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Just italics - it's them talking in asl

Warnings - overbinding

I was awoken quite early on December 28th by a nervous Phil who thought we would be late to our flight. 

Still-half asleep, I quickly changed and joined a tired Techno in dragging our luggage down the stairs, and then into the car. 

When we went back in, Phil pushed cups of coffee in travel mugs for us to drink while the others slowly woke up from the noise and came down, wishing us safe travels. Tommy, Tubbo and Will were coming to the airport with us, so they took a bit longer to come down, but they were fully dressed and more awake than the others. 

Once we were all ready, we said our final goodbyes. I ended up getting hugged a few times, and a super tired Quackity refused to let go of me when he gave me a hug, saying that I was comfy and he was tired. Sapnap had to tear him off me, only for him to get stuck hugging the tired beanie clad Mexican. 

Finally we clambered into the car (with me in the passenger seat), and left for the airport. Just a car full of tired british people and two tired americans who were sometimes seen as a family by the fans. 

There were attempts of conversation on the way there, but eventually Phil plugged his phone into the speaker and gave it to me, letting me choose the music for the rest of the trip. 

Eventually we pulled into the airport parking lot. This was where the final goodbyes would be said. 

After helping us get all of our luggage into carts and making sure we had our backpacks for the flight, Phil pulled us into a hug, tightly squeezing us. 

"Stay safe, okay Mates?" Phil said, waiting for us to nod before he let us go. 

Then Tommy tackled me into a hug, mumbling something about how I should go and visit them sometimes. After I promised that I would, it was Wilbur's turn, who pulled me into a hug and then compared our heights for the last time, sighing defeatedly when he realised that I was still much taller then him. 

As those two went to attack Techno with their goodbyes, I turned to where Tubbo was waiting. 

There was no hesitation as he pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly. 

"Promise you'll text?" He said. 

"We texted before everyday. Of course I will" I hugged him back, feeling him lean against me as he relaxed into my hold. 

Then he looked up at me, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously as he went up on his tippy toes and planted a small kiss on my chin. 

"love you boss man" He giggled and let go of me, walking over to get in the car again with everyone else, leaving me with a red face and confusion. 

As the car drove away, Techno nudged me and started to steer the cart towards the airport. 

"C'mon Ranboo, we still have to get through security and Phil would kill us if we missed our flight"

.                                                                      .                                                                        . 

It took quite a while to get through security but since I didn't have to hide the binders and testosterone from Techno, it was easier on me. 

When we finally managed to get on the flight, I spent the whole time editing a video about the meetup while Techno was fast asleep next to me. 

At one point, I looked out the window next to me, and had a sudden idea. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and took a photo of the plane wing and the clouds outside, smiling at how it looked. But since I didn't have internet, I didn't do anything with it just yet, instead I saved it to my phone and forced my phone back into my pocket. 

It felt like just 5 minutes after that was when they announced that we were starting our descent and asked us to put back on our seatbelts. Unlike the trip to florida, this 6 hour plane ride had only felt like a few minutes. 

After shaking Techno awake and getting him to buckle his seatbelt, I glance out the window, really glad to see my home coming into view. With all the crazy things that have happened lately, I just want to spend some time with Eclipse and Solar, maybe at that ice cream shop Eclipse showed me before I left. 

When the plane finally landed, I had to force a half-asleep Techno off the plane and then spent the next 10 minutes trying to find our luggage, even with how recognisable they were. 

Still dragging Techno behind me, we entered the area where people were anxiously waiting for their friends or loved ones to show up. I scanned the faces, looking for Eclipse or Solar. 

Then, as if it was on purpose, the crowd parted, revealing a tired Eclipse leaning against Percy who was talking with Solar. Next to them, an older couple stood, and Techno hurried towards them, pulling them into hugs as soon as he got there. I, on the other hand, went over to my friends. 

Welcome back Solar signed once he saw me, and he pulled me into a hug, which I returned quickly, waving at Percy. I still wasn't too sure about him, so while I may seem nice to him, I also was ready to punch him in the face at any minute. 

"It's nice to be back" I glanced over to where Techno and his parents stood. They seemed to be getting ready to leave, with Techno's mom talking to her son and his dad grabbing their luggage. Techno glanced over to me before they left, and he smiled and did a small salute before he let his parents take him home. 

Upon hearing my voice, Eclipse had come out from behind Percy and had pulled me into a hug, completely putting all their weight on me. 

"Can we go home?" They asked, looking up at me. 

"Awww, are you tired?" They nod when I say this and I just push them off me "Shouldn't have booked the flight for so early then" Percy laughs at this, holding up his partner who had almost fallen when I had pushed them away. 

we gotta go R, We only paid for 45 minutes parking Solar signed, grabbing two of my suitcases and then walking away from us, which made the rest of us hurry and grab the remainder of my luggage and then race after him with his long legs. 

As soon as I excited the airport doors and stepped into the fresh air of the parking lot, I remembered something I had to do. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I grabbed the photo I had taken earlier on the plane, posting it to twitter with a caption that I thought was appropriate (it's been a crazy last few months, but finally I am home).

"C'MON RAN! I wanna go home and sleep!" Eclipse yelled from where they were putting my suitcases into Percy's car. 


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