Technoblade never dies!

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(Technoblade's design is going to be mostly based off of the anime fanarts of him)

Two months can go by really fast if you're trying to avoid doing something. Two months can especially go by fast if you don't want to go to a meet up where people might learn that you aren't actually a boy.

But now, I sit here, two suitcases by my feet, a backpack on my back and a pair of twins by my side as I wait for the pig youtuber to come grab me and bring me to the airport. It became the plan a while back to have me and Technoblade on the same plane, but he had something to do, so we would be the last to get there.

I check my phone again, the screen still empty of messages from Techno. The phone turns off, the black screen turning into a mirror. I don't look away, instead staring at my face in the screen.

I had done a face reveal a few days ago, as Dream had some irl videos planned, and I didn't feel like walking around in a mask and glasses. When I had revealed my face, a lot of the chat was talking about how brave I had gotten, but some people where just talking about how feminine my face looked. Which I didn't notice until Tommy said something about how I looked like a girl, which almost made me cry. And I did cry after a donation brought up the same thing, in a much meaner way. Which ended up having a lot of people concerned why I had suddenly stopped the stream. My excuse was that I had caught glimpse of my face and tried to turn off my camera, but pressed the wrong button, but I ended up turning off twitter for the next six hours as Eclipse and Solar came to my house to help me (Eclipse ended up stealing all my dresses from my closet as they were too lazy to buy their own)

I finally register the hand waving in front of my eyes, and I look up to see Solar looking down at me, worry in their eyes. I smile up at them, before getting and walking towards where Eclipse was twirling around in the dress I had given them.

"I see you like the dress" I watch as they stop and look towards me. They've changed slightly during the two months. The roots of their hair were blond, as it hadn't been dyed in a while, and they had gotten in fight a while back, leaving them with a black eye that was slowly fading away.

They smiled at me and dramatically flicked their hair over their shoulder "When I look this wonderful, how wouldn't I like it" They posed dramatically.

Finally my phone buzzed and I glanced at it to see a photo sent from Technoblade. It was a photo of me, Solar and Eclipse taken from somewhere behind us. The text that came with it was a simple 'This you?'

I quickly turn around to see a man leaning on a car across the street. The man had pink hair, pulled into a low ponytail. He wore a pair of jeans, sneakers and what looked like a Philza merch hoodie. He saw me looking at him, and he waved at us, before gesturing his hand in a way that clearly meant 'get your ass over here'.

I turned back to my friends. They stared at me for a minute before tackling me in a hug. When they let me go, Eclipse hurried to grab my suitcases, Solar and me following closely behind. I grabbed my backpack and the suitcase with all my computer stuff in it (as I didn't trust Eclipse) while Eclipse grabbed the other. We always tried our best to stop Solar from carrying anything so that they had both of their hands ready to talk.

We dragged my stuff over to Techno's car. As we approached, Techno smiled and opened his trunk so I could put my stuff in. In the truck, two suitcases with giant pig stickers were tucked away, leaving enough room for my suitcases.

Eclipse decided to put the suitcases in the trunk (mostly so they could talk to Technoblade), while Solar looked me straight in the eyes and quickly signed a goodbye message to me, which was really just him saying If any of them hurt you in any way I will buy a plane ticket over there just to punch them in the face. He shortened the sentence down a bit to If you get hurt I fly plane to punch but since I have been hanging out with this overprotective idiot for while, I got what he meant. I nod, and he hugs me before standing back so Eclipse can attack me with a hug.

"You know, for somebody who is labelled the 'bad kid' at school, you sure are acting a bit soft" I mumble to them.

"I finally got to wear a dress and I met my idol today. This is an amazing day for me" They whispered into my ear, before letting me go.

"Are you ready to go?" Techno's deep voice asked. I turned towards him and nodded.

We walked around to the front of the car, him getting in the driver's seat and me sitting in the passenger. His car had a simple black interior, though there was a techno plushie that was sitting on the dashboard.

As we drove away, I waved at my friends as they watched us, but then I turned towards Techno.

"I like your hair?" I said, not sure how to start a conversation with him. And I wasn't lying when I said I liked his hair. It was a nice soft pink, probably re-dyed not that long ago, as no roots of different colour could be seen. On top of that, it was fluffy and well-taken care of.

He looked at me, and I could finally see his eyes, which were best described as a green brown, with a brighter green colour around the pupil. He smiled at me and responded "Short hair must be nice"

"It really is" I smile and tug slightly at the tips of my hair, getting it to cover my eyes.

"Your friends seemed nice" He said, turning his gaze back to the road.

"Yeah they seem nice but they both have Tommyinit energy" I say. It was a weird way to explain it, but it was also the best way.

He nodded, and then we continued our drive in silence for a few minutes before he asked "Is Ranboo your actual name or....?"

"Would you be surprised if I said yes?"

"Seriously?" He turned to look at me, surprise in his eyes. He had probably asked that question as a joke, not expecting it to be actual.

"Yeah, I've been told it's a weird name"

"No it's fine,  I actually go by Technoblade more then I go by Dave."

"Seriously Techno, my name isn't even that weird compared to yours" He rolled his eyes at me before focusing on not crashing into the car in front of us.

We drove in silence after that, which was quite nice.

Finally we pulled up the airport and found a parking spot.

"Never thought about asking this until now but what's going to happen with your car?" He turns to look at me confused and I continued my question with a bit of explanation on why I was asking "I mean, I doubt they'd let you leave it here for 4 months"

"My parents will be coming to pick it up tomorrow" He said before getting out of the car to grab his suitcases. I followed him, swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

-|||-Time skip to when they get through security because I have no clue how to write this part-|||-

It took a while to get through security, but finally we made it through. We had half an hour until our flight, so we found seats next to our flight gate.

Techno sat down and pulled out his laptop, doing what appeared to be editing a video. I grabbed my phone, taking a photo of the planes outside, before posting it to twitter with the caption 'planes'. Nothing more. Dream had told us to post hints that would have the viewers excited, but not to give anything away. 

I heard a camera go off behind and I turn to see Techno taking a picture of me posting the picture. He then captions it 'Ranboo' before tagging me and posting it on twitter. He smirks at me before going back to his video.

5 minutes until our flight was when anxiety hit. Techno must've noticed me shaking slightly, as he asked me "What's wrong?"

"What happens if something go wrong on the plane? What happens if we crash? What happens if the pilot just suddenly faints? What if-"

Before I can continue my nervous ramble, Techno interrupts me "Nothing is going to happen. And if something does, you don't need to worry"

"Why don't I need to worry?"

"Because Technoblade never dies, and I'll make sure that neither does Ranboo"

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