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409 19 7

This takes place mid-way through the meet-up! Just some alium-duo content because i've been itching to write something for the meetup!

ALL OF THIS IS PLATONIC! It's supposed to be a brotherly relationship

It felt like only a minute had passed since my eyes had closed, and yet there was a bang as Tommy threw open the door, yelling loudly the minute he got inside. "YOU READY FOR TODAY BITCH!?"

I sat up groggily, my eyes drooping as I looked at the blond at my door, who was much too excited for..

I picked up my phone from my nightstand, glancing at the bright screen.

5 am.

I looked back at Tommy, then at my phone again to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

"Nope too early" I dropped my phone next to me, laying back down on the bed and pulling my blankets over me to hide my face from Tommy.

I heard an angry grunt from Tommy, and heard the patters of his feet as he raced across the room, jumping on the bed next to me, bouncing slightly on the mattress.

"Please Boo? Just this once?" I felt his hand over the blankets, tapping at my shoulder.

"You say just this once, but I know if I agree, this once will turn into as many times as you can book something" He giggled slightly at my words.

"C'mon it's just a little vlog"

"What would we be doing?" I asked, peeking my head out from the blankets and looking him in his eyes.

"Me and you, in a battle of tag, with techno and phil. At a water park." He swung his legs off my bed as he spoke, falling backward onto where my legs were. Didn't look very comfortable, but he wasn't complaining.

"Why are we waking up at 5am for that?" He smiled slightly at my words in a evil gremlin sort of way.

"I thought it would be funny to have you guys be sleep deprived in my video. Just to see how you would react" Tommy, who just seemed so full of energy, booped my nose after he was done speaking, giggling as I flinched back, bringing my legs out from under him.

"I hate you"

"No you don't. Now get ready, we leave in half an hour!" Tommy stood from my bed, his voice getting louder as he ran to my door. "And wear whatever you want! We'll be getting wetsuits when we arrive"

He slammed the door loudly, the echo of the bang sounding through the room. I groaned quietly, but he had woken me up now, so I couldn't go back to sleep.

I stretched my arms out, yawning before throwing my blankets off and standing up. I brushed my hair back before crossing my arms, pushing them down on my binder-less chest. Thankfully I had subconsciously held my blanket high enough to hide it, but it still felt like a knot was forming in my stomach from the fear of Tommy seeing how feminine my body was. I hated it.

I went to my desk quickly, opening the blue drawer to grab my swim binder. On a normal day, I would have grabbed a normal, tighter one, but I couldn't today. I wasn't risking a broken rib if I couldn't get the wet binder off.

I changed quickly, changing into something comfortable. Then I grabbed my backpack, and stuffed a few things I would need later, like a proper binder. It was at that time the door was forced open by Tommy, and he smiled sheepishly at me, obviously glad that I was fully dressed.

"Ready to go?" He asked, and I nodded, following him out the door and down the stairs to the main room.

Techno, Phil and Wilbur all waited downstairs, snacking on some food they found. As we reached them, Phil passed me one of the muffins he had, watching as I took a bite from it. Normally I would have just taken a few bites and then thrown it out, but seeing as I would be stuck with Phil for the rest of the day, I finished it quickly, eating it in as few bites as I could. It settled uncomfortably in my stomach, catching in my throat as I swallowed. But Phil smiled at me before he turned away, so it was all fine.

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