• Yandere •

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"Junglecock and myself will be departing for the night, for that we must rise in the early morning of dawn to venture to the asylum we call, college." Taehyung announces as he crumbles up his cookie wrapper and tosses it in the thrash bin next to the front desk.

The group had settled down after finding Yoonji, the bad bitch queen herself currently sitting on her throne, aka, Hoseok's lap.

They ate some snacks that Sanggu had saved since there wasn't must left to do after they finished cleaning the kennels and the cages.

"Are you always this much of a crackhead?" Sanggu asks while giving the taekook duo a weird look.

"Yup." Taehyung proudly admits.

"Except when we are in bed." Jungkook adds, physically making the old man cringe.

"Remind me again why I'm friends with the both of you." Jimin mutters out while rubbing small circles on his temples.

"Because we give good blow jobs." Taehyung answers, to which Hoseok gawks at the three in shock.

"Dumb ass! That was only one time and the three of us were drunk!" Jimin scolds and slaps Taehyung's arm.

"It was a good time. You made us both your bitch." Jungkook adds on, further making Hoseok's eyes widen, his virgin mind wanting to know the dirty details of the threesome.

"Okay, I've had enough for one night." Sanggu gets up from his chair, slowly shaking his head and trying to get that conversation out his mind. "Hoseok, do you want me or Jimin to take you home tonight?" he asks, looking over to the vet student.

"Actually, I can't take Hoseok hyung home tonight, I have something urgent to do." Jimin says, looking down to a text message on his phone.

Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other, both wiggling their eyebrows. "Thottus Park has a date with a super tuna." Jungkook tells them.

"Super Tuna?" Hoseok asks, clearly confused.

"Yeah, my brother's- OW!" Taehyung whines while rubbing his leg where Jimin had punched him.

"I'm going to super glue your mouths shut." Jimin threatens.

"Meow." Yoonji smiles at the group, low key loving how hot Jimin looks when he's mad.

A chime rings on Jimin's phone, and he looks down at it again, smiling widely at the text sent by Mr. Super Tuna himself, Jin. "I'm heading out. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school."

Jimin fists bumps Hoseok and Sanggu, then leans down and pets Yoonji on the head. "Goodnight Yoonji! Now be a good girl and don't run away again." he says, giving her a crescent eye smile.

"Meow." Goodnight.

"Meow." I'm going to miss staring at your nice ass.

"Okay, back into your cage, you little tramp." Sanggu picks up Yoonji and carries her back to her cage.

Yoonji glares at Sanggu. "Meow." Fuck you fat bitch.

She then looks over to Hoseok, who was getting his belongings. "Meow." Goodnight daddy.

"Goodnight Yoonji, Goodnight my little angles." Hoseok says to the rest of the animals, making them all react positively to his charms.

"Meow." Everyone shut the fuck up! He's mine.

The other animals ignore the bad bitch. She huffs and goes into loaf mode, silently glaring out the window, where she sees Yoongi hiding in the shadow of the trees, staring at the group. But she notices he wasn't staring at Hoseok, instead he was looking at Jimin, and she picks up the hostility in his eyes.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now