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Well hello my dear readers, I have no clue what to do for this book, so enjoy whatever I make up along the way. For the current timeline, it's the start of December, and at the end of the month is when they all go home, meaning that they will be spending Christmas and new years at Dream's house. Also I realise I have to do a chapter for Tubbo's birthday, which is at the end of December, so I'll have that done eventually. 

As I have finished writing this chapter, it is right after Tommy's 18th birthday, so I guess happy belated birthday to Tommy. Please don't die in the middle of the night because of your creepy and probably murderous doll. 

The spirit of Christmas filled the air, and just like all Christmas's, there was a lot of 'holy fuck we don't have decorations' and 'holy fuck I still need to buy presents'. Even though there were still 24 days until Christmas, none of us were prepared in the slightest. 

In the morning, right after I had woken up, Tubbo had decided to leave so he could go stream with Tommy, and I had taken this chance to try and figure out what to buy everyone. I had gotten a few good ideas, and had written them down, but every time I tried to think of new ideas, my brain would go back to the presents under my bed, the ones from my parents, probably for my birthday. I had never opened them, always too scared that I would break down again and do something that I would regret. 

But yet, the beautifully wrapped presents tempted me. I really wanted to open them, just to see what my parents had decided to get me for my 18th birthday. Wait no, bad Ranboo. Get back to thinking of ideas for presents. 

I sat there for another hour before I gave up. I checked twitch quickly, and saw that Tubbo and Tommy were still streaming, so I fixed my hoodie quickly and walked out of my room, knocking only once before Tommy told me I could come in. 

I opened the door and walked over to where the camera could see me, and leaned on Tubbo's chair. 

"I've come to say hi to chat because I'm bored and my brain decided not to work" 

"Ugh now we're stuck with Ranboob" Tommy grumbled and I stuck my tongue out at him before looking at their laptops. They had been trying to figure out how to do this stream for a very long time. It was a drawing competition, and both of them were drawing desperately on Microsoft paint, and then at certain points (usually every 30 minutes) they would show their drawings to the chat and start a poll for who won that round. Whoever won would get a point, and whatever they were drawing depended on whatever the mods decided.

The category the mods had chosen were insects and the timer was almost up, so on Tommy's screen was a giant cockroach and on Tubbo's screen was a bee.  

"They both look stupid" I say and Tommy practically growled. 

"OH FUCK OFF RANBOOB! YOu probably can't even draw" 

"You obviously haven't seen my drawing stream. I made a masterpiece and killed chat all in one stream" I smiled, remembering how much everyone in chat had wanted to be killed. 

There was silence and then a "what the fuck?" from Tommy before the timer went off. 

"ok chat, since Ranboob thinks he's so talented, he can judge this time" Tommy said as they showed their drawings to chat. 

"Hmmmm..." I look over their drawings. Tommy's drawing was just a photo of a penis on top of a bug, while Tubbo's drawing was an actual drawing of a bee in a flower field. Neither of them were really good, and they both looked like they had been drawn by 3rd graders in art class. "I have decided Tubbo wins because he has a background" Tubbo cheered and Tommy swore as I said that. 

"You're a fucking simp" Tommy muttered, still loud enough for the microphone to pick up. I grabbed a pillow from his bed, and smacked Tommy in the face with the pillow, making him fall off the chair. 

"My stream now" I stand up from the bed and sit down in Tommy's chair, taking his laptop. "so mods, what's the category"

"What the fuck! This is my stream" Tommy said, laughing from where he was laying on the floor. 

"did you not hear me? My stream now" I kick my leg out, hitting Tommy in the shoulder before I look over at the monitor that has discord open. "It appears we are doing our favourite pet from dsmp... dibs drawing Micheal" 

"OH MY FUCKING GOD I WANTED TO DRAW MICHEAL!" Tubbo yelled, pushing my chair away. 

"Too bad, respect the dibs" I smiled at him as I began to draw, and Tommy leaned on my chair, watching me. 

"That looks stupid" He muttered. 

"Tommy the screen is black. You're looking at yourself" I smile as I start to draw on the black background while Tommy blushed from embarrassment and sputtered as he tried to find a comeback. 

"Fuck off" He finally muttered and I hummed to acknowledge him as I listened to Tubbo talking to chat. 

"How the fuck do you draw Squishy Fuck?" He was saying, and in the mirror behind him I could somewhat see the green cube he was drawing. "Ok anyways chat, I need to get a haircut. I mean, look at this" He played his hair, showing how long it was by pulling a strand over his face. 

"I also have to get a haircut soon, and Ranboob looks like he needs one. Why don't we all go later this week?" Tommy said, and I nodded, a bit scared by the way his eyes were glinting evily, but relieved because I do in fact need a haircut and didn't want to go alone. 

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Tubbo agreed and me and him went back to drawing as Tommy entertained the chat by leaving the room and dragging Wilbur in. 

When the 30 minutes were finally up, we showed chat our drawings. I knew my drawing wasn't at all good, as it was just a pink smiley face with half of it white and green, but it looked a lot better than Tubbo's green block with a face. Tubbo ended up winning though. 

"Ok, well, I understand. You all can't see real talent" I dramatically shoved the laptop back into Tommy's hands before standing up and leaving the room. "I have a few things I need to do, but I might be back chat! I'm not sure yet!" Then I closed the door and went back to my room, sitting down at my desk, looking down at the list that was still there. I thought for a minute before I grabbed the pencil and added something to the list

Tubbo - either slime or piglin plushie. Or maybe a bee. He likes bees. 

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