Since when did I agree to this?

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Warnings: Bullying

The rest of the school day was like most of the other days I have to suffer through. Except most days I don't end up with a half hour of detention for passing a pencil to Solar.

Thankfully the teacher didn't care and Eclipse also got detention, so I got to hang out with them, but they ended up with two hours of detention, so I didn't manage to hang out with them much.

As I walked outside, I was slow and hunched over. My backpack was light and all, but I was still tired. The fact that it was Friday helped a lot, because I get to sleep in tomorrow. Maybe I could even do a stream.

Slightly happier, I started to walk faster. I had to walk home as I had missed my bus due to detention, and there was no way I could get my parents to pick me, as my mom was at work and my dad had mentioned to us yesterday that he would be hanging out with friends today.

I continued walking, heading around the school for a shortcut, but before I could make it to the dumpsters, I could hear a loud voice shout.

"OH C'MON BITCH! You want me to stop? THEN SPEAK UP!" It was followed by a few cheers.

It was quite obvious what was happening, and I hurried to turn the corner to check it out.

Just as I thought, a group of boys surrounded Solar, who was on the ground, looking as if he had been punched multiple times. He probably was waiting for Eclipse and these boys had found him alone.

As I turned the corner, it was obvious that the rest of the group saw me, but the boss of them was too busy taunting Solar. 

I threw my backpack to the side, stepping forward. "Get the fuck off him!" I yelled, and the boss finally turned around.

He was around my height, but was much more muscular. He had dark hair that hung loosely over his eyes, but even with it there, I could still see the delight that shone in his eyes when he realised that the one that wanted to fight him was the skinny trans male who sat in front of a computer all day.

"Do you want to take his place, sweetheart?" The last word was spoken in the same tone as an insult, and it was an insult to me. I looked over to Solar who was signing a simple message of 'no' over and over again.

Noticing what Solar was doing, one of the boys surrounding him kicked Solar. And that was my breaking point.

I ran forward, no plan at all, just wanting to punch him in the face. He didn't expect it though, so I did manage to punch him. It did nothing. He didn't flinch, but he did look at me with a look that clearly said 'You're gonna regret that'

The last thing I remember was a fist rushing towards my face. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.

Next thing I know, my face hurt like hell, there's something dripping down my forehead, my chest feels like there are some broken ribs, and I'm can feel the ground underneath me, though I can also feel a pair of hands brushing through my hair anxiously.

I open my eyes, feeling the light from the sun burn my eyes for just a second before it was blocked by a blurry face that loomed above me. I then felt them shift suddenly, and they looked around like they were trying to find something before a pair of glasses was forced onto my nose, making the blurry face come into focus.

Solar looked down at me, a tear sliding down their cheek, a look of relief in their eyes.

I sit up, despite the other boy trying to keep me laying down. Looking around, I could see that it was only me and him. I reach up and wipe whatever was on my forehead, pulling my hand away only to see blood on my hand.

"What happened?" I turned to him.

You got knocked out they left after beating you up. His hands were shaky as they signed, and after it was down he pulled me into a hug.

For someone so tall he's really soft.

After he let go, I stood up with his help. The world was spinning and my legs hurt, but I pretended to be fine for him.

As he went to grab my backpack, I pulled out my phone to check the time. 3:30PM. Eclipse would be out in 30 minutes, and since nobody was around, it was hopefully ok for me to go home.

Solar came over, shoving my bag in my hands, before signing Go home.

Nodding, I slung my backpack over my shoulder, and started to walk away on my unsteady legs.

It took a while, as I had to walk slowly, and I had to stop a few times because I felt like I was going to throw up. My head was throbbing and my breathing hurt me, but finally I made it to my house. Neither of my parent's cars were out front, so I didn't have to worry about sneaking to my room.

As soon as I reached my room, I pulled off my shirt, throwing it to the ground, before pulling off my binder, which probably wasn't at all helping with the pain in my chest. I grabbed a Techno merch t-shirt that I happened to have on the ground, putting it on before I took off the skirt, replacing with it with a pair of sweatpants which were also on the ground. I really need to clean my room.

Throwing the uniform in the laundry basket on the other side of my room (and having the skirt miss the basket), I grab the first aid kit I keep in my room, heading to my bathroom. I grab a cloth, holding it up to my forehead. I check in the mirror, only to see it covered in black marker.

I hold my hand up, slowly erasing the marker. After a few seconds, a small patch was erased, letting me see my face. I looked at my face for just a second, seeing my boring eyes, my long eyelashes, my nose that was too big, my lips that were too small, my jaw that was too round. Tubbo told me I looked fine.... why did he lie?

I focus my eyes on the cut over my right eye. It wasn't too bad, I could just put a bandage over it, but it would take a bit to heal, so I probably wasn't going to do a face cam stream for while.

Bandaging up my forehead, I grab the black marker, filling up the space, before I grabbed my phone from where it had been buzzing and threw myself onto my chair.

I looked at the screen of my phone.

Discord: You have been added to 'Dsmp Meet-Up'! Go and say Hi!

Now I was confused. When had I agreed to that? They must've made a mistake. I opened discord, checking the messages. Dream had posted a list of people going.

There was obviously him and sapnap, but there was also george, karl, quackity, bbh, skeppy, technoblade, phil, wilbur, tommy, fundy, niki, tubbo and... me. So it wasn't a mistake.

Looking back into the dsmp chat where Dream was asking who was coming, I notice he mentioned he was going to call my parents.

Thanks Mom.

Now I have to be in a house with mostly boys, in a binder, as a faceless streamer, with facial dysmorphia. This is going to be fun...

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