• Attempted Murder •

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"So we asked Sanggu if he prefers ass or pussy, and he answered us with a death threat." Taehyung blurted out loud during lunch.

Hoseok stops mid munch of his sandwich, staring wide eyed at Taehyung.

Jimin eases in a few breaths, muttering a mantra to himself, to the point where Hoseok swears he hears Jimin muttering about angry hot sex.

"Why the fuck would you ask him that?" Hoseok speaks after a staggering moment of silence.

"Because Taehyung and I were curious. Plus I've never seen him with anyone, guy or girl." Jungkook replies nonchalantly.

"That's because it's none of your business, you idiots." Jimin scolds them.

"Sanggu lives a very private life." Hoseok tells them. "I don't know much about him either, but I don't go asking him personal questions, especially if he likes ass or pussy."

"I think he likes pussy." Jungkook says out loud, earning side glances from other students walking past their table. "But he does give me ass vibes." He mutters in the last part, earning a nod of agreement by Taehyung and a death glare by Jimin.

Hoseok puts down the sandwich, his appetite already gone at the thought of going to work, knowing Sanggu will be pissed off at him for not showing up yesterday.

But what can he even say as an excuse? That he's letting a serial killer live with him?

Jimin barely believed the excuse he gave him that morning, so he knows Sanggu will see right through that lie.

"So hyung, who was that guy you ran off with yesterday?" Taehyung curiously asks.

"Yeah, Taehyung and I saw you running away with him. I think I might have seen Yoonji with you as well." Jungkook adds.

Hoseok opens his mouth to speak, but Jimin answers first.

"He told me it was just some guy he took to the hospital." Jimin says, looking right at Hoseok with a compressed smile

Hoseok nervously smiles back, feeling anxious and nervous. He knows Jimin is suspicious of him, and very observant too.

Too damn observant for his own good.

"And what about Yoonji?" Taehyung asks.

"She must have gotten out again and wandered to the campus. It's not that far from the sanctuary." Hoseok casually lies, although he really wasn't sure why Yoonji was with Yoongi.

Speaking of, he didn't see her when he woke up that morning, part of him wonders if Yoongi had thrown her out while he slept. If that's the case, he hopes she had returned to the sanctuary unharmed.

"Well, I hope that guy is feeling better. It's thanks to our fair maiden that he was able to get help." Jungkook dramatically points to Hoseok.

"Our fair maiden has such a good heart." Taehyung wipes away an imaginary tear from his eye.

"Yeah..." Hoseok mumbles, nervously rubbing the side of his neck. Such a good heart to be harboring a serial killer in my own home.

"So..." Taehyung dramatically clears his throat, veering his attention to Jimin. "Thottus Park, Junglecock told me you guys went to the police station with your class yesterday." Taehyung says, changing the subject, to which Hoseok was silently thankful for.

Jimin nods, shooting a quick glance over to Hoseok before looking back at Taehyung with a reply. "Yeah, we were learning the basics and such. Met a few police officers and had a tour of the station."

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now