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sadly the chapter name is true, so yeah, fun stuff. anyway, have a chapter (also i'm pretty sure the osmp was already started in the timeline of this story, but I'm not fully sure so I'm just gonna hope)

I forced myself to finish the muffin, chewing in silence as Technoblade finished his breakfast and continued sitting there, reading his book as he chewed on his spoon. 

It wasn't an awkward silence, but my stomach twisted and turned as I ate. Why was he still there? He could have gone back to his room and read there, or he could have gone and read on one of the couches, away from me. Did he stay to talk to me? What did he want to talk about? Was it bad? Did I do something bad? Did I hurt his feelings in some way? 

After I finished eating, I quickly stood up and put away my plate, avoiding eye contact with Techno when he looked up and watched as I accidentally slammed the dishwasher closed and then flinched as I scared myself. 

I looked over at him for a minute, making quick eye contact before I looked away, crossing my arms across my chest, pushing it down as I hurried away. 

I rushed up the stairs, nearly tripping four times before I finally managed to make it up the stairs. I thankfully didn't pass by anyone in the hallway, I just hurried to my room and closed the door, not caring enough to lock the door. I just wrapped a blanket around myself, and flopped onto my chair, turning on my computer and pulling the blanket tighter around me, letting it hide my chest from view. Thankfully my computer decided to be nice today and it didn't take that long to start up, saving me from staring at the black mirror-like screen for any longer then 15 seconds.

I entered the origin smp server, smiling slightly as I saw Tubbo and Scott already online. This meant that maybe I could go and annoy them for a bit, but to add more annoyance, I wouldn't join any vc that they tried to force me in. 

I moved my character out of my cave, running over to where I saw Scott's name tag. I didn't really want to annoy Tubbo, as he was just next door and he could actually come over and get his revenge for me annoying him. Before I reached Scott, I pulled up a new tab, and brought up Twitch, smiling when I saw that Scott was streaming. Now I could see Scott's reaction as I annoyed him. 

I moved that onto another monitor and then went back to Minecraft, finally reaching Scott's house where he was fixing a hole that was probably caused by a creeper (or Tommy). 

Once I finally reached him, I just ran around him a few times while he welcomed me on stream. He didn't seem very annoyed by this, but I had a plan b. So every time he added a new block, I would destroy it, and then add new blocks while he tried to fix it. 

He was getting more and more annoyed, and I laughed along with the chat as I continued annoying him and ignored his constant demand for me to join a vc. But a loud knock on my door ended my plans. I ran away to a better area before I muted Scott's stream and stood up, opening my door to reveal Phil standing there. 

I froze when I saw him, but I didn't close the door in his face. Instead I opened my door wider, standing to the side so he could enter my room. I went over to my computer, typing in a quick goodbye to Scott as Phil closed the door and sat on my bed. 

My mind went on a mini marathon as I closed Minecraft down and sat down in my chair, turning to face him. 

There was an awkward moment as I avoided eye contact with him, picking at the skin on my thumb. I'm sure he was trying to make eye contact with me, but I was looking everywhere else but him. 

Honestly I had never noticed the penis shaped crack on the wall until now. Or the green hand print in the corner of the room. 

But finally he spoke, bringing my attention to him. 

"About last night..." Another moment of silence. "I won't waste your time by lecturing you about it. But Ranboo..." I looked up at him and my grey eyes met his blue ones. They were filled with concern, and that just made me feel worse. "If you EVER need anything, I am here. And so is everybody else in this house. We're your friends Ranboo, and we care about you. You don't deserve to do this by yourself" 

I opened my mouth to speak, but my brain just ended up blanking as it tried it's hardest to comprehend what he had said, so I closed my mouth again, looking away from him, but I could still see his sad smile in the corner of my eye. 

He didn't say anything else, just ruffled my hair and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a muted Scott stream. 

(was i binge-watching Mr.Beast videos as I wrote this? Possibly)

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