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How much longer will this book be? I don't know, but it's going to be long. Also I know the photo doesn't have Ranboo in it, but I liked it, so you guys can suffer. 

I curled into the warmth next to me. My eyelids were very heavy, so I didn't even try to open them and see what the warmth was. There was a dull pain in my lungs and a sharper pain on my chest, but I couldn't move enough to try and fix it. 

I heard a muffled laugh and felt a hand in my hair. It was nice. 

The hand stopped, trying to pull away. I don't know what came over me, but my hand reacted on it's own, pulling the hand back onto my head. There was another laugh, clearer this time as the person continues to pet me. 

Eventually, the hand stopped and I heard a yawn from above me. The person was obviously tired, and it wouldn't be much of a surprise if they fell asleep soon. This was good for me, because maybe once they fell asleep I could get myself to move and get out of there.

So I forced myself to stay awake, fighting against the pull of sleep, until I heard the person's breath slow down and their hand relaxed on my head. 

I waited another minute, but then I forced my eyes open. It was mostly dark in the room, with only enough light for me to see. 

I looked up slightly, and I felt my face burn when I saw who was there. Tubbo lay there, his hand still on my head. His eyes were closed, and for some reason, he was breathing in both the cutest and weirdest way. He inhaled slowly through his nose, then with a little puff out his mouth. 

I slowly moved away from him, taking the hand off of my head, and getting out of my bed without waking him. Once I managed to do that, I stood up and looked around. Almost everything in my room was fine, except my computer was on, and it was on a new minecraft world that I don't recall making. 

I grabbed one of my lighter blankets, throwing it over Tubbo, before I went to my wardrobe and got out of my binder, replacing it with a sports bra and a hoodie that was very big on me. 

As I pulled it on, my hands brushed my ribs. And that's where I got scared. I could feel them clearly through my skin. 

I looked down at myself. I looked like a stick. But I wasn't! I looked in the mirror just yesterday, and I was nowhere near this skinny!

I noticed how loose the shirt I had put on was. It had been pretty tight fitting when I had got it, but now it hung off me loosely. I had noticed my binder being loose around the elastic, but I thought that it was just me wearing them a lot. 

Maybe I was too skinny? 

I headed over to the mirror in the corner that was still covered with the sheet. I hesitated for a minute as I grabbed the edge of the sheet, but then I pulled and the mirror was uncovered.

Glancing back at the Tubbo blanket first, I looked at the mirror. The person there stared back. 

I pulled off my hoodie. They did the same. 

I pulled off my shirt. They did the same. 

I scanned the body of the person in the mirror. 




... It was different from the other times. But... I couldn't have lost so much weight in just a day. Why did my reflection from today look so different then the one yesterday?

I heard Tubbo stir, so I quickly grabbed my shirt from the floor, pulling it over my head. 

I looked back towards Tubbo just as he took the sheet off of his head. He looked over at me, and then seemed to notice the mirror that was uncovered. I turned away from him, pulling the blanket back over the mirror. I grabbed my hoodie from where it was on the floor and pulled it on. I wanted to avoid Tubbo's eye contact for as long as I could. 

I jumped a bit as I felt two arms wrap themselves around my stomach. The person that they came from was leaning on my back, but they slowly moved around to face me, keeping their arms around me, not letting me escape. 

Obviously, it was Tubbo, but he looked up at with tears in his eyes. I was surprised. Why was he crying? 

I wiped a tear from his eyes and he leaned into me, tightening his hold on me. I wrapped my arms around him in return, putting my head on top of his like a head rest. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked him quietly. 

"You looked sad and the mirror was uncovered and -" He stopped and looked up at me, taking away my head rest. 

"-You're also crying" He reached up, and wiped the tears I didn't even know were falling. He looked down at the hand that wiped my tears, seeing the small tears just sitting there. 

He looked back up at me, and there was a strange look into my eyes. And that's what the thing I had been dreading for a while happened. 

Tubbo picked me up. 

I gasped and he lifted me off the ground. and grabbed tightly onto his head. He walked towards my bed, throwing me onto the bed, before he went around my room, collecting the blankets and pillows from where they were on the floor and putting them on the bed. Then he left the room, coming back a minute later with some more blankets, his bee plushie and a computer. 

He threw himself on the bed next to me, before pushing me back so I was leaning against the pile of pillows at the head of my bed. I didn't fight back.

Soon, the blankets surrounded me. Tubbo sat next to me, getting something ready on his laptop. The bee plush was on my lap. Tubbo had put it there, and I was scared to touch it in case he was very protective of it. 

Finally, he placed the computer on the pillow between us. Instead of a normal movie or something you would expect, there was a Philza stream that was live. He was in a new world, as he was doing a viewers control the world sort of stream. I'm not sure if he had done one of these before, but I noticed that the viewers were enjoying screwing him over. 

Tubbo grabbed the bee plushie, before forcing it into my arms. 

"This is my old one. You can have it" He smiled at me. His smile was blinding, and I felt my face heat up slightly. 

I think he noticed but he didn't mention it, instead looking back at the stream. 

I pull the computer close to me for a second, but then he watches as I pull up the donation tab, and I think he knew what I was doing. 

"Spawn a wither!" He said excitedly. 

Surprisingly the wither wasn't that expensive, but I was going to be nice to Philza first, just so he would put his guard down. 

Using my own money, I sent him a golden apple with the message of 'Hi Phil, don't worry I'm nice' 

He noticed it and thanked me for the good item, only for the second part to happen. 

The wither, with the simple message I had Tubbo write 'Haha you thought I was nice' 

Let's just say Phil wasn't very happy about it. 

I laughed, and I heard Tubbo do the same beside me. His laugh sounded different from all the other times that I had heard it though. This laugh made my stomach twist nicely, and it made me smile bigger. 

After we finished laughing, Tubbo leaned his head against my shoulder. I stiffened, sitting up a bit, before sinking back into my original position. 

He laughed a bit at my flinch, but he stayed there, even when I awkwardly leaned my head against his. Actually at that point, he seemed to relax more. 

I was smiling. The sadness from earlier hadn't fully disappeared, and I don't expect it to disappear ever. In fact, I assume I'll have problems with it tomorrow. But for now, with the feeling of the blush on my cheeks and Tubbo head on my shoulder, with Philza's stream going on and my arms around the bee plush, I felt better then I had in a long time.   

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