Stream 1

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Tw: Unhealthy binding and eating disorder. There is also someone using the name 'Chubbo' and people using things such as 'f@g' (i don't know if the last one is trigger words or anything, but I will censor it like that for this chapter)

When it is in italics, it's the voices in ranboo's head. If it's in bold italics, it's chat's donations.

Final note thing here, due to time zones, I'm going to say Ranboo fell asleep really late so it felt a bit normal for him. Also he woke up to pain in his chest, if that didn't wake him up he probably would've slept for a few more hours.

I woke up to a sharp pain in my chest and a still asleep Tubbo. Tommy was also asleep, he was just on the floor.

Pushing Tubbo off me (very slowly and nicely though as to not wake him up), I turn and stand up, stretching. But with every move, the pain in my chest returned. I had never worn my binder over night. I usually follow the rules my parents had put in for how long I could wear my binder (8 hours or less). I regret not following them now, but I can't take off the binder yet. We have to do the meetup stream at 1, and it's currently 9, meaning I have a few hours before the stream that might take an hour, and then dinner after that and spending time with whoever might want to hang out.

Throwing blankets on top of Tubbo and Tommy so I had a bit of privacy, I walked over to my wardrobe, grabbing a grey t-shirt, a pair of black jeans and a Hawaiian themed button up shirt.

I changed quickly, and then sat down at my desk. I started up my computer, but it was taking a long time so I mostly just stared into a black screen. But of course the black screen could be used as a mirror, so I stared at my face. Your eyes are too small. Stop you look fine. Your nose looks fat. My face looks just fine. Your cheeks are too round. They look fine. Your face is fat.You look like a girl. The last two were what hurt. I couldn't even think of a way to answer to that.

I stood up, and grabbed a mask and prescription sunglasses from one of the drawers on the desk (not the blue sticker drawers.) Just as I closed the drawer, I heard Tubbo groan from under his blanket, before he sat up, which threw the blanket off him.

"Good morning" I say and I put my mask and sunglasses on.

"'Morning boo" His voice was tired as he blinked a few times, before his eyes lit up and he jumped off the bed, stepping on Tommy purposefully as he collected all his stuff to bring to his room. Finally he grabbed Tommy's foot, dragging him along.

"Thanks for letting us stay the night!" He called as he went to his room, Tommy being literally dragged behind him.

There was nothing I could say. I don't think anyone could be that awake after just waking up. Especially not Tubbo. I've heard how tired he sounds when he wakes up.

how the fuck was he that energetic so fast? I doubt I would figure out the answer to that question anytime soon.

I walk out of my room, and walk down the stairs. Philza waves at me from the dining room. He was sitting down with a cup of something, and talking to Wilbur, who looked way more awake then he should've.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask as I sit down across from them.

"Still asleep mate" He took a sip of his drink. Judging by the smell, I could assume it was coffee.

"How was your sleep Ranboo" Wilbur asked.

"Good enough. Though Tommy and Tubbo decided they wanted to hang out so I was crushed slightly as I slept last night" I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling even though they couldn't see it.

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