• Suspect •

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"I swear to god, if you both don't shut the fuck up, I will rip your tongues out and shove them up your asses." Jimin sneers at the Taekook duo sitting in the backseat of Jin's truck.

After Hoseok had left with Sanggu, Jin arrived ten minutes later to pick them up. Jimin had told him of what happened, and as soon as Jin arrived, he got out the car and showered Jimin with kisses while comforting him on the ordeal.

The taekook duo howled and barked at them.

Jin threatened to make them walk home.

"Ya know, thats a very kinky thing to say, Thottus Park." Taehyung replies with a playful wink.

"Yeah, plus I've already had my tongue inside Taehyung's ass." Jungkook blatantly comments, as if talking about eating ass was normal. "It was juicy."

A vein pulses on the side of Jimin's neck, his patience wearing out.

"Baby, relax." Jin urges, placing one hand on Jimin's thigh while using the other to steer the car. "You of all people know how crack headed Jungkook and Taehyung are." Jin says, sporting a soft grin.

Jimin eases out a loud huff and crosses his arms, ignoring the duo in the backseat talking about ass eating. "I know." He mutters. As much as Jungkook and Taehyung drive him crazy, they are his best friends and he wouldn't trade them for anyone.

"Hyung, Jimin's house is the opposite way." Jungkook points out when he realizes they are driving down the street to Jin and Taehyung's home.

"I know." Jin says, looking at Jungkook through the rear view visor. "I'm dropping both your dumb asses off first, then taking him home."

"Aww no fair!!" Taehyung complains, wanting to spend more time with Jimin.

"Plus mom and dad aren't home." Jin adds, to which the taekook duo both give each other suggestive stares, both hands gliding along each others thighs.

Its been a while since they had some time for themselves.

Seeing the smug looks on their faces, Jimin smiles to Jin, silently thankful.

As soon as they arrive at Jin and Taehyung's home, the taekook duo nearly sprint out the car, barely uttering goodnight to Jimin before barreling into the house and running straight to Taehyung's room.

Back at the car, Jin and Jimin couldn't stop laughing at the desperate run from the duo.

Aftet that Jin drives them back to Jimin's apartment, where he parks the car out front and finally turns to Jimin with a frown on his face.

"Jimin." Jin takes a hold of Jimin's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze while his eyes held a softness to them. "You don't have to hold back."

Thats all it takes for Jimin's lower lip to start wobbling, his chest feeling tight as his throat contracts, with a whimper pushing through before he ends up sobbing on the spot.

"I was so scared hyung." He breathes out while furiously wiping the cascade of tears dripping down his cheeks.

"Come here baby." Jin unbuckles his seatbelt and pats his lap.

Jimin takes off his seatbelt and climbs onto Jin's lap, curling himself into a little ball and sobbing into Jin's shoulder.

The whole incident left Jimin shaken up and confused. His car was in perfect working condition, even had the brakes changed too just to keep up with the usual maintenance.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now