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I have already started to plan my next dsmp book, based on an idea from a tiktok I saw. It probably won't post the first chapter until I finish one of my other books though, but currently one of my books are halfway done, so maybe it'll be soon!

After I hung up the phone, I hurried over to where the blanket was set up. I was correct about it being for a meal, as everyone was sitting on the blankets, eating food. Checking my phone, it was lunch time, so that would make sense. 

I walked over to an empty spot, next to Wilbur, who just looked up at me before continuing to eat his sandwich. 

"Ranboo, which sandwich would you like?" Phil asked and I looked at the different sandwiches he had brought. 

"Any of them work" I say and he passes me a simple sandwich, which had tomato's, lettuce and bacon. I think it was called a BLT, but I didn't ask, instead thanking him and taking a bite out of it as I noticed him watching me. 

He looked away after that, so I swallowed the small bite I had taken and put the sandwich down on my lap.

"Hey Ranboob" I looked up at Tommy, who was sitting across from me. The others also looked at him, as it had been quiet until he had spoken. 

"When will you go into the water? We've been here for a few hours. Even Techno has gone in the water" I look up at Techno, and sure enough, the end of his braid is wet. 

"Maybe later" I looked down at my sandwich but Tommy wasn't done. 

"C'mon. You're acting like a little girl!" Tommy said. That made Niki glare at him, and I could see Tubbo, Fundy and Techno all look at me, concerned about my reaction.

But I was really done just laughing it off. He kept making jokes about me being a girl or acting girly and it hurt because I was trying my best to pass, but these jokes made me feel as if I would never pass. They made my binder feel like it tightened against my chest, making me more aware of it. It made the hair that brushed against my neck feel longer and it makes me hear my voice before testosterone when I speak. 

But I wasn't sad or anything anymore. I was angry. 

"Fine then-" I stand up and glare at Tommy. "-Race you to the water Bitch" I said the last word loudly and angrily. The others gasped, they had never actually heard me swear before, but Tommy just smiled and stood up, before he started to run to the water. 

I chased after him, and thankfully my legs were longer, so I ran past him and got to the water first. I continued to run after I reached the water and then swam when my feet no longer touched the sand. Tommy swam after me, and when I finally stopped, allowing him to catch up, he smiled at me. "Geez Ranboo, you're fast" 

I laughed, slipping on the mask I usually use for streaming. The anger hadn't lasted for long, and now the sadness and other horrible feelings had come back. 

We swam around for a bit longer before we headed back to our friends. They had stopped eating and were now doing whatever. Tommy and I went over to where the rest of the sbi + tubbo were making a sand castle. I sat down next to Tubbo, who started to talk as soon as I sat down. 

"I can't believe you swore! You've been holding back on us Boss Man!" He jokingly punched me in the shoulder and I laughed. 

The rest of the afternoon was pretty calm, until Dream decided he wanted to end the video by going to the mall, which had air conditioning. 

I was still wet from my swim earlier and from Tommy dumping water on me, so I had to change my clothes. Tubbo followed me, as he had stolen my phone to play games on it and I wasn't letting him run away with my phone. 

I entered the gender neutral change room and forced Tubbo to stand outside. I pulled off the swim top and then the swim shorts, and changed into a pair shorts. Then it was time to fight with the binder. As my skin and the binder was still wet, I had a feeling it would be hard to get off, but I grabbed the sides of it with the opposite hands and got it off my chest, and then- 

-it was stuck.

I couldn't get it to go over my shoulders, only my chest. I tried for another minute to try and get it off, but it pulled at my skin, and it had started to hurt. 

I pulled it down, over my chest again. I needed to get help from someone else, but I couldn't text anyone, as Tubbo had my phone. 

I unlocked the door, and peeked my head out. The only person out there was Tubbo, who looked over at me when the door opened. 

"Can you get Fundy?" I ask him and he nods, hurrying away. I close the door again. I didn't want to do this. He would see the stretch marks on my back, and he would see how fat I had gotten from eating so that Philza wouldn't get worried. But I had to get his help. The binder was wet enough that if I put a shirt on top, it would get the shirt wet, which would reveal it to whoever didn't know yet. 

A few minutes passed, and then there was a knock on the door. I opened it, peeking my head out and saw Fundy waiting there. I opened the door while still hiding my body from Tubbo, who stood outside. Fundy walked in and I closed the door and locked it, before turning around to face him. 

"You need help with that?" He asked and pointed to my binder. I was embarrassed I had to ask for help, but I nodded. 

It took a few minutes to get the binder off me, but once it was off, Fundy turned around and faced the corner, letting me have my privacy (he had been helping me from my back, so that when it came off he wouldn't see my chest). 

I pulled a new binder on, and it pulled at my damp skin, but I managed to get it on. As I grabbed my shirt, Fundy spoke. 

"What were the marks on your back?" He asked me. 

"I was thrown into the lions den as a child" I smirked, remembering the joke I had made on stream about it. 

"what!?" He whirled around to see if I was lying and I laughed. He obviously hadn't watched that stream. 

"Nothing, it's an inside joke" I laughed, before grabbing my stuff and leaving the room 

(that's the end of the beach day stuff, no part 3 of the idea, so you guys are getting something new next chapter)

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