• First Phase of Insanity •

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"Meow." You can thank me later for saving your ass.

"Fuck you." Yoongi grumbles with irritability as he slowly adjusts himself to sit down on the grass.

The kitty gang duo had managed to escape Namjoon's wrath, with Yoonji leading them far enough that she knows Namjoon wont follow.

Not that he would bother to anyways since he gave Yoongi a good ass whooping, which practically left Yoongi broken all over.

"Meow." You fucked Hoseok in your ex boyfriend's house?

"Meow." Bitch, are you dumb?

"I don't need your judgements." Yoongi grumbles under a singe of pain running along his ribs. Pretty sure Namjoon cracked one or two. "I took him there because it was convenient."

Yoonji stares at him, unconvinced.

"Meow." You two have a deep rooted history.

"Meow." You took Hoseok to that man's house to make him jealous.

Yoongi chuckles to himself. That was technically the point, but it didn't even work anyways, and he's pretty sure Namjoon just flat out hates him now, which was to be expected.

"Meow." You're a fucking mess.

"I'm glad you noticed." 

"Meow." I'm serious. You're a mess right now and out of control.

"I heard you the first-" Yoongi eyes widen, his hands then begin to violently shake, as well as his body as he leans to the side and vomits all over the grass.

Yoonji silently watches him as he falls into a fit of dry heaves and spasms. She's seen this plenty of times before with her old owner.

"Meow." You're going through withdrawals.

Indeed, Yoongi was suffering from withdrawals, with his body protesting and the demons in his head rioting for Yoongi to kill again.

"Meow." When was the last time you killed someone?

"A while ago." Yoongi says under a heavy breath, feeling the haze of his psychotic urges slowy creep over him.

The frat party was his last kill, since then the cops have been stepping up their tactics, hindering Yoongi from killing.

At first it wasn't a big deal, he even promised Hoseok he's go a week without killing, but his body and his mind were not in agreement with that.

"Meow." You told me you were in control.

"Meow." If that was true, you wouldn't be sitting here vomiting like a drug addict.

"Shut the fuck up." Yoongi heaves, his mind falling into a fire pit of frazzled thoughts of blood and death.

Yoonji watches as Yoongi's body shakes, especially his hands, which have gone pale and veiny.

"Meow." This is how it starts.

"How what starts?" Yoongi mutters, now reaching for his backpack, wanting to hold onto his knife for relief.

"Meow." The phases of insanity.

Yoongi laughs at her. "I'm already insane."

Yoonji shakes her head, disagreeing.

"Meow." You are crazy, but you haven't met insanity yet.

"Meow." You are slowly becoming its slave, lettings its withdrawals sink deep within you.

"I'm a slave to no one." Yoongi sneers, grabbing the hilt of his knife tightly, feeling himself fall into his comfort zone as he takes out the weapon from his backpack. "I'm in control."

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now