Lost and found again

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So I'm probably going to put Beeduo as one of the ships in this book, but for now this chapter has a bit of platonic Beeduo. Just really good friends. 

When it's in bold and italics, it's Ranboo thinking. (if it's just in italics, it's like a voice in ranboo's head)

Tw: Unsafe Binding, coming out by accident, getting lost and eating disorder 

After the stream, I had gone to my room. Phil looked like he had wanted to talk to me. So had Fundy. But I had ignored them both, leaving the crowded area for the solitude of the room I would be staying in. 

Once I had gotten there, I had taken off my mask and glasses and replaced them with my normal glasses. I wanted to just go play Minecraft for a bit, or to just lay in bed, but my chest was yelling at me in pain. 

Walking over to my dresser, I pulled out a black sports bra, which wouldn't be as good as a binder, but would still be better then nothing at all. I also grabbed one of my biggest hoodies (it once belonged to Solar, but he gave it to me) to hide my chest better. I threw the stuff onto my bed, then pulled off my Hawaiian shirt thing, and then my actual t-shirt. My binder was always a bit harder to get off, so I stopped for a second before getting ready to take it off. 

That's when my door slammed open, and Tubbo walked in, not even looking at me. He closed the door before turning around to face me, and then he stopped. 

He just stared, surprised to find me wearing a binder, and about to take said binder off. 

"Is that... a binder?" He asked me, making eye contact with me. 

I nodded, and tears started to build up in my eyes. 

"how long had it been since you took it off?" 

Where were the questions of why I was wearing it, or why I had never told him?

"I put it on before I got here" I answered. My voice was thin and wobbly. 

"That's...." he paused, like he was doing math, "a lot of hours" 

I nod. He turns around suddenly and covers his eyes. 

"Change out of it quickly, I don't want you to break your ribs!" He yelled. 

I was surprised by his response, but did what he asked, and quickly changed. "You can turn around now" My voice was more stable now. 

He stared at me for just a second, before slowly walking towards me, like I was a spooked animal. 

Once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around me. And I have no shame in admitting I cried. 

The tears were coming down fast and I held onto Tubbo as if my life depended on it. 

We stood there for a long time as the tears continued to fall. Finally, the hug was separated by Tubbo looking up at me. 

"You look tired boss man" 

"I am" I was really tired. I had fallen asleep last night around 3am here which would be around 12 where I lived, and Eclipse had confirmed that it was 6am there when I woke up. 

Tubbo took my hand, pulling me onto my bed. I fell onto my bed immediately and Tubbo grabbed one of the blankets, pulling it over me. 

"Good night boss man" He said and he left, turning off the light. 

I fell asleep immediately. When I had woken up the next morning, Tubbo had told me to stay in my room so that my chest had time to stop hurting. I ended up streaming that day (no face cam) and it was a horror game I was playing, so Tubbo had come in twice to make sure I wasn't dying. 

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