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It was almost November. Meaning it was the end of October, meaning that the adults in the dsmp meetup house now had a reason to force us into costumes and send me, Tommy and Tubbo to try and get candy for them. 

Because the boxes of candy that Phil bought for them weren't enough. 

 I watched from the swing as the dream team tried to decorate, with Sapnap on Dream's shoulders as George passed him decorations. They were all fighting, and Dream was threatening to throw Sapnap off. Fun fact, this all could have been avoided if they had decided to use the ladder that was seriously three feet away from them. But noooo, they had to hang up the witch decorations like this. 

Quackity, Karl, Bad and Skeppy were doing other decorations on the other side of the house. Niki and Fundy were in charge of the costumes, and Phil, Techno and Wilbur were in charge of candy. Me, Tommy and Tubbo weren't given a job, so Tubbo was helping Niki and Fundy, and Tommy was streaming. I wanted to help these three decorate, but after a few minutes I realised that I'd rather not try and have George or someone on my shoulders while he argues with the others. 

I glance at the clock, seeing that it is already 2 in the afternoon. We had somehow all forgotten about Halloween until yesterday, so now it was a rush to get everything done. 

I felt my phone vibrate and looking down, it seemed that Eclipse had sent me two photos. I smile, and open them, only to burst out laughing as soon as I see them. They wore the same costume, Solar's obviously in a bigger size, and Eclipse's was a bit more revealing. It was a maid dress with black tights and cat ears/tail. With facking bells! Bells on their ears, tail, wrists and ankles. 

Dream looked over to where I was laughing, and that caused me to look up as Sapnap started yelling at Dream for moving without telling him. I made eye contact with him, before I turned back to my phone, responding to the pictures with a laughing cat emoji. Almost immediately, a photo of Solar flipping me off was sent back, so of course I sent him one in return. 

There was a different ringtone from my phone, and this time it was from Tubbo. 

Tubboat - cum to niki room cotume

Ranboozled - ok be up in a minute

I stood from the swing, and walked towards the house passing the dream team, who now had George on the ladder and were doing some sort of tug of war between George and Sapnap while Dream tried to keep them from falling. 

In the living room, Phil was passed out on the couch while Wilbur scribbled on his face with a washable crayola marker. Techno sat next to them, reading, but waved at me as I passed. 

I hurried up the stairs and finally reached Niki's room. The door was open and I could see inside, and honestly I was impressed by the fact that she actually had somewhat decorated it. On the walls were a few posters that had been put up with tape that wouldn't hurt the wall, there was window stickers on the windows and her bed had many blankets and pillows on it. Her desk was a bit cluttered, but you could tell that everything was where it was supposed to go. The floor was covered in costume parts with actual costumes every few feet. Fundy sat at the desk chair, a pair of poorly made cat ears sitting on his head. Tubbo was on the bed with Niki. Tubbo was wearing a hot dog costume and Niki was showing off a frog hat that she had knitted. 

I knocked lightly at the door and they all turned to face me. Tubbo's face lit up once he saw me and he got up quickly, grabbing my hand to pull me into the room and forcing to sit me on the bed. He then shoved a yellow costume into my hands. 

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