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The fanart was made by me! It was a lot of fun to draw! It's Ranboo from this book, and before you ask about the blue hair, read the chapter and think about a few chapters back when Ranboo got a new subgoal. Also for the chapter title you can blame my friends from my class, I got them to say the first thing that came to mind. This one is from one of my friends, and the next chapter title is from the other one. 

I don't know how I ended up here.

Actually I do, and I completely blame the crazy people willing to pay to watch me dye my hair.

I watch as the chat excitedly talks. It rushes by so fast I barely have the time to read the messages before they disappear.

I sitting on a bar stool I had found in dream's basement. We were in the cleaner bathroom, as the other one was the bathroom that was more popular and closer to majority of the rooms.

I wore one of Solar's shirts that I had found in my closet. It was too big for me, so I was perfectly fine with wrecking it. He had a copy of the shirt, so it should be fine with him too. Tubbo and Tommy sat on the ground, reading chat. Or well, Tubbo was reading chat. Tommy was on twitter, doing who knows what.

Techno was next to me, getting everything ready. We were going to start the actual stream part in two minutes, so he was making sure we weren't missing anything.

I was nervous. I had already gotten the ok from my parents, but I wasn't sure. Would I look better with blue hair? Would it take the attention off of my face? I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be in my room, playing Minecraft or something.

I got off the stool and quickly hurried outside the bathroom, but I wasn't fast enough as I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back into the bathroom.

"You chose to do this mate," Philza said as he closes the bathroom door. Of course he was waiting outside.

"I don't know if I want to anymore" I try to sneak past him to get to the door, but he grabs my shoulders and turns me around to face the stool.

"Just sit and let me do this" Techno says, and he puts on the black plastic gloves.

There was a moment of silence as I pushed my fear back before I mumbled an "Ok" and sat on the stool, turning on the camera and microphone.

"Hello Chat," I smile as I talk, slipping on the mask. From the corner of my eye, I could see Phil looking confused about my sudden change of mood. From what I've seen, they don't wear masks, they are just themselves, and the chat loves it.

"Because you all suddenly decided to sub, this is the dyeing hair subgoal stream you have all been waiting for. I have Tubbo, Tommy, Techno and Philza here with me today, but I'm not sure how long Phil will stay for" I spin around in the chair, pointing to all of them as I say their name. They either smile or wave, but Tommy flips them off. He's just special.

"So how do we do this?" I ask Techno, and he pulls a towel off of the counter.

"Face towards the shower" Once I do, he drapes the towel over my shoulder like a cape, with an opening the front. He grabs a hair clip and uses it to attach the towel sides together, so it acts like a cover.

Techno then went to the counter and grabbed some hair clips and hair elastics, probably to separate my hair. 

So I expected a few tugs on my hair, and that was fine. I didn't expect him to yank my hair back hard enough to nearly pull me off my chair. 

"Ow," I say quietly, mostly so that just he could hear it. 

"Too bad," He said and started to put my hair in parts. From the way he had positioned my head, I was looking at the roof and my throat was hurting just slightly from being stretched and kept like that for longer then just a few seconds. 

I could see the camera out of the corner of my eye. It wasn't blurry as I had decided to wear contacts for this. The way that Techno had made me sit made it to that the camera saw the side of my head, so that chat could see what was happening. 

It took 2 hours before Techno announced that the dyeing part was done, and honestly I have no clue what happened during that time. I mostly just spoke to chat, with Tubbo, Tommy and Phil joining in. Techno stayed quiet, as he was trying to not get blue all over my face. 

Wilbur came in once to go to the washroom, but once he saw all of us in here he left for the other bathroom. He came back later to hang out, though. 

The hair dye apparently had to sit for a while, meaning Techno shoved all of my hair in a shower cap to keep the heat in. Meaning that Tommy made jokes about it, and I spent most of the time ignoring him. 

Finally a while later, Techno checked under the shower cap and pulled it off, announcing that my hair was done. He then suggested that I take a shower. 

The others left, and I took all my streaming stuff and put it in my room. I left the stream on, but turned the camera and microphone off, muting myself. The screen was black,but I had typed a message in a white font on it, just saying to stay on the stream if they wanted to see the results of my hair. I had random music playing from my stream playlist, and the mods were keeping track of the chat for me. 

I grab my towel and some clothes from the floor, took out my contacts and hurried to the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door, then quickly did a sweep of the bathroom to make sure I hadn't left any camera in here. Or if there was any camera's at all. There were none, but as a streamer, you could never be too sure. 

I took the shower quickly and made sure to use barely any shampoo, and Techno had old me it might might wash out the dye. Thankfully the shower didn't turn blue, but it was cool to watch the water from the shower turn blue. It was a pretty colour. 

After I was done showering, I changed into the new clothes and dried my hair on my towel as much as I could before heading back to my room to show the final result and end stream. 

The chat was very excited when I turned on the camera. They seem very happy with what they were calling the boo-berry or blueboo. I don't understand chat at all. They're all just very random. 

I put on my glasses so I could see the camera better. My hair didn't look that bad, and it did pull my attention away from my face. I knew it wouldn't last for very long before it became normal and I started to focus on my face again, but it felt good to look at something and not immediately focus on the imperfections on my face. 

"Well then, goodbye chat! I should be streaming again tomorrow, so we can figure out the next subgoal then." I spin around in my chair once, trying to think of anything else I might need to say. 

"Also, there should be a new Tom Simons vlog that came out earlier this morning. I'm in it, so you guys should check it out." I pull my chair back up to my desk "anyways, who should I raid....?" The chat seemed argued for a bit, but I noticed a few names coming up. Aimsey was one of the ones I saw a lot of people saying. I had heard about her from Tubbo, who apparently had played with her before, but I had never met her personally. She was currently doing a animal crossing stream, and her island seemed quite impressive, though I had never played animal crossing before, so I wasn't really sure what you were supposed to do. 

"Fine I'll raid Aimsey for you guys" I say and then I raid her. She didn't notice for a few seconds, but when she did, she gasped loudly and had a huge smile as she thanked me for the raid. I wasn't actually sure how many people were in my stream, as Phil showed me how to turn the view count off, but hopefully the amount that were sent over here was a good amount.

I left the stream on in the background, but I was tired. I sent a photo of my hair to Eclipse and Solar quickly before I put new pillow cases on my pillows (so if my hair stained the pillow case, it wasn't staining white pillow cases), and then threw myself onto my bed, falling asleep almost immediately after my head touched the pillow. 

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