⍀⎍⋏⋏⟟⋏☌ ⍜⋏ 4 ⊑⍜⎍⍀⌇ ⍜⎎ ⌇⌰⟒⌿⌿ ⟊⏃⌿⏃⌰⌿⟒⋏⍜

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This chapter is a bit inspired by the art up there. I'm not sure who drew it, but I thought it looked good.

Also to the 2% of people over 45 years old who are reading my book... what are you guys doing here?

At the moment, I was very tired. It was around 5 in the morning, and I woke up to Tommy and Tubbo screaming next door.

From what I could tell, Tubbo fell out of his bed and it scared Tommy.

I had tried to fall back asleep once I had woken up, but my mind was awake.

Throwing the blankets off me, I sat up and got off the bed, before heading to my computer, turning it on. Before I sat down, I grabbed one of the fluffier blankets from where it had fallen on the floor, and draped it around me.

As I waited for it to load, I thought back to what had happened yesterday after the beach. We had gone to the mall, where Tommy and tubbo had dragged me around, buying stuff. Techno had been forced to go with us, but I noticed he had tried to pull me aside and talk to me, only to get interrupted by Tubbo every time.

As I had gone shopping before I had gotten here, I didn't plan on getting anything from the mall. But I forgot the two people I was with, and they wanted me to get stuff, so I now have a new black t-shirt, a pair of weird sunglasses, a few new masks and a black dinosaur hoodie to match the ones that Tommy and Tubbo already have.

My computer finally loaded, and I opened my twitch. I didn't feel like playing streaming, I just wanted to see if there was any streams I was interested in watching.

As I looked through the list, I remembered the other person that my chat had wanted me to raid at my last stream. I believe they were called Cuptoast, and from what I could see, they were streaming. I loaded up the stream, and started to watch. They were playing minecraft, in a server and were just talking to the chat at the moment.

The first thing I noticed as I joined was their voice. It was a much higher then most people's voices are, but it sounded unlike any voice changer I had ever heard.

It was comforting in a way.

I wasn't sure how long I watched them, but eventually I heard a quiet knock on my door. The knock was the kind of one that you wouldn't hear if you were asleep, but it's still loud enough that you would hear it if you were awake.

I stood up from my chair, a blanket wrapped around me. My glasses had fallen to the tip of my nose, but I didn't feel like fixing them.

I opened the door, looking down upon the person standing there. It was Wilbur, who was almost as tall as me.

"Do you need something?" I asked and leaned against the door.

Wilbur lifted up his head to look me in the eye and he smiled. He had small bags under his eyes, but I wasn't very surprised as I had heard the sound of his guitar when I had passed his room last night on the way to my own.

"I had a feeling you were awake." He held out his hand to me "Come with me"

I was wearing a binder (yeah I made the stupid mistake to wear while sleeping, but I was tired and it wasn't hurting very much at the moment), so it was ok for me to leave my room. I dropped the blanket on the floor, and took his hand.

As soon as my door was quietly closed, he dragged me away to the second floor, into a room I hadn't been in.

Inside the room was some of the others, who all looked tired and were wearing what I could assume were the clothes they slept in. I personally, was wearing one of Solar's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants with fake Technoblade merch socks.

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