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Big author note at the end about the future of this book, and it actually isn't very important, it's just talking about how many more chapters to expect, etc. Also there is some advertising for a new book that I wrote which is just oneshots. Also if you want to learn about our lord and saviour Jeremy, there should be a link here -->

(also if this chapter has weird spacing, I don't know why, it just did this and I can't find a way to fix it)

TW -  Literally nothing, it's just a cutesy beeduo chapter. 

The rest of the month seemed to go quickly, and I spent lots of time out of my room, usually not by choice. I was dragged around by Tubbo, and he barely left me alone. The only time I was usually alone was when I had to go to the washroom or when I needed to change. He didn't even leave me alone when I needed to sleep, instead he would change in his room before coming over and sleeping in my room, with his reasoning being that he didn't want to leave me alone for too long. Which was probably a good choice, and it made me feel so much guiltier as the cuts on my wrists multiplied with every day that passed.

When I woke up on the morning of the 30th, the first thing I felt was the body curled into my side, a head buried into the blanket separating us and an arm wrapped around my stomach. His dark brown hair was a mess, covering the little part of his face that was visible. I tried to escape Tubbo's grasp, hoping to get up and maybe play on my phone until Tubbo woke up, but he tightened his hold on my stomach, holding me down as I tried to leave. This happened quite often now, but I could still feel my face heat up as I pushed myself up slightly into more of a sitting position, before reaching over as far as I could to grab my phone from where it sat on the other side of my nightstand, Tubbo still cuddling into me.

As I turned on my phone, I pulled a new blanket over Tubbo, smiling as he opened his eyes sleepily, blinking once before closing his eyes again and going back to sleep.

I smiled at that, but my smile disappeared when I saw the amount of notifications from Twitter, and when I looked at a few of them, it seemed like I had been dragged into some drama between a bunch of different people. I sigh as I scroll through them. It seems these people were arguing about my gender, questioning if I was a male or not. This had become quite the talk once people realised that I seemed to be a bit sensitive about this, and this argument seemed to be about how one group wants to ask if I'm trans while the other group wants to respect my boundaries and not ask.

When this had been first brought up, I had been really scared that I had been found. But after I had gone and done more research, I just learned that these guys were really good at guessing, which really concerned me. Like, they don't even know that they're right, and they're all fighting about it, but they are really right and it makes me scared to do anything.

I scrolled through the tweets of them fighting before going to leave, but something seemed to stop me. Drama on twitter was always lots of fun, so why don't I just...

I opened the add reply button and just typed in a ":)" before sending it, smiling as I turned off my notifications and closed my phone.

This somehow ends up waking Tubbo and he opens his eyes, looking up at me sleepily. "Morning boo" He mumbled as he pushed himself up, before wrapping his arms around me in a hug, holding tightly to me as he leaned his face into my shoulder and tried to fall asleep again. "You are not falling asleep on me" I say jokingly and push Tubbo slightly to the side, watching as he just falls onto the mattress, not having a care in the world. "Now I'm going to change so don't move" I throw a blanket over his head and move my legs to the side before standing up, leaving the still half asleep Tubbo on the bed alone.

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