⋔⊬ ⏃⋏☌⟒⌰ ⌇⍙⍜⍀⟒ ⏃⏁ ⋔⟒!

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Quick explanation for timeline and all that: The meetup started in july, meaning the four months are july, august, September and November. It's around august currently. The only reason they didn't do many streams or things is because ranboo got sick, which makes him feel a little guilty.  

No tw's, just a fun time. 

I was doing a baking stream. It wasn't even my subgoal, it was Tubbo's, and yet I was dragged in because I had baked a cake before. Did he even see my cake? It was a mess!

And yet here I was, Tommy and Tubbo next to me getting ready while talking to chat. I just stared into the camera, silently begging for help. I couldn't even see the camera, Tubbo had stolen my glasses a few minutes ago and hadn't given them back. 

"Chat stop saying #SaveRanboo, he doesn't need saving" As Tubbo said that, I nodded for help, but Tubbo glanced at me, so I quickly changed to shaking my head. I didn't want to die today. Especially since he for some reason had a knife. 

"Here you go bitch boy" Tommy passed me the cake mix box "Show us your magic" 

"There are literally instructions on the box!" I point at the instructions, showing them to him. I then grab my glasses back from Tubbo, putting them on before checking chat. 

"Chat can we stop talking about how I can't cook? The cereal ended up fine! So did the cake!" I glared at the camera, before looking back down to the instructions. 

"I'll preheat the oven" I head towards the oven as Tubbo opens the box. 

"Let's do this!" Tubbo yelled. 

I turned on the oven, and set it to the right temperature before I looked back at the two others, only to find them missing. 

I look around the kitchen, but they still weren't there. 

'This is only slightly scary' I head back towards the counter and look in the bowl that was set up. Everything but the eggs were in there. 

I nod before turning around to get the eggs. That was my mistake. 

A poof of flour was thrown in my face. I closed my eyes quickly and then when I opened them, the two shorter ones sat there, holding a bag of flour in their hands. 

"Seriously?" I asked, wiping of my glasses as the other two laughed. "We don't even need flour!" 

They continued laughing as I grabbed the eggs from the fridge. I went back to the bowl, breaking the two eggs and adding them to the mixture, making sure that no shells fell. 

I looked up at the camera. The flour was somewhat sticking to my face, and there was so much of it in my hair. It was also stuck to my clothes, but I had somewhat expected this, so I was wearing a random shirt I didn't care about. 

I turned back to where Tubbo and Tommy were now throwing flour at each other. I had somehow tuned them out, but they were screaming. I had a feeling even the people on the top floor could hear us. 

Tubbo turned to me, smiling but I flipped him off. I was quite mad. I had just had a shower today, and now I had flour in my hair in front a thousands of people. 

"AH!" Tubbo seemed suddenly scared, and he placed a hand on his left chest as if he was having heart problems "My angel swore at me!" I turned back to the bowl, mixing it while Tubbo freaked out. 

"What the fuck Ranboo?! Since when do you do that?" Tommy asked. He also had flour all through his hair, but less then in mine.

"Since now I guess" I handed him the bowl before going to the sink to wash my hands. Once wet, the flour on my hands got a bit sticky, but I managed to get it off quite nicely. 

We only got the cake in the oven 10 minutes later. Everything was good and ready, Tubbo just refused to let us put it in the oven. Finally it was in, so we started getting ready for icing it. 

We had 2 chocolate icing bottle things, and Tubbo wanted us to put it all on the cake, along with a bunch of random candies he got from the store. And then he planned to force feed it to whoever went down the stairs next. 

I was scared for that person. 

It wasn't long before the cake was ready, and we started with the icing. Tommy had decided to go annoy Wilbur, who was also streaming, leaving just me and Tubbo alone with the cake and chat. 

He talked to chat while doing it, but I tuned him out and focused on icing. When we were almost done, I felt him tap my shoulder, and when I looked up to looked at him. That's when he tapped my nose, leaving a bunch of icing behind. I felt my face slightly heat up, but I ignored it.

"Hey!" I grabbed a bit of icing in my hand and put it on his cheek. 

That started an icing war, which I had to stop or we wouldn't have enough icing for the cake. 

After the cake was iced, I washed my hands as he decorated it. Finally the cake was done.

It wasn't long until Tubbo had his first victim- I mean taste tester. Two actually. 

Dream and George had come down the stairs. They had been talking about random stuff, and holding hands, but Tubbo had heard them. He had ran around the corner, grabbed their hands before rushing over to where we had set up plates of the cake, which was around 56% icing.

"Eat this" Tubbo handed them both a slice of cake and a fork. "Enjoy" 

He sounded like he was poisoning them. They ate the cake slowly, only taking a few bites before giving a thumbs up. 

"You can leave" His grin was scary, but the two seemed happy to escape, so they hurried off. And yes, after they left the camera, they did grab each others hands again. 

"Well Chat, it looks like we are ending the stream here" He smiled at the camera, but this time is was a nice and genuine smile. It made my heart beat faster, and I could feel my face burn. I turned away from the camera, making it look like I was just washing my hands, but really I didn't want this all over twitter. 

"Goodbye!" He shouted, and then after a minute of silence, I turned around to see him watching the chat. The camera and microphone was off, so it was just the chat and a photo of Benson (before you get scared, he did take Benson to Florida. Benson live on the desk where everyone who walks in can see him. 

"Why is the chat spamming Blush-boo?" He asked. 

I look over his shoulder to see that the chat was indeed spamming blush-boo. Fucking chat. 

"No clue" I dried my hands before heading upstairs "I'm going upstairs to get all the icing and flour off" 

"Goodbye Boo" He shouted after me, and I felt my face heat up again. Why was this happening?! 

"Goodbye Bee" I muttered before continuing up the stairs, faster then before. 

When I reached the upstairs, I rushed past the people in the hallway, covering my face in my hands. If anyone asked, I just didn't want them seeing my face. Which might concern them more, but I would rather say that then tell them that I was blushing because of my best friend. 

I grabbed a towel and clean clothes from my room, and then hurried over to where the bathroom was empty. I got in there and locked the door, hanging the towel on the hook and placing the clothes on the shelf. 

I looked in the mirror. I was indeed blushing. My cheeks were red, and the tips of my ears were a darker shade of red. Why? 

Why was I blushing?! He's my best friend! I've never felt like this before.... so why was I feeling like this now!?

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