - I'll call them later

Fuck. When did I give him my parent's number?

MemoryBoi - Ok then, now if you will excuse me, I should probably sleep.

After that message, I turned off my phone, ignoring the child going on about how I didn't need sleep and how I should keep talking to him, but I turned on Do Not Disturb, saving me from all the notifications.

I turned over, ready to sleep, but I was awake now, so it wasn't working. After what felt like hours of laying there, I checked my phone. 2 AM.


Getting out of my bed, I turn away from the mirror that sat in the corner of my room. I hated the way I looked, so I have no clue why my parents ended up getting me a mirror in the first place. Or why I uncovered it. I grab a sheet from the ground, throwing it over the mirror, blocking the view of myself. That is probably why my gender dysphoria isn't as bad as everyone else's. I don't even look at my body.

I had done the testosterone a while ago, so I wouldn't have to worry about it anytime really soon.

I grabbed my towel and some extra clothes and then headed towards my bathroom, the one that nobody ever sees, which is good given I coloured the whole mirror with black marker to block the mirror. I didn't plan on putting my binder on until later, because of the fact that trying to put a binder on top of wet skin sucked.

Turning on the shower to a warm temperature, I hung up my towel and undressed, then stepped under the warm streams of water, letting it wash away my problems.

At least for now

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