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We're gonna spice things up and I'm gonna give you a Phil POV. Because I'm bored, and yes. 

Tw: dumb children, Phil being a dad, mention of bitch grandma (I just realised that this tw is the only thing that is telling you exactly who 'she' is. SO I guess spoiler alert or something), angsty ranboo, cigarettes, sadness, sh, mention of Mumza (she doesn't even get like a speaking role, i just mention her)


Of course Tommy was the first thing I heard. What would be a better way to start the morning other than annoying children who act like you're their father.  

I sat up slightly from where I was sitting, moving my head around to stretch my neck. I thought I had gone to bed last night, so why was I sitting in such an uncomfortable position?

A weight on my chest made me stop and open my eyes to see Ranboo, his eyes tightly closed as he curled into me, tightening his hold on my hoodie. 

I smile when I see him, but my smile drops when I think back to last night. What had caused him to smoke? He was such a good kid, so why had he decided to do that? And then when he flinched... I had just been reaching out to fix his hair so I could make eye contact with him. Then he said something about her.... who was she and what did she do to make Ranboo so scared?

I remember looking back at the cigarettes that we had just left there. If I remember correctly, there had been a cigarette where he was standing, slightly crumpled as if he had stood on it to hide it. Which he probably had done, and this concerned me extremely, especially with the fact that he was bare foot, meaning the cigarette had made direct contact to skin, and it might have been still hot, meaning it would have burned him. But he didn't look like he was in any physical pain, so maybe it wasn't too hot. 

I adjust him slightly to look at the bottom of his feet. That's definitely a good looking burn. Meaning that the cigarette should've hurt him, yet he didn't look like he was in any pain. 

I move him again to a more comfortable spot and cover his ears with a blanket, just in time for Tommy and Wilbur to come running down the stairs, sighing in relief when they saw me. They wake me up every morning, so I can assume it was a bit of a scare when I just wasn't in my room. 

"Phil, why are you downstairs? Shouldn't you be in your room?" Wilbur asked, probably not seeing Ranboo yet. I looked back at them and smiled, somewhat hiding Ranboo with the blanket as I answered his question. 

"I just woke up last night really late because I heard something outside and then didn't bother walking back upstairs" I smiled at them and Tommy laughed. 

"Awww, poor old man Phil couldn't get back up the stairs with his creaky old legs" He stuck his tongue out at me before running over to the kitchen to get himself breakfast, Wilbur following me after giving me a suspicious glance. My lies obviously didn't work on him. 

I look back at the tall boy who was laying on me and I shake him slightly to wake him up, only for him to curl further into me, closing his eyes tighter. 

"C'mon Mate, I need to get up and go feed the gremlins" I had made it my duty to make food for everyone since day 1 when I realised that majority of the people could somehow burn water while trying to make something simple like spaghetti. 

Ranboo just buried his face into the blanket next to him, so I sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck before grabbing under his knees and standing up, holding Ranboo, who was surprisingly light for his height. That wasn't very good, and only fueled my theory of why he didn't eat much. 

I didn't head to the kitchen immediately, instead I went upstairs, carrying Ranboo to his room where I saw the white bag that he had gotten from the hospital. It was opened and someone seemed to have gone through it. Maybe that's where he got the cigarettes. 

After laying Ranboo on the bed and tucking him in with a few of the many blankets he has, I kneel down, quickly going through the bag, checking to see if there was anything else dangerous that he might hurt himself with. Thankfully the rest of the stuff seemed safe, except for two small presents that weren't opened yet. I left those. He would open them when he wanted to. 

I push the bag back under his bed before I turn to look at the sleeping boy. He looked so innocent while sleeping, with his messy blue hair somewhat covering his closed eyes. I hoped whatever he was dreaming of was good. He deserved to be happy at the moment, even if it was just in a dream. 

I exit his room, closing the door lightly behind me. The hallway was quiet, with everyone either still asleep or downstairs. 

I hurried down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen, where Tubbo and Niki had joined the other two. They were now all planning future streams  that they had started to plan for the next month. 

"Phil! I'm doing a vlog in a few days! Want to join?!" Tommy asked me, yelling over the voices of his friends. I just sent him a thumbs up before checking the fridge to see if we had any muffins left over from the weekly ones Bad makes (which is actually the only thing he knows how to make, so I've been helping him learn to make more things). Thankfully we did, so I pulled out the tin where 6 muffins lived and put them on the counter, taking two of them for me and Ranboo before I let the other 4 grab one. 

"aww no fair. why does dadza get two?" Tommy slumped on the counter with a mouth full of muffin. 

"Because I cook for you gremlins everyday. I deserve a treat!" I laugh as I speak, taking a bite out of one of the muffins. Just because Bad can only make muffins doesn't mean the muffins are bad in the slightest. In fact they were delicious, and every time he made them it was a race to get the first batch. 

"He's got a point there" Tubbo said. He had already finished his muffin and was trying to get a bite of Tommy's, but that plan didn't last long as Tommy stuffed the rest of his muffin in his mouth, smiling at Tubbo groaned in disappointment. 

"Yeah. You guys are gremlins" Wilbur said, copying Tommy and stuffing the rest of the muffin in his mouth before bop-ing Tommy's head and running up the stairs to his room, Tommy quickly chasing after him to get revenge. 

"Thank you Phil" Niki said as she left. Let's be honest here, she's probably the only one in this house who isn't a gremlin. 

Tubbo left after her, thanking me quickly before running upstairs to prepare the stream he had promised his viewers. 

Once they were all gone, I walked towards the back door, opening it and slipping outside, going to the side of the house where the cigarettes still were. I grabbed the little packet and the lighter, before gently picking up the used cigarettes. Thankfully Dream's garbage was near where I was standing, so I threw the now cold cigarette in there, along with the packet. I kept the lighter though. Techno had some candles he had put in our room, and his current lighter was almost useless, but he didn't want to go out and get another one, so maybe I'll give it to him. It was just a normal dollar store lighter, so hopefully Ranboo had no strong connection to it, because there was no way he was ever getting it back. 

Especially with the blood I saw on the rocks where the cigarette was. Since it was dark when I first found him, I hadn't seen it, but now it was very visible. I cleaned it off the rocks using the hose, but now my brain was going a mile a minute. Where was the blood from? Was it from Ranboo? It probably was, but if so, how did he get hurt? Is he hurting himself? Is that why I didn't know until now? How bad is it? Should I bring him to a hospital and have them check it out? Should I ask him about it?

Music interrupted my thoughts. It was my wedding song, and it was coming from my phone, from where it was vibrating in my pocket. I smiled as I heard the song, pulling my phone out to see my wife's contact there. She was calling me quite early in the morning, but with the time difference, it was probably around lunchtime there. 

I looked through the glass door to see if there was anyone else up, not too surprised when Techno and Ranboo waved at me. I waved back before answering the phone. I did need to talk to Ranboo, but I had the rest of the day to do that. He probably needed time to think over last night so me speaking with Kristin first will give him the time he needs. 

So I click the answer button, holding my phone up to my ear. Boy, did I have a story to tell her. 

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