• Family Hour •

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The police sirens in the distance send a eerie chill down Jimin's spine as he tucks his back pack close and picks up his pace, making speed walking his way to the front door's of the beautiful two floor home with an expensive Jeep parked out front. Next to that Jeep was another expensive car, a Hyundai. 

Jimin knocks at the door, then rings it's bell. He taps his foot and looks around while nervously running his hand through his orange hair,  feeling uncomfortable waiting in the dark. With that serial killer running around, the police have recommended that everyone avoids staying out too late. 

Of course no one ever listens to the police. 

There is a shuffle behind the door, then a click. It opens, revealing a tall brunette with wide doe eyes blankly staring at Jimin. 

Jimin blankly stares back at him, both males exchanging silent glances. 

The doe eyed boy smiles first, it's warm and inviting. 

"Taehyung, the leprechaun is here!" 

"CUNT!!" Jimin curses at Jungkook and chases him into the house, with Jungkook running away with a fit of giggles. 

Jimin catches up to him and jumps on the younger's back, using his foot to kick the front door closed before ordering Jungkook to take him to the living room. 

"Babe, Jimin-ssii is here!" Jungkook announces as he enters the living room with Jimin on his back. 

Taehyung is sitting on the couch, with his backpack on the ground and his books spread out on the table before him. Jungkook's stuff was there as well, leaving a small room for Jimin's books. 

"Jimin-ssii!" Taehyung happily calls out for his best friend. 

"Taehyung-ssii!" Jimin hops off Jungkook's back and goes to Taehyung a warm hug. 

Jungkook joins them for a group hug, the three engaging into fits of giggles. 

"Taehyung, is Jimin here?" Taehyung's mother calls out from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom, Jimin just got here." Taehyung replies as he sits down on the couch. "We're gonna start studying."

Taehyung mother comes out from the kitchen with a plate of snacks. She's a very gorgeous woman, with her chestnut hair tied up into a fancy bun and her makeup done in a way where it accentuates her best features.

Everyone in Taehyung's family is gorgeous.

Especially Taehyung's older brother.

"Hey hyung! Jimin hyung is here!" Jungkook looks says to someone coming  down the stairs.

Jimin diverts his attention to the stairs, where the most gorgeous human being he's ever laid eyes upon enters the living room with a million dollar smile on his face. 

Kim Seokjin, the epitome of perfection, and Jimin's crush.

Jimin has always been in love with Jin ever since he became friends with Taehyung in high school. He's attracted to buff, tall guys, and although Jin isn't buff, his broad shoulders make up for it.

There were even times were Jimin would shamefully fantasize of having his legs hooked over those broad shoulders while Jin pounded him into the mattress. 

"Hey Jimin." Jin greets the younger with a wink.

Jimin felt his toes curl, his rim nearly clenching.

"H-hi Seokjin hyung." Jimin mentally curses at his voice nearly cracking.

"Hi SeOKjIn hYUng." The taekook duo mimic Jimin, both cackling at the death glare Jimin tosses at them.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now