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Woo another chapter 

And now to answer the question you probably have (Enby why the fuck are you taking so much time to update now?), it's because I went on twitter and there's a lot of drama and prompts on there so i got distracted, plus I've been focusing on trying to update my oneshot book lots so people will be able to see my writing style and decide whether or not to wait for the next update

also very random, but i want to know your favourite twin, eclipse or solar (not for anything bad (like murdering them or something), I just wanna know)

TW - mention of overbinding, and quite a bit of talk about sh

December went by just as fast as November, with me joining streams, overbinding, trying my hardest to let the latest cuts heal and having Tommy try and force me and Tubbo on a date. 

One early morning, I was awoken by Tubbo laying on my chest, booping my nose repeatedly and whispering a small "wake up boo" with every boop.  

First thing I did was turn on my side, knocking Tubbo off my chest and then rolling around to face away from him, trying to go back to sleep, only for him to sit up, lean on me and continue his attempt to wake me up.

"What do you want?" I mumble out and he props his head on my shoulder.

"I'm an adult boss man" I could feel Tubbo's face turn into a smile, and I bend my arm, patting Tubbo on the head. 

"Good job. Now let me sleep" I throw my arm out and push him off of me, and he grumbles before rolling off my bed, landing with a thump on the ground, and then leaving the room.. I sighed happily, hoping that he would now leave me alone. But of course, a minute later, Tubbo returned with a watergun, and I only realised this when a strong and cold blast of water hit me, soaking me. 

I pulled the blanket over my face when he did this and fake cried under it as he continued to assault me. this didn't make him stop. He just continued to spray me with the watergun until I stood up, blanket protecting me, and wrapped my arms around him in a hug like way, holding his arms down and forcing him to stop. 

"Sooo you awake now?" Tubbo asked, and I nodded, leaning my covered head into his chest. 

He pushed me off him and I pointed towards my door, signalling for him to leave as I went to my closet, pulling out a new pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I honestly didn't care if I looked good today, even if I probably was going to be forced to appear on a stream. 

Tubbo left the room so I could change, and when he finally left, I pulled off my hoodie, revealing my itchy arms. The majority of the cuts had healed, but not because I was making a good decision and stopped cutting. I had just moved to my legs, the inside of my calves, as if the cuts on my arms healed, I could start wearing shirts with shorter sleeves, and maybe Tubbo would seem less suspicious about me wearing hoodies 24/7. But my arms itched and itched as the cuts healed. I wanted to scratch at the healing cuts, but I knew it would just bleed and maybe leave more noticeable scars. So I ignored the itching and changed my shirt quickly, pulling my binder on quickly and adding the clean shirt and hoodie over it. When I changed my pants, I made sure to re-bandage the bleeding cuts so they wouldn't stain my pants and made a mental note to buy more bandages. After all the clean clothes were on, I threw the dirty ones towards the laundry bin and poofed my hair, pulling my somewhat dirty glasses and a boring grey face mask on and then there, I was ready for the day. And I proved my ready-ness by stepping outside and nearly falling on Tubbo, who was standing right outside my door. 

"Hey Boss Man" Tubbo said, laughing and stopping me from falling. 

"Why are you standing right outside my door?" I ask him and he shrugs before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his and Tommy's room, pushing me into Tommy's chair and starting up the stream, ignoring the still-half asleep Tommy on his bed, where he was sitting in actual clothes, covered in blankets and playing on his phone. 

No clue why Tubbo wanted to do this so early, but the chat was excited for this morning. Excited birthday messages filled the chat, and Tubbo danced to the music of his starting screen as he waited for people to get here. 

After around 5 minutes of music later, Tubbo pressed a button on his keyboard, and the screen filled with the camera view, which was my and Tubbo's faces plus a bit of Tommy in the background (just his foot because he had laid back down on the bed and the rest of him was covered in blankets). 

The stream was a just chatting stream with media share on, so halfway through Tubbo talking about how much he wanted donuts (he was trying to hint at an awake Phil that he wanted donuts), of course someone had put in a rickroll. And then a minute later there was a 40 minutes cocomelon video (which included a happy birthday song). Both me and Tubbo were surprised by how long the video was that we let it play. Getting rid of it would probably be rude to the person who decided to pay for it. 

With every minute that passed, I grew slightly less terrified that something bad would happen, but the fear was definitely there. Would something bad happen to Tubbo? To me? Or maybe someone else in the house? Of course, because of this fear, I was very jumpy and nearly punched Tommy in the face when he stood up from the bed and came up behind me to lean on my chair. 

When Phil brought up donuts, I decided to take a small break from the stream, trying to ignore the serious déjà vu that I was getting. 

When I exited the room, Phil surprised me by pulling me into a tight hug, which I melted into, my worries forced away by the hug. 

"Hey, if you need anything at all, remember that you can always come to me mate" With one final squeeze, he let me go, and I smiled at him from under my mask, fixing the glasses that he had accidentally tilted. 

With a reassuring smile and a slight squeeze of the hand he had left on my shoulder, he went over to his room, probably to annoy Techno who had just woken up and decided that the first thing he was going to do was stream and try and take viewers from Tubbo. 

I swayed slightly when the kind hand left my shoulder, staring into the space where Phil had been standing. The worries had been forced away, and it somewhat left me numb. 

And then everything came rushing back, and with one quick deep breath, I put on a smile and walked back into the room, pushing Tommy off the chair that he had stolen from me when I left. 

I could do this. I WILL do this. I have to do this, for Tubbo, Tommy, chat and myself.

"So what did I miss?"

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