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Quick self-advertising: I, the wonderful and stupid Enby, have decided to write another book. Currently it only has the prologue, which is a bit more then 4000 words. It will be about Techno and Ranboo, and it's called 'To be Forgotten', which will have more meaning later in the story. Anyways, if you want to read it, please do, the prologue took me forever to write.

As the days slowly ticked by, and we entered the third month, we started to realise that we were running out of time. There was only a month left of our visit. 

Streams started to happen more and more often, and I was being dragged into more and more streams, and so many vlogs. Clips from these were everywhere, and I could barely go on the internet without seeing the face I hated so so much. 

One of these times, Tubbo caught me. I was hanging out with him in his room, which was just a bit bigger then mine with two beds, when my phone started to buzz. It was a message from Eclipse sharing a post on twitter they found was funny. After reading said post, I ended up staying on twitter, as Tubbo had gone to the bathroom and wasn't back yet. 

As I was scrolling, I came across a few Dream haters, who honestly should just be called 'anyone who will ever interact with dream' haters, because they were ranting about me, and how I had been so great until I had joined the dream smp. And this post included photos, pointing out all my flaws. I don't recall taking these photos, and judging by some of these photos (like a photo of me talking to Tommy, not paying attention to anything at all, or me in a cafe with Niki and Fundy), I could assume that they had taken photos of me without asking or making sure it was ok. 

I then made the mistake of going through the comments. 

He looks so feminine, He's so fat, The only reason that people hang out with him is for views, He should just quit, everyone hates him I can't believe he doesn't realise that, he should've kept the mask he looks ugly, He deserves to die nobody would care, his new hair looks horrible on him, etc, etc. 

I just continued scrolling through the comments, going on and on, just reading and throwing myself farther into the hate. I had always been horrible with this, just finding more and more hate and just hating myself more and more. 

I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Tubbo looked concerned, which made me feel guilty. Did he call me? Did I ignore them? Maybe the comments were right. Maybe I do deserve to die, maybe I should just quit and stay in my room forever at my house. I mean, I barely left my room before this except to go to school. 

Tubbo fell onto the bed next to me, and then did something I didn't expect. He stole my phone from my hands, and then ran out of the room, holding the door closed so I couldn't get through. I rushed after him, and tried to open the door, only to have Buff-bo keep the door closed. My stick arms couldn't open the door no matter what, leaving me pulling on the door with nothing happening. I was near crying, as I didn't want Tubbo to see that, for him to be more concerned about me then I had already made him by not answering him earlier. 

After trying to get through the door for a few minutes, I stopped. I let go of the door and looked out the window. Could I survive a three story drop? Hopefully not. 

I don't know if I was thankful about this or not, but Tubbo opened the door, which brought my attention away from the window. Tubbo hurried towards me, and wrapped his arms around me, almost winding me by how fast he ran at me. 

As he pulled away, he handed me back my phone, which was no longer on twitter. In fact it was locked. 

I took it from him, putting it into my pocket. 

"I'm going to kill someone." He cracked his knuckles and looked into the distance. I was very scared, especially with Buff-bo. 

"Is it me?" I ask. 

He jumped as if he forgot about me, but then he smiled. "I'm not sure yet" Because that isn't scary. 

"Anyway, Phil started to stream. Would shooting him with nerf guns make you feel better?" He pointed towards the nerf gun pile he had next to his bed. 

"Sure I guess" I say, and give him a smile. Ignoring the fact I felt like jumping out a window maybe less then 5 minutes ago. 

He gave me a big smile, before hurrying towards the pile of guns, passing me on of the bigger ones that had lots of ammo. 

"Let's go!" He yelled, running out of the room with the biggest nerf gun he had. 

I hurried after him. I hadn't done this before, but apparently Mumza had asked almost everyone with Nerf guns to annoy Philza at all times. 

Phil's and Techno's room was on the other side of the house, next to one of the bathrooms. I had been inside of it once, and it was somewhat like Tommy's and Tubbo's, except Phil and Techno had split the room pretty much half and half. Phil had a somewhat messy half of a room with lots of colourful blankets and pillows and stuff, while Techno's half of the room was much cleaner, and was mostly black and red with pigs. 

Philza's streamed with his camera facing his half of the room, so that Techno could hang out on his side of the room while Phil was streaming. But it also made it so that the camera could see their door and nobody could go in without being seen. 

Tubbo put his finger to his lips as we approached, pulling up the stream on his phone. Phil wasn't doing anything very important on his hardcore world, meaning bothering him wouldn't end with horrible consequences. 

He opened the door quietly as Phil was talking to the chat, and I peeked over his head, aiming my gun at Philza. 

"Now!" Tubbo yelled and Philza turned around, surprised, just in time for us to both shoot him in the face. 

"FUCK!" He shouted and he stood up from his chair, pulling out a freaking spray bottle from his desk. 

He seemed to have finally prepared for something like this, but from what we've seen before, Philza had never done this, meaning Tubbo and I were not at all prepared. 

Tubbo shut the door, running away as fast as his little legs could carry him, me following close behind. It wasn't fast enough though, as I heard a door loudly open and felt cold water on my back. I yelped, running around the corner just in time to avoid the rest of the water blasts that Phil was shooting. Tubbo was a bit slower then me as he had shorter legs, meaning he was hit by more blasts then me. 

"LET THIS BE A WARNING!" Phil yelled from where he still stood at his room's door, before he slammed the door loudly. I could still hear him laugh through the walls. 

I looked over at Tubbo, and as soon as our eyes met, we broke out in laughter, apparently loud enough to have Philza's microphone pick it up as we could hear it from Tubbo's phone. 

Which just made us laugh harder. 

We got some weird looks from the people who's room were around the corner we were hiding, but a quick look at our nerf guns told them what was happening, which then made them go and check on Philza's stream, which from what I could hear from Tubbo's phone was that he was threatening everyone else in this house with a nerf gun. 

Techno, who was one of the only ones with a nerf gun who hasn't attacked Phil, passed us in the hallway, before opening the door to his room, before getting water in the face, causing him to slam the door again. His glasses were covered in water, but they still didn't protect his eyes from getting water in them.

He wasn't too happy, and Phil opened the door a minute later with apologies for his favourite 'son' and glares for me and Tubbo who were peeking around the corner. 

(are you guys just getting filler chapters because I've finished out how to figure out this book but still have to figure out how to get to that point? Maybe)

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