• Corpse Party pt. 1 •

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"Namjoon, I heard there is going to be a frat party tonight at your university. Are you going?" Yoongi asks as he watches Namjoon put on his jacket, then grabs his keys.

"No hyung. I have to work tonight." Namjoon says as he grabs his wallet and pats himself, making sure he has everything. "Why are you so interested?" he asks, raising a brow at Yoongi.

Yoongi shrugs. Obviously he's not going to tell Namjoon the real reason behind him wanting to go. But he does actually want to go out and just unwind for a bit, plus the police are doubling their patrols, so tonight won't be an easy night to kill.

"You and I haven't gone out together in a long time, not since you started working the night shifts at your job." Yoongi tells him, pushing his lips out into a small pout. "I miss hanging out with you."

Namjoon rolls his eyes, smiling just a little. "No Yoongi, you only miss it because we used to vandalize properties and harass people."

"But it was fun."

"For you." Namjoon says, his tone sounding sad. "But not for me. I did it because it made you happy, but that's not who I am anymore."

Yoongi glares at Namjoon, feeling his heart clench just a little at that constant reminder that Namjoon wasn't the same anymore. Wasn't that same bad boy he met when they were teenagers. "Fucking pussy." Yoongi sneers.

Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling the little patience he has left for Yoongi. "I'm not going to argue you with again." he says, turning away to leave, but a hand on his shoulder turns him around, followed by a slap to the face which stuns him on the spot.

"You weak bitch." Yoongi sneers at him, holding Namjoon down in a molten gaze of anger and hatred. "You little fucking pussy." he slaps Namjoon again, pushing Namjoon's patience to the tethering edge, where if it were to fall, Namjoon will definitely snap.

"Yoongi." Namjoon says in a eerily calm tone. "Stop it." he demands, his voice deepening a full octave.

Yoongi chuckles in Namjoon's face, knowing he's pissing Namjoon off. "What? Is my little cunt getting mad? Wanna break my pretty little face?" He shoves Namjoon again, laughing like a mad man. "C'mon Namjoon, hit me back. Show me you aren't such a weak, limp dick, little puss-"

A sharp pain on Yoongi's stomach cuts his words short, followed by a gasp as he clutches his stomach and steps back, momentarily breathless from Namjoon's punch. Damn, I forgot how strong he is.

"I don't want to hurt you Yoongi. I don't want to inject anymore pain into your body, because you already have enough of it, and eventually it will kill you."

Yoongi laughs at that. "I said I wanted you to kill me." he mutters, looking up at Namjoon through the curtain of his black hair. "You will be my grim reaper." he adds with a cackle.

Again, for a fraction of a second, Namjoon sees the vulnerability in Yoongi's eyes, hears it too in his voice. But it only lasts for a moment before he closes himself off again. He's crying out for help, but he doesn't know how to voice it.

"The grim reaper doesn't kill, they only takes souls." Namjoon says, giving Yoongi a once over glance before opening his bedroom door. "But I doubt you even have a soul left in you."

Yoongi chuckles at those words. "True. I sold mine's to the devil, in exchange for the demons in my head." he says, knocking at the side of his skull.

Namjoon sighs, pitting the shell of a human before him. "Those aren't demons in your head, Yoongi. Those are your hatred and self-loathing pulling your strings, making you dance to their cryptic tune of corruption."

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