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More art by me. This time it's Eclipse (left) and Solar (right). By the way, Solar is just bending down because I ' know that he is taller then Eclipse, but I drew them the same height accidentally, so ignore that please.

Italics is sign language because I have the wonderful Solar in this

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that it was warm. Like really warm. The blankets had pulled onto me when I had fallen asleep were on the floor, but even then it was very warm.

I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. The room was lit up from the light that was coming from the window, and my computer was still on, playing some random twitch stream. I'm going to assume that since I didn't leave twitch when I had fallen asleep and had left Aimsey's stream on, that it had just been passed from stream to stream as I slept.

I got, pulling off my hoodie and throwing it on the floor. I went to my computer and turned off twitch before checking discord quickly to see if I had any new messages. There were none that were really important, though my discord server had a few thousands. Those weren't really important though, as my mods weren't asking me to help with anything.

It was still very very warm, so I changed from the sweaty clothes that I was wearing into a t-shirt and shorts. My chest was in a slight pain because of the fact that I had slept in a binder, so I took it off, but I changed into a new one, as I was going to outside of my room to see if I could find a fan, or try and get them to turn on the air conditioner that I know they have.

As I headed down the stairs, I notice that most of the doors were open, and yet nobody was there.

I headed to the first floor, where I found some of my friends laying on the couches, in shorts and t-shirts, and I also saw Dream and Sapnap talking to some dude I'd never seen.

Tubbo, who was sitting on one of the couches, patted the spot next to him, so I hurried over and sat down next to him.

"What happened?" I asked the group that was there. I noticed that Bad and Skeppy were missing, but then I remembered that they were going to go to the mall today (on a date).

"The air conditioner decided to die" George said. He was sitting in front one of the fans that I hadn't noticed before. There were three, but Tommy and Karl were sitting in front of the other ones.

I nodded and noticed that the dude was leaving. Dream and Sapnap turned back towards us and sat down on one of the couches that was empty.

"We have no idea what happened, but the air conditioner is not working, and they'll be sending someone more experienced to fix it later today" Dream stood up again, almost immediately after sitting down to go sit next to George, where the fan was.

It was quiet.

"So... beach day?" Quackity broke the silence. Dream had planned to take us to the beach, but we just had never gone.

There was another silence. I felt like every time we had all spoken it had been very awkward. We only really talked to each other while streaming or when planning streams.

We ended up deciding to go, so we all left to go pack a bag of things. But before I could leave the first floor, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see Philza holding out an apple for me to take.

I took it and smiled, but my stomach hurt just with the thought of eating it.

"It's for your breakfast. If you need anything else, just come down here and I'll get you something" He smiled and I turned around and hurried up the stairs. I felt guilty as I threw it in the trash can of my room, but I pushed down that feeling and hurried to pack something.

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