• Falling Apart •

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The bustling sounds of street vendors frying and streaming their nightly meals drifted among the group as they walked into the busy streets of Hongdae.

"Come forth cum sluts! We must endure the seductive smells of fried fat and sodium if we are to reach our destination." Taehyung says as he leads the group through the crowd.

"Taeconda, the savory scents of those lamb skewers are pulling me in. I don't think I can resist!" Jungkook licks his bottom lip, his doe eyes expressed with hunger as he stares at an old woman selling the skewers.

"Thy must resist such temptations! We are almost to our destination!" Taehyung shields Jungkook's eyes and looks toward the group. "Super Tuna, I shall require your assistance in leading Junglecock to our destination."

"How about I lead you both to your early graves." Jin mutters, utterly done with the taekook duo's antics.

"Guys, stop fucking around and keep moving." Jimin huffs out as he takes the lead and guides the group towards a food stand with chairs around it.

Further in the back are Hoseok and Yoongi, both silent.

Hoseok hasn't said a word to Yoongi since they left the house, still bothered by Yoongi's sexual assault earlier in the bathroom.

Yoongi didn't seem phased by what he did, which angered Hoseok even more. He wanted to say something to Yoongi, but fear kept him quiet.

Next to Hoseok is Yoonji, quietly keeping an eye on Yoongi. She noticed something about him seemed off.

His eyes held a dazed look to them as if he was in a trance. Every once in a while she'd hear him mumble to himself, almost as if he was having a conversation with someone.

He's losing himself she thinks to herself as she pushes closer to Hoseok, making sure he knows he's well protected.

Hoseok smiles down at her, seeing this as her being affectionate. Her presence makes him feel calm, but it does nothing to subside the anger and fear bubbling inside him.

There is also regret.

Hoseok regrets bringing Yoongi into his home.

He's putting himself and his family at risk.

Yoongi is not going to change, he knows that Yoongi will eventually kill him if given the chance or provoked again.

"Hey, Namjoon is here."

Hoseok perks his attention over to Jimin holding a dreamy gaze as he looks over to a tall man waiting for them by one of the food stalls.

"The temptress has invited his tall suitor." Taehyung comments to Jungkook.

"Taehyung, behave." Jin warns as he passes by his brother and goes with Jimin to greet Namjoon.

Hoseok watches with mild shock as both kiss Namjoon on the cheek. He becomes even more surprised when he realizes he's met Namjoon before at School.

"Guys, this is Kim Namjoon." Jin introduces the group. "Namjoon, this is my brother Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook."

Taehyung goes to open his mouth, but Jimin shuts him up with a bombastic side-eye.

Jungkook was too much in awe of Namjoon's physique to even utter a word.

"Wow...thighs..." he mumbles while staring down at Namjoon's jeans which complimented his thighs.

"This is Jung Hoseok, A friend of Taehyung and Jungkook. He works with Jimin at the sanctuary." Says Jin as he looks over to Hoseok.

Namjoon looks over at him with a small smile. "What a small world." He says, making his smile broaden just a little.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd run into you again." Hoseok says with a shy smile.

"You guys met before?" Jimin asks as he looks at the two.

"Yeah." Hoseok huffs out with a giggle. "Kinda bumped into him at school."

"Hey, where did your friend go?" Jin asks as he looks past Hoseok with a frown.

Hoseok stomach drops as he turns around to find Yoongi gone.

"Friend?" Hoseok hears Namjoon ask.

"His name is Yoongi. Hoseok's boyfriend." Jimin replies.

Hoseok stares at the surrounding, finding no signs of Yoongi anywhere. "He was just here." He mumbles to himself.

"Where did Yoonji go?" Taehyung asks.

Hoseok looks down at his feet to find the cat gone as well. Where the fuck did they both go?

"Maybe he got left behind. We should wait for him" Jungkook insists, being worried for Yoongi.

"Perhaps he didn't feel well and went home." Jimin tells them. "Let's hurry up and go sit down, I'm sure we are all starv-"

A horrid scream suddenly echoes across the streets, stopping everyone in their tracks.

Hoseok is rooted to the spot, his throat tightly knotted as he sees people looking all over for the source of the scream.

Please, God, please don't tell me Yoongi did something

"Someone has been stabbed!" They hear a man say.

Panic rises within the group.

Hoseok hears them talking among themselves, but nothing registers for that his only thought process was to find Yoongi.

He bolts into the crowd, shoving past the confused and worried onlookers. From behind, he can hear the rest of the group calling out to him, telling him to stop.

I can't stop. Not when there is a killer on the loose.

Hoseok pushes past a crowd that was hovering near an alley. Immediately, he stops in his tracks, his feet rooting to the group as he stares at the horrid sight before him.

"Holy shit." He hears someone say next to him. It sounds like Jimin, who had caught up to him first.

But Hoseok was way too focused on the grizzly scene before him.

Of a man laying in a pool of blood with a pair of red chopsticks embedded into his jugular.

While Hoseok stares in shock, Jimin observes the crime scene, already looking for clues. He has a hunch it was Yoongi, and his suspicions only arise even more when he sees footprints, as well as small paw prints leaving the crime scene.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now