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This is just a filler chapter really... I have a plot and stuff, I just forgot to write it out so I'll figure out when to do that

Also i might start adding enderman to my book, but I'm using a translator, so it might not really be accurate

Once the stream starts, bold is the donation text to speech, and bold and italics is just chat

I was streaming. Not that any one else in this house knew that. 

After I woke up, Techno told me to stay in bed because I was sick, and but once he had left, I had barricaded my door and blocked all of them on twitch, twitter, discord and I turned my phone on 'do not disturb'. It wasn't going to be for forever, but I needed to stream. I needed to see my chat area fill with mentally unstable gay people with nice comments or just funny comments that would make my day. I needed to be able to play minecraft, or just to talk to people in a place where they couldn't really talk back. 

I had set my stream up like how I normally would. I was going to play minecraft, with my camera off. Donations had the text to speech option on, to help the chat feel more included. The screen currently showed the drawing of Ranboo in the box, and in giant words at the top and bottom, it read 'STARTING SOON'. The chat was all excited on the left side of the screen and donations, subs and all that stuff sat on the right with little gifs of me and my emotes. Music played in the background. 

I smiled at I watched the chat talk. My mods were keeping everything under control. From what they've told me, they've permanently banned all the accounts who have been mean to me or my friends in the past, so hopefully this stream would go nicely. 

There was a tickle in my throat, and I started to cough. I heard someone on the other side of my door call into the room "You ok?" Sounded like Niki. 

"Yeah- *cough* I'm fine!" I keep my voice happy. Slipping on the mask. 

Your mask in breaking. You haven't worn it in a while. 

Shut up. 

Phil knows! Techno knows! Tubbo knows! Maybe even others know! You aren't keeping the secrets you promised yourself to keep. 

I ignore the voice. It was still there, yelling at me, but I drowned it out by putting on the headphones and starting the stream. 

"Hello everyone and welcome back to the stream. I do have a bit of a cough today, so please do not assume that I'm dying" That was too cheery. Dim it down a bit. 

The chat starts to go with hellos, and I log into the dream smp. It's still just as much of a mess as I left it. 

"Chat I have made something that in my opinion is amazing, so- *cough* I'm going to show it off before we go mining" I head into the direction of the Technoblade shrine. The last time I played without a stream, I had added a Technoblade statue. Why did I make all this you ask? 

It was a really old subgoal that I had been doing for a few months now. the building looked quite good. It was in a cave that I had been mining. The statue looked over millions of rows of carrots and potatos I had planted, and golden blocks decorated random parts, to go with his character's piglin heritage. 

The chat was probably amazed, and seemed to mostly be chanting "Blood to the blood god" which was honestly quite normal for my chat. 

A donation came up StarChaser69 donated $10- Ranboo have you seen the photo of you and Technoblade that Dadza posted brotherblade

 "Huh *quiet cough*?" I went on my secret alt account, where I hadn't blocked Phil and checked. Sure enough, there was a photo of Techno flipping Phil off while I clung onto him like a Panda. 

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