• Cum Coated Killer •

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"Fuck yeah. C'mon baby boy, give it to me good."

Yoongi eases out in a low raspy breath as he bounces himself wildly on Namjoon's cock, making the poor man grunt and groan in pain.

"Shit- Yoongi slow down!" Namjoon pleads, feeling like his pelvis will break from how hard Yoongi's ass is slamming on it.

"Pussy." Yoongi sneers, not stopping his relentless bouncing. He's far gone into his neediness, with the demons in his head pushing him around in a haze of lust. "I haven't even cum yet and you're already about to tap out."

Namjoon grimaces at the mint-haired male above him, feeling scared and disturbed. "Baby please just slow down." He begs, but the sharp look of defiance shadows Yoongi's feline eyes, and Namjoon knew what that means Yoongi was not going to listen to him again. 

Especially since Yoongi had just come back from another kill.

It's shameful to admit, but Yoongi is a serial killer. Long story short, Yoongi had a bad upbringing when he was young, being a foster child tossed through different homes, having gone through so much abuse and sexual assaults, which resulted in his behavior becoming hostile and aggressive.

Namjoon was once like him too, except for the serial killer. Namjoon was rebellious and didn't give a flying fuck about anyone but himself. He and Yoongi were a perfect match for each other, both getting into trouble and being menaces to society. 

It was until Namjoon got himself a job and started university, that he decided to change for the better. He no longer held an interest in being an asshole and genuinely wanted to change. 

But Yoongi stood the same, gradually getting worse as time went by, with his inner demons stirring the chaos inside him until one night he snapped and killed a random woman in an alley.

The adrenaline rush he got after that first kill turned into an addiction he couldn't let go of.

Ever since then, Yoongi has gone rampant across the city, making it his playground of killing, becoming Seoul's most feared serial killer. 

And whenever Yoongi kills, it makes him horny, which results in him using Namjoon to release his sexual urges.

"You got one minute to make me fucking cum, baby boy."

With a desperate whine, Namjoon grips onto Yoongi's hips and thrusts upwards into him, reaching in as deeply as he can to make his boyfriend cum. But his body is at its limit, and he could only give a few good thrusts before cuming again inside Yoongi, then relaxing into the mattress with a defeated groan.

Yoongi stops his bouncing to stare at Namjoon with an unreadable expression. The younger male beneath him gulps in worry. Yoongi's mind is a mystery to Namjoon, he can't tell what the older is thinking and that's terrifying.

Yoongi grips at Namjoon's chin, the force being so tight that Namjoon fears Yoongi will break his jaw.

"B-baby please be gentle." Namjoon pleads, his voice coming off fragile, and weak, much like how Namjoon always is when it comes to Yoongi. It's funny, seeing as Namjoon is larger and can easily dominate Yoongi if he wanted to, but Yoongi's presence comes off way bigger than Namjoon's, always pinning the taller down into submission. 

Yoongi scoffs, then leans himself forward and kisses Namjoon, harshly scraping his teeth along Namjoon's lips, making the younger whimper and whine into the kiss, just how Yoongi likes it. 

"Pathetic." Yoongi hisses against Namjoon's lips, his grip on Namjoon's chin getting tighter, hurting Namjoon.

Namjoon's eyes water, his chest clenching at the degrading words spoken to him. This wasn't the first time Yoongi belittled him, and any normal person would see that this relationship was nothing but toxic.

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