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I'm finished reading Tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains on AO3, and it's amazing, like AH. I couldn't find a book of it that was transferred to wattpad tho, so that kind of made me sad that I couldn't add it to one of my reading lists

Tw: mention of death, mention of suicide, suicidal thoughts, mention of blood, self harm, injuries, hospital, misgendering and dead-naming, homophobia/transphobia, swearing (though i think you should be used to that by now), mention of abuse (not from his parents, don't worry, they were nice), slight mention of alcohol, crying, somewhat coming out, slight panic attack at the start (not very well written), mention of the sexual assault from a few chapters ago, and whatever else my tired brain can think of.

I know I'm awake, and I know that I should be up and doing things, but the bed was so warm. And I'm still glad I woke up from that nightmare.

I mean, it's almost impossible that my parents would die on my birthday, right? and that it was all my fault. I understand my nightmares are always horrible, but this kind of nightmare is really new.

I flop my arms out on either side of me, trying to get comfortable. I nearly scream when my left arm touches someone.

I open my eyes suddenly, sitting up faster then I should be able to after I just woke up. I look over to what my arm had hit, to see Tubbo curled into the blanket, still half asleep.

Just like in the nightmare.

I shook my head. No that can't have happened. Maybe Tubbo had just crawled into my bed last night or something, because Tommy kicked him out of their room. He had done that before, it was a very strange thing to wake up to.

The pain in my chest took another minute to hit, but when it did, it hit hard. I don't even think I wore the binder to bed, but looking under my shirt, sure enough, a nude binder glared back at me. Fuck.

I crawled out of my bed, hissing in pain. I stand up, throwing a blanket over Tubbo.

I opened my closet, and changed my clothes, into something I could be seen in, but that wasn't too fancy. Under the clothes, I was obviously wearing a sports bra, as a binder wasn't too good for right now.

I heard my phone buzz and I hurried over to it, smiling. See, if my friends were texting me, all of that had to be a dream.

I picked up my phone, and got immediately blinded by the bright light. I looked away, blinking a few times before looking back at my phone.

The moment I saw the message, it felt like my heart stopped.

MoonBitch - *insert address here* Solar woke up and wants to see you. i want to see you 2

It wasn't a dream. MoonBitch had always been Eclipse's contact name, so it was obviously them, and the address was in Florida, meaning they had come over there.

I opened my phone quickly, and with a few quick clicks, I pressed my phone to my ear, listening to the ringing.

There was a click, and the ringing stopped.

"Hello, this is Malinda Davidson. I can't come to the phone right now, I'm most likely dealing with the little shit that is my child"

"MOM!" I heard a younger version of my voice coming from the phone, from before I had gone on testosterone. There was a laugh from my mom in the voicemail, and she continued her message.

"On that note, please leave a message at the beep and I'll try to get back to you!"

A loud beep made me pull the phone away from my ear as the tears, that had began to gather in my eyes without me noticing, began to fall. My mom would never send me to voicemail, especially when we are hours away from each other. I could even call her in the middle of a big meeting and she would still answer.

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