Movie night

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Ok, quick thing here, I don't live in the US, and I though I'd tell people that now before anyone gets confused. I've never been to Florida, and I will probably just make up restaurants or stores or malls in the future of this book. Also, would you want me to add some Beeduo shipping? I'm not actually going to ship them in real life, just for this book. 

TW; Eating disorder, and unhealthy binding

I made my way down the stairs, Tubbo running ahead of me. The downstairs was much more crowded now, the other 13 people walking around with plates, trying to get a good spot at the table with their friends. There was pizza boxes that lay around, with many different options. I grabbed a plate looking at the food. The thought of eating made my stomach churn, but I didn't want them to think I was weird, so I grabbed the smallest piece of cheese pizza, before heading to the table. 

"Ranboob! Over here" Tommy calls. Between him and Tubbo, there was a single chair, to which they were both beckoning me over there. I smiled, before sitting down between them. 

"Is that everything you are going to eat?" Tubbo asked me, gesturing to my plate. He seemed concerned. Tommy looked up from his food to look at mine. Both him and Tubbo had average amounts of food on their plates. 

"It's ok, I'm not really hungry, I had a snack on the plane" Lies. They offered me a snack, but I didn't accept it. 

"Yeah but the plane snacks are usually really small, and that was a few hours ago," Tommy said. 

Why were they both so concerned about how much I ate? 

Thankfully we were interrupted by Dream, who was sitting at the foot of the table with George and Sapnap on either side of him. "Hello Everyone!" 

Their was a small mutter if hello's from around the table. I just waved slightly. 

"Everyone here had probably already heard the rules, so I'm not going to repeat them. I actually just wanted to mention that we were going to do our first all together stream tomorrow in my office at around 1PM. The stream will count as our first meetup stream and it will also count for both mine and Techno's face reveals" 

"Also thank you Ranboo for revealing your face early so that the viewers don't explode" He laughs, and I smile, slightly embarrased by the fact that all the attention got put on me. Even if there was only 12 people looking at me (Tubbo and Tommy glanced at me before going back to their game of chopsticks that they were playing behind my back). 

"Any way, enjoy the dinner!" Some people (Niki and Fundy because they are polite) clap a little for his small speech but everyone else goes back to eating/talking/whatever they were doing before the speech. 

I glance down at my food. I did not want to put that in my stomach. It would just turn into fat, and that would make me fat, and when you're fat, nobody likes you. You don't even like yourself.  

"Are you ok Mate?" I heard a voice ask, and I look up to see Phil across the table, looking at me with concern in his eyes. Just like Tubbo and Tommy, he had an average amount on his plate. But none of them were fat. All of their bodies were perfect. But mine wasn't. Any time I looked at myself, I'm surprised they don't talk about how fat I am. 

"I'm ok" I reply and I turn back to my food, picking it up and tentatively taking a small bite of the pizza. As soon as it touched my tongue, I felt like gagging. I hadn't eaten in such a long time that my body was sick as soon as I tasted it. But I chewed it, not letting the feeling reflect onto my face. Finally I swallowed it. 

I could feel someone's eyes on me, but I didn't look up, instead taking another small bite. 

After around 5 minutes later, people started to leave the table, and I left too. I threw the rest of my food into the garbage, placing the plate next to the sink where the rest of the plates were. I could still feel the person watching me, but I ignored it, heading back to my room. 

I sat down on my bed. My stomach was all swirly and I felt sick. Trying my hardest to ignore that, I tried to focus on another feeling in my body. And that's when I noticed it. A dull pain in my chest, caused by my binder. I had been wearing this for almost 11 hours now. I had put it one 4 hours before the 5 hour plane ride, and it had been around 1 hour and 43 minutes since I had gotten here. 

Should I take it off? I rubbed the part where it hurt a bit more, the part where the elastic separated my chest and my stomach. 

Before I could decide, a knock on my door decided for me. I looked outside of my room to see Tubbo and Tommy standing there, with pillows, blankets and a computer. "MOVIE NIGHT!" Tubbo cheered while Tommy grumbled beside him. 

"Ok" Forget about the binder problem. Don't make them think you are weird for saying no. "Just let me change into something a bit comfier" 

They nodded and I closed my door, heading towards my closet. I grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants. I put them on quickly, but I kept my binder on. If I took it off they might accidentally touch my chest and then I would have to answer about why I had too lumps of flesh on my chest. And I didn't want to be different. I just wanted to be a teenage boy like them. With a flat chest, or a chest that it as flat as I can get it to be. 

I walked back over to the door, letting them in. They immediately clamber onto my bed, Tubbo getting comfortable while Tommy throws all the Ranboo plushies off the bed. 

Grabbing one of the plushies that ended up on the floor, I sit on my bed, before being pushed into the middle. Tubbo throws a blanket on top of me to keep me warm, and places the computer on my lap, pressing play on the movie. Immediately, Tommy stops trying to throw me off the bed and starts paying attention to the screen, where the pixar movie 'Up' had started to play. It was funny to see how fast Tommy changed moods, but I didn't laugh so I didn't interrupt their film. 

After Up, we watched Coco, then Wall-E, and then we had just started to watch Finding Nemo, when I felt someone rest their head on my upper arm, and I turn to see Tubbo asleep, clutching his bee plushie to his chest. 

A few minutes later, Tommy also fell asleep, leaning on my other side, leaving me trapped. With as little movement as possible, I reach forward, closing the laptop, before putting it on the nightstand. I then leaned back into my pillows, which made Tubbo and Tommy fall onto my chest, both still asleep. 

The combined weight pushed down my chest even more, making it hurt to move, but I ignored that, closing my eyes and letting my imagination wander. 

(this was the other photo that I was thinking of putting up top. Just thought I'd include it)

 Just thought I'd include it)

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