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I'm very excited to write the next chapter. But not because I'm writing something happy. Be scared.

Tw: Needles, coming out (not ranboo), mention of what happened last chapter. 

The community was rioting. 

Long story short, I ended up streaming on November 1, only a day after what happened on Halloween. I had been promising this stream for a while, and part of my promise was that it would be a face cam. But masks and glasses couldn't hide the marks that were still visible on my neck, so I didn't use a face cam. My chat was upset and they wanted to know why, and against my better judgement, I told them about the men, leaving a bit out. 

They seemed to be furious and then less then two hours after I ended my stream, I had thousands of people contacting me about a Twitter account that had a video of me escaping the men. 

I had told Techno about the account, and I hadn't heard anything about it since, but my community was still angry at these men, and were just giving them a horrible time about it. 

It made me feel better, knowing that there were around 4 million people that would risk their twitter accounts so that they could get mad at people that had hurt me. 

My community weren't the only people that seemed angry though. I kept getting concerned glances from the others in the house and Dream had actually contacted the police about this. 

Meaning I had to pretty much relive that moment of hopelessness and fear as the police officers asked question after question about it. 

I don't think I had actually ever met police officers before, and this wasn't the best first meeting with the people who were supposed to keep us safe, as even after all I told them and even after showing them the marks of my neck, one of the police officers, a dark haired strict male, had told me to stop lying and that 'boys don't get raped'. Which somewhat made me feel good because I passed, but also made my stomach churn. 

After that the male police officer had left, and the other police officer, a kind female, had promised me that she would look into it through their twitter account, before she left to follow her partner. 

Let's just say Dream wasn't happy about it. 

Currently I was in my room. My tears from earlier had dried up, but my face was still red and there were still shiny lines of where they had fallen on my face. 

It had been hard to get away from everyone today, to just get some time alone. This was only the second time that I was alone today, the first time being really early in the morning when I had escaped Techno's arms so that I could go to the bathroom and shove a needle of testosterone into me. 

Speaking of that needle, where did I put the empty syringe? 

I looked over to my desk, opening one of the blue sticker drawers, and counted the empty syringes that were there. 

I swear my heart stopped for a second when I realised one was missing. My lungs felt like they were closing and it felt like I was going to throw up the little amount of food that I had eaten lately. 

'Just calm down. Maybe you put it in another drawer by accident' I pushed down my anxiety and tried my hardest to slow my breathing as I searched my desk. But after a full desk search, I still couldn't find it. 

My heart was racing as I did another check of the desk, hoping I had just missed it when I checked it the first time. I ran my hands through my hair, thinking back of what I could have done with it. 

I had stabbed myself with it, I had then cleaned everything off and then.. 

I placed it on the counter of the bathroom where it was clearly visible. 

In the bathroom that most people use. 

Before I could get even more nervous or anxious, a knock on my door interrupted me. I swallowed before standing up and opening my door, revealing a serious Dream, who just gestured for me to follow him. 

He brought me down to the bottom floor, where he pointed for me to sit on one of the couches. On the other couches, the rest of the house sat, nervously shifting in their seats. 

Dream left the room again, and when he returned, my lungs closed in on me. In his now gloved hand, he held an empty syringe. The same syringe that I had lost this morning. 

I forced myself to keep my breathing even, and Dream started to speak. 

"I found this today, explanation?" (Before any of you get upset, before the meetup took place, Dream contacted everyone to see if they take any medication and none of them said that they took any medication in needle form, so it looks like it might be drugs or something because Fundy and Ranboo didn't tell him that about testosterone and all of that)

Everyone was silent. I looked around the group, and made eye contact with Fundy. I could tell he knew it was me. I could also tell that he knew that I was scared out of my mind. 

"Anyone?" Dream asked, and this time, Fundy stood up. 

"That's mine" He said and he went over and took it from Dream. 

"What's it for? Is it drugs? Can I have some?" Tommy asked and Fundy nervously shifted from foot to foot. 

"I'm sure that quite a few of you probably already knew this, or were guessing it, but I'm trans. This syringe is from my testosterone shot that I did this morning to make my voice deeper." After Fundy finished speaking, there was silence. I didn't say anything, I was in shock. He didn't even seem to be regretting coming out. In fact, he stood more confidently, with his back straight and his head high. 

Finally Tommy broke the silence "So it's not drugs?" Tommy said in a disappointed tone. Fundy laughed slightly and then Tommy shrugged, standing up to leave the room, most likely to stream again. 

The room slowly emptied, most people congratulating Fundy on coming out, but nobody reacted badly to it. Finally the room was empty except for me and Fundy. 

He walked over to me, reaching his hand out to give me back the syringe. 

"Be careful next time idiot" He said, smiling and he went to leave the room. 

"Thank you Fundy. Are you ok?" I ask him and he stops. 

"Yeah. I feel better now that I don't have to keep that a secret, it's like a giant weight has been taken off my shoulders" He said and brushed his hair out of his eyes before turning around to look me in the eyes. 

"I'm not forcing you to come out, but maybe it would be a good thing for you" He said before turning back around and leaving the room. 

I stood there in silence for a minute before heading back to my room, where I put the syringe back into the drawer. 

I sat down in my desk chair, and thought back to Fundy's words. 

Do I want to come out? Would it be good for me? 

My stomach filled with more anxiety. 

Should I?

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