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Sorry to all those who have been waiting for this update. Because I hate myself, I have decided to write another book called 'A month of life' and it's ranboo centric and a superhero au. But anyways updates will be a bit slower as I really want to write that book, but thankfully I have finally planned out the rest of this book, so that should hopefully make it easier for me :)

Also I just realised this story should probably be rated mature according to the wattpad guidelines, so I'm gonna go do that now

TW - Smoking, being forced to eat, self harm, mention of bitch grandma, mention of past abuse, trauma related to cleaning supplies, more swearing, dadza, kin trying to 'help' the author (begging for beeduo and mentions of dnf trying to have children), and a tired author that wrote way too much in the last few days.

The next 6 days passed quickly. I refused to leave my room for the first 4 days as everything finally sunk in. Tubbo was a frequent visitor, letting me cry on his shoulder as he comforted me. Phil was also a frequent visitor, usually coming with food and then forcing me to eat something. I wasn't sure if I was thankful for him. 

On the second day of my 4-day-isolation, Tubbo came in and told me the plan that Dream had. The meetup had been extended for another month, until the end of December. Solar and Eclipse would go back home to stay with their parents, and then when the meetup ended, I would go to live with them, unless I had any family members that I wanted to stay with. It made me feel bad that they had changed the schedule in order to help me, but I couldn't go against it, as there were no family members that I felt safe enough to stay with. 

Then on the 5th day, I was forced out of my room by literally everyone. I didn't want to leave my room, but I was picked up by Techno and brought out of my room and set down on one of the couches so they could do a small cleaning of my room (something that they originally didn't plan on doing, but Wilbur and Phil had seen my little pile of blankets on my bed and the pile of dirty clothes next to my bed and had decided to clean it together). I had attached myself to Tubbo that day, holding tightly to his shirt as the others tried to talk to me. 

I didn't talk to anyone that day other then Tubbo, and every time Tubbo left me to do something, I would nervously shift in my seat, my fingers drumming a small tune on my leg. 

When they had finally let me go back in my room, I tried to avoid going back in there. The whole room smelled of whatever product they used to clean the windows, and just smelling it made me want to burst into tears and hide. Why were they angry? What did I do to make them angry? I wanted to stay in Tubbo's room, but I didn't, instead at the clock slowly ticked to midnight, I smiled at the ones who were still awake and walked over to my room, breaking out in tears after I closed the door. Why were they angry? What did I do? How could I fix it? 

I muffled my sobs with a blanket before climbing into the bed, pulling my dad's hoodie to my nose. I wouldn't let them wash it, so it's strong smell of cologne overpowered the cleaning supplies, calming me down. 

The next morning, the smell was mostly gone, but I spent the day out of my room, slipping back on the mask (not an actual mask because Tubbo wouldn't let me) I would wear for streams, smiling and laughing, before joining in on a Wilbur stream so that the viewers could see I was alive. Not that I wanted to be. 

Finally, the sun went down and slowly the others in the house moved from the main room into their bedrooms to sleep. It wasn't long before I was the only one still awake, Techno leaving last with the excuse of editing a video. He didn't need an excuse. I knew he wanted to leave so that he wasn't stuck with me. I didn't blame him. 

A minute passed as I sat on the couch, thinking over my day. I had been very nice to Phil and Wilbur today, trying not to make them mad. They may have not done anything yesterday, but neither did she. The cleaning was just the start. Then the wait, and then the pain. I never blamed my parents for leaving me with her. They needed to work, and I was just a burden. But I will never forget how angry they were when they returned and they visited me for the first. I remembered being scared of their anger. But they weren't angry at me, they were angry at her. 

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