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⚠TW: Death, car crash, suicide, suicidal thoughts, facial dysmorphia, injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of hospital, crying, sex joke (at the beginning)

I woke up to Tubbo falling on top of me. All the air in my lungs was expelled out suddenly and I broke out into a coughing fit as Tubbo laughed from on top of me. 

"Wake up Mister adult man! It's your birthday" Tubbo rolled off me, laying on my bed next to me as I continued coughing. 

"Fuck you" I say and grab the water that Tommy was offering me. 

"Later" Tubbo says, no hesitation at all.  I choke on the sip of water I had taken, spitting it out before staring at him in shock. Tubbo began to laugh, Tommy soon joining him, but I stayed silent and shocked. 

I put the glass of water on the nightstand and then push Tubbo off the bed. He yelped and then continued laughing from the floor as I stood up and stretched, hearing my back crack violently. 

I wasn't too bothered about having my friends in the room at the moment, because between the sports bra and the huge hoodie I was wearing, my chest wasn't very visible. 

"ok, out so I can change" I say and walk over to where the door was, opening it for them. Tommy walks over to Tubbo, pulling him onto his feet and pushing him out the door. 

"Happy Birthday Ranboob" Tommy manages to say before I close the door. With my room now empty of people other then me, I look around quickly to make sure they didn't damage anything. 

Thankfully, the only things that they seemed to have touched was my computer, which was opened to a survival world that I shared with them. And all my riches from said world seemed to have magically disappeared. Of course. 

I leave the world and then turn off my computer before heading over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, a orange Hawaiian shirt that Tubbo seems to enjoy stealing, and a nude binder to hide under the shirt. 

I also grabbed out a mask. I was doing a face cam stream for my birthday today, and just the idea of the world seeing my face made my stomach churn. 

Finally after changing, I opened the door to the two dumb-asses who were waiting excitedly outside. 

"Let's get the stream started" Tommy ran past me, pushing me out of the way. Tubbo hurried after him, dragging their desks chairs into my room so that they have somewhere to sit during the stream. I close the door behind me, and grab my phone from where it was charging on my nightstand. I was a bit upset to see that there was no new text messages from Solar, Eclipse or my parents wishing me a happy birthday, but I brushed it off. They were probably still asleep, or were just busy.

I push Tommy out of the way and sit down on my desk chair, taking the computer mouse for him and getting everything ready for the stream. 

We were doing a 'you-laugh-you-lose' challenge, suggested by Philza Minecraft himself. I had brought it up on the stream yesterday, so chat was prepared. And excited. 

As I finally started the stream, the chat immediately started chatting with each other, a few wishing me happy birthday or asking about when I'd put the media share on. 

"Give me a second chat, let everyone arrive first" I say and glance at the camera, adjusting my mask slightly to cover as much of my face as it would. 

There was a knock on my door and I rolled my chair over there, opening it to see Wilbur there with a plate of donuts. I can assume that Phil had sent him with the donuts so that we wouldn't starve. 

"Here birthday boy" Wilbur said and he handed me the plate of donuts. 

"thanks" I closed the door, and rolled back over to the others. The other two immediately grabbed a donut, but I placed the plate on the desk.

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