Too early for screaming

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(^Just a song I thought was good ^)

TW : slight eating disorder and dysphoria (not sure how well they'll be written but I thought I would mention that)
Tell me if I missed anything!

~•Ranboo's POV•~

As I stepped out of the shower, I grab my towel, drying my hair quickly and then drying my body and changing into the sweatpants and Ranboo sweatshirt I brought with me. My hair was still soaking, and I'm really glad that my parents let me to cut my hair (even if grandma hates it) as short hair is so much easier to handle.

I walked over to my desk, falling into my infamous unicorn chair, and started up my PC, pushing aside the lightsaber that sat on my keyboard.

I leaned back in my chair, as it was taking a moment to start up. Finally, it started up, to which I leaned forward, opening minecraft. I was just going to play the dsmp world until it seemed like a good idea of a time to get ready for school. As I played, a small annoying child with a red and white shirt came and decided to annoy me, spamming me, telling me to join vc 2.

It was too early for yelling though, so I went back to making my secret Technoblade offering shrine/summoning circle in the middle of nowhere.

Finally, the alarm on my phone started to go off, and I finally realised that it was light outside.

Pulling myself out of the chair, I walk towards my closet, where I grab my school uniform and looked at it. It was (in my opinion) the ugliest thing ever. With a white t-shirt and mid-thigh blue skirt (due to the fact that this was a homophobic christian school, I wasn't allowed to have the pants. I was even suspended for a month after I cut my hair).

As I pull on the skirt, I contemplate checking how I look in the mirror. But I couldn't. I didn't want to see myself. Everything about me just felt wrong. My body was too curved, my hips too wide, my chest too big without the binder.

I always felt like I was lying to myself, pretending I was a boy. Trying to get attention. If it wasn't for how horrible it felt when I saw Tommy or Tubbo on camera, two young boys with a body I could only dream of having. Or when I heard Dream's voice and thought about how I'd kill to have a voice like that. Testosterone only helps so much.

Grabbing my glasses, I push them onto my nose, before floofing up my hair, making it messy. I've been told it looks better. After a minute of thinking, I decided to wear the little crown earrings. When I was younger, I had gotten my ears pierced, so these crowns were actually my coming out gift from my parents, along with a binder. Surprisingly, earrings give me a strange sense of euphoria, I just don't wear them in irl streams as I'm scared that the chat would hate me.

Which is strange given most of them are gay or trans in some way, shape, or form.

I walked out of my room, down the stairs, where my parents sat. My dad, James, had taken the role of stay-at-home husband, and he worked online. My mom, Violet, on the other hand, worked most of the time, but she always had time for us.

My mom glanced up from her computer to me. "Sorry we couldn't get the male uniform" She said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"It's fine" I smiled at her, though the pit in my stomach grew. I headed over to the kitchen, grabbing a banana.

"Just a banana?" My dad asked, looking up from the bacon he was making "Will that be enough for a growing boy like yourself? I mean, I'm making bacon if you want some"

"It's fine" I responded, taking a bite of the banana I had peeled while he was talking. I didn't want that. Even a banana was too much.

Remember, boys don't like fat girls I hear her whisper in my ear. You really shouldn't eat that much

Not hungry anymore, I throw my banana out. I see my dad looking at me, worried, but he turns back to his cooking once he sees that I noticed.

I glance at the clock. 7:35. I should probably head to school. I went over to the door, slipping a pair of black runners and putting on my coat. I grab my backpack, waving to my parents as I head out the door.

Ignoring the worried look they gave me.

Extra (in motherboo pov):

As Ranboo left, I look over to James, seeing a worried look on his face. Mine probably reflected that. After we had taken a trip to my mother's house a few weeks ago, Ranboo had been acting different. He had started to eat less, and I once was called home from work because Ranboo had a panic attack, and James was scared as he didn't know what to do.

It didn't help that my mom enrolled him in a super homophobic catholic school after she learned that he was trans.

Thankfully, he seemed to be happier since I started to let him stream more often and we got him better stuff for that.

As I closed my laptop to eat some food before I had to go, I heard my phone vibrate on the table.

Confused, I picked it up to see an unknown number.

Clicking the answer button, I put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hello Miss. I'm a friend of your son, Ranboo"

(this is 951 words)

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