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tw: vomiting, eating disorder, accidentally coming out to someone

I was still warm when I woke up. Warm and slightly in pain. My head hurt like hell, I had a sore throat and my nose was running. 

That was the last time I'm going on a walk I thought, and I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand beside me, sitting up to investigate my surroundings. It appeared that the people who had put me in the car were in fact my friends, as I was in my room at Dream's house. It was mostly dark, as the windows had blinds over them, but the room was still light enough to look around. The room looked like the room I woke up to every morning, except for the fact that there was a sleeping Tubbo in my desk chair. My phone was charging on the nightstand next to me. 

I got up slowly, and headed to my closet, leaving the mountain of warmth behind me. 

Someone must've changed my clothes That made me nervous. Somebody changed me, expecting for me just to be a boy, only to reveal a binder. Maybe it was Tubbo? He knew about me being trans, and even though it would still be weird, it made the nervousness slightly go away, as I'm hoping that nobody else knew. 

I changed into sweatpants, and some random t-shirt, with a binder underneath and a hoodie over top.

I woke up Tubbo by nicely shaking his shoulder "Wake up" My voice was a bit stuffy, but the fact that I was trying to be quiet just made it worse. 

He groaned and opened his eyes. Once he woke up fully, he looked up at me "Why are you up?" 

I shrug, grabbing a kleenex from behind him and blowing my nose. 

"Get back in your bed!" He says and after I throw the tissue in my garbage, I feel someone grab me from around my waist and force me back into my bed. 

"What was that for?" I ask him as he piles the blankets on me until I can't move. 

"We found you at like 2 am this morning, sitting in the rain, freezing. You fell asleep within minutes" Finally, the blankets are all on top of me. 

"Sleep" He says, and leave the room, glaring at me before he closes the door. 

I sit like that for a minute, under all those blankets. Then I push the blankets aside, off the bed. 

I grab my phone, checking what time it is. 1 in the afternoon. I didn't sleep for very long. 

My phone also had so many text messages, mostly from Phil and Tubbo. They were all saying things like where are you, are you ok, etc. 

They seemed to be actually worried for me. 

I opened instagram, posting a photo on my story. It was just a photo of my eyes, my lower face covered with blankets. In a black text bubble, I had written 'Good morning, I feel awful'

Within seconds, I got a text from Tubbo

I'm Uncomfortubbo 🐝

Go 2 slep bitch 
sent just now 

No. I'm not tired

Im brinnig fod
sent just now

The thought of food made my stomach twist faster then ever. I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten. Because of not having anyone who forces me to eat (Eclipse), I usually managed to get away with streaming during meal times and just not eating. 

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