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oH things about to get sad 

⚠TW⚠: sexual assault(they don't actually get to the point where the person getting assaulted looses their virginity, don't worry), having to come out
Happier part: protective Techno and Niki (and some Phil, but mostly the other two)

Phil and Wilbur watched as we left the house. They were staying behind to try and get the permanent marker off Wilbur's face and to hand out candy to whatever child came up to the door. If took a while to decide who to leave, and the other option they thought of was leaving Techno, except then they remember how much Techno hated children so he was no longer an option. 

Me, Tommy and Tubbo were in the front of the group, with me slightly behind the other two. Techno was next to me, intimidating the little children that were still out. The dream team were right behind us, as Dream had a camera and was streaming. I wasn't ever given a microphone and neither were Tubbo and Tommy, so in order for the stream to hear us, we had to be right next to someone with a microphone. The rest of the group were behind the dream team, and were the main parts of the stream at the moment. 

I didn't want to be out there, and I had made that very clear, so we had decided that I would at least fill the small bag they had given me, and then I could go back to the house while the other continued.

This was all very awkward, especially when I towered over most of the people who opened their door. I was skipped quite a few times when it came to handing out the candy. But I kept my eyes scrunched up like I smiling and laughed along with the others. 

Halfway through my bag, there was a tingle on my neck. It felt as if I was being watched. I looked around, only to see that none of the group was looking at me. The camera wasn't even on me. But the feeling didn't go away. As we continued with the trick-or-treating, the feeling just got worse, but I ignored it. Maybe people were just looking at me funny because I was so tall and wearing a neon yellow banana costume. 

Techno seemed to sense my uneasiness as I got a few concerned glances from him, but I just looked away, not making eye contact with him. 

Finally, one hours after we left, my bag was full. I could go back. Most of the houses were stopping their trick or treating for the night, but Tommy and Tubbo wanted to continue, so Dream handed me a map with the way home clearly highlighted and sent me on my way. 

They didn't actually trust me as much as you think though, as they had actually planned all of this out in a way to prevent me from getting really lost and sick again. They figured out where we were, figured how long it would take to walk back to Dream's house at a really slow pace (15 minutes. We weren't that far) and then they text Phil, telling him to tell them when I got back, and if I didn't get back within that 15 minutes, they would send someone to find me. 

The map was quite clear, so it was helpful, though they also had a shortcut highlighted, so I was definitely going that way.  

As I continued my walk, it soon got darker and darker until the neighbourhood I was walking in was only lit up by the street lights. All I had to do now was just walk through the creepy dark pathway between houses, and then I'd be back in Dream's neighbourhood. 

The feeling of being watched had just gotten worse, but there was nobody there. Or at least, I hoped there was nobody there. 

I entered the dark pathway, looking behind me every few seconds. There was a movement in the shadows, but at a second glance, nothing seemed to be there. I pushed down my anxiety and continued walking. 

Sadly, my suspicions about someone following me appeared to be correct. I was pushed the ground, but then pulled back up by my wrists, onto my feet. 

Two men stood in front of me, and the person behind me had a very tight grip on my wrist. No matter how much I struggled, they weren't letting go. 

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