• After Party •

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Hoseok has no idea where they are as he and Yoongi both run far enough from the area, losing sight of the cops.

He is terrified, not knowing what happened to his friends and if they are alright. But also because he's covered in what he presumes is human blood and is being led down a random street by the creep who saved him and humped his leg.

What a fucking night.

"Where are you taking me?" Hoseok asks, managing to find his voice after they slow down, with Yoongi still holding his hand and leading him down the street.

"We need to go somewhere to wash the blood off." Yoongi tells him, keeping his eyes forward. "I'm taking you back to my place."

The red flags pop up in Hoseok's mind, and his rationality kicks in, forcing him to stop and pull his hand from Yoongi's, taking a large step back for distance.

"Hell fucking no! I'm not going anywhere with a random stranger, especially you." He says with a low tone, trying to come off tough, but Yoongi sees right through it.

"Then where do you suppose we can go to wash off the blood without raising suspicion?" Yoongi asks as he slowly turns around to look at Hoseok with a blank stare. The blood drizzling down Yoongi's face makes it that much creepier.

Obviously Hoseok was not going back to his house covered in blood. His family will go hysterical, plus he's not going to bring Yoongi to his home either.

....Even though the psycho already has been there, and plans on visiting again soon....

There is only one place Hoseok can go, and that's to the animal sanctuary. There is a spare bedroom with a shower Sanggu had built for when he sleeps at the sanctuary.

Also, Sanggu should be there watching the animals. He knows the old man is going to freak out upon seeing him covered in blood, but he trusts Sanggu and knows he won't open his mouth and tell his parents.

"We can go to my job at the animal sanctuary. There is a spare shower we can use to wash up." Hoseok says as he looks around his soundings until he sees a sign that points to the direction of the park.

Yoongi grumbles under his breath, knowing the animals will freak out again and alert the owner of the place. "I insist we go to my place. No one will be there to question us." Of course not. He knows the fat fuck must have arrested Namjoon and both are at the police station, which gives Yoongi an open window to take Hoseok back home.

That and he wants to get back at Namjoon for lying. He's still simmering about it too, with his demons plotting their punishment for his baby boy.

Hoseok looks back at Yoongi with disgust. "I'm not going to your home, especially since I'm pretty damn sure you're the Seoul serial killer."

Yoongi smiles proudly to that. "If I was the killer, you'd already be dead by now."

"True, you could have killed me that night, fuck you can kill me right now and no one would know." He shudders at his own words, hoping he didn't jinx himself. "But you won't because the night you saved me from those thugs, you developed some sick interest in me. It makes sense seeing as you stalked me at my own job, and now at that party."

Yoongi sighs, remembering the conversation Hoseok had with his friend who was too smart for his own good. "Welp, no use in denying that. I am interested in you." His eyes scan over Hoseok's blood covered clothes, slowly feeling himself get turned on. "Very...very interested." he adds, slowly licking his lips.

"So its true then, you are the serial killer." Hoseok utters, feeling his chest throb with an unfolding fear.

Yoongi nods with a shrug, not bothering to hide it. "Yup." He says with a gummy smile.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now